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Everything posted by oh8sti

  1. also - yes we all know there will be a second wave of some kind as the reopen ramps up. No one opening up thinks cases won’t go up. The fact is we are not going to do this lock down until a vaccine is available. That’s absolutely insane.
  2. If you don’t understand what I’m saying, I can’t help. It’s time to move on and stop being pathetic baby’s about this whole thing. We know more about this virus now than we did 3 months ago. We now know it’s nowhere near as deadly or dangerous as we all thought and hoped it wouldn’t be. It wasn’t. It won’t be. People will get it. People will die from it. The same people that will die from pneumonia and the flu. Many will social distance and wear masks. I have no problem with that. We will get this bitch going again and it will be with no help from the left. That’s clear.
  3. it will continue to bounce back if you and the rest of your commie friends pull your finger off that nuclear button.
  4. I’d say we are succeeding (given the current pandemic) and will continue to succeed. It’s what we do as Americans.
  5. wow those wheels on that..... near perfect stance
  6. rustled your jimmies good
  7. this is kinda funny and also terrifying.
  8. I had one of my most liberal friends share that. Lives in NYC, has colored hair and enjoys pride fest more than you enjoy rubbing out to Don Lemon interviews. If you cant ask why, your doing something wrong.
  9. Worth the read IMO https://tomnikkola.com/prime/?fbclid=IwAR1cvVLA1ff3IU8N0yImu9gthi0czKmMOslmeCa827asOiIFRGzBMspSeLs
  10. I would almost bet there’s more doctors that support the drug than those that don’t. We just happen to live in a society that allows the loudest person the be heard in an attempt at drowning out the opposing views.
  11. It's actually amazing to watch the left attack this. What happened to listening to doctors? Guess that doesn't matter in some situations that don't fit your narrative?
  12. seems to be business as usual in Nashville. Most places dont give a fuck about the government rules. People need to eat. We aren't seeing a vaccine anytime soon. I think El Presidente (Barstool Dave) captures my feelings on the situation currently.
  13. ive never seen a video shared more and also be taken down more. Kinda makes you wonder no matter what your stance is. Censorship is real...
  14. I should have been more clear - I dont tune into the news more than maybe 1-2 times a week at the most. There isnt anything new. Opinions on what MSM is pushing wont change based off whats being pushed as the new crisis within this crisis. Thats where I find the fatigue. My personal feelings around this also have to do with me being an extrovert. I have began to loath zoom and conf calls. I have always preferred to conduct business in person. With that not being an option currently, its effected me enough to be somewhat worn out/frustrated the whole situation.
  15. anyone else having serious mental fatigue over this yet?
  16. remember those suicides I guessed we would start seeing. Well, we are seeing them now. Ive seen 3 different facebook friends just today post about losing a friend to suicide (all late in their 30's), that started a business and had to close and possibly lose their house etc because of this. It was too much to handle. This will start growing as this hits harder. Our culture isnt good at saving / planning for catastrophic financial events. Never has been. Never will be. Ive personally heard of as many people dealing with COVID and or have died from it, as those that have dealt with depression and or suicide.
  17. I thought this was all trumps fault?
  18. Seems like there's lotta fuckery going on with the covid numbers and how its coded when they someone comes into the hospital. Regardless of what the actual sickness/death is. Hospitals seem to get more federal dollars if they log as many patients and deaths from covid when many are really from other causes that get lumped in with covid in the yearly average. Seems like we are being had on multiple levels here. I hope they figure this out and people dont go full civil war on the nanny states.
  19. We need to ramp up testing, we need to allow herd immunity to happen, we need the world to wear a mask when out in public, we need to diligently work towards a vaccine etc. We need to open this motherfucker up. The above are both 100% valid and NOT mutually exclusive statements. The social distancing measures were never intended to stop the virus, just slow it down. We have done that. In most cases the demand on hospitals never reached an overflow beyond what the system could take. That’s all good news due to local, state and federal governments. Of course we will never hear the good news in the media because that doesn’t sell like panic.
  20. if I was getting a check, id buy the most beat dick cougar I could find and one-wheel squeal the shit out of it on my driveway.
  21. I can 100% promise you I won’t see a dime :lolguy:
  22. whats it like up there at the top?
  23. Not sure If that’s directed at me or someone else. I didn’t say that, so I don’t think it’s me?
  24. ill be fine. I plan for the catastrophic financial events. At 19yo I watched my dads 30+ year wealth management business grind to a halt overnight and learned to cushion my life. With that said, it sucks not growing my income / not having income ATM (or periods of no money), but I have always bet on myself. I could imagine feeling differently if I built a cooperate job for the last 10 years and all the sudden my business is going away (and may not come back). We have a country (and world) that struggles with depression / suicide at an exponential rate. Those numbers are only going to be amplified with this removing careers and income for the foreseeable future. I don't think its a leap to say thats a strong possibility.
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