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Everything posted by oh8sti

  1. How fucking dumb will the big 10 look when big 12, Acc and sec all play seasons. Will they retract their cancelation?
  2. Im honestly trying to figure out if this story is as rampant as it sounds or if its a scam. I have 2 good friends (I don't think they are lying to me) tell me the EXACT same story. They went to get tested. Line was long, they ended up leaving before they got to the testing stage. Several days later they get called and told they tested positive for COVID. Its really hard to believe this same thing is happening at such a rate that I'm reading it here, facebook and from trustworthy friends that had it directly happen to them.... I will say, with how this year has been, it wouldn't surprise me if it IS true. This is all getting stranger and stranger.
  3. Once MSM starts publishing data correctly I will start listening to their recommendations. https://medium.com/analyticaper/covid-19-what-the-data-tells-us-3a08e42ee36f
  4. oh8sti


    That has NOTHING to do with it. You can’t have one, with all the justifications YOU want to apply to it and not allow the other.
  5. oh8sti


    This is a stereotype that is not only silly, but short sighted. Admittedly, I’m not sure if you are serious though, so I guess I’ll just assume you are.
  6. oh8sti


    My news bubble; CNN MSNBC Fox USA Today WSJ Social Media Drudge Tell me how that’s a bubble? Kinda wide range of spin on each side of the table. No one on the left (relative to the reaction we have seen in the last 3-4 days) have raised the kind of concern over the protesting for the last month like they are screaming about now. It’s total bullshit and you fucking know it!
  7. oh8sti


    Why can democrats gather in 10's/100's of thousands for weeks on end...every day....but Trump cant hold an organized rally complete with hand sanitizer and masks if you choose to wear? This makes no sense. I saw few, if any on the left being critical of the spread with all the protests, but all the sudden every major news site says by trump doing this he will personally be responsible for the spike in cases and deaths. WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT??!!!! YOUR BIAS IS DRIPPING OFF YOUR GOD DAMN FACE!
  8. oh8sti


    Im actually all for it! They have the right to do it. What I find ironic is that they (liberal, left in this encampment) immediately adopted the things they are fighting. Its almost like if you want to keep trouble makers from making trouble, you need some sort of deterrent. Glad we can all agree we need guns in our society, not gun "laws" and "no gun signs".
  9. oh8sti


    anyone else see the CHAZ Warlord "Raz Simone" passing out AK's from the back of his Tesla? You cant make this shit up. https://www.liveleak.com/view?t=CjXPr_1592238954
  10. oh8sti


    hundreds of thousands protesting in the streets the last 2 1/2 weeks with little to no regard for social distancing and not a peep from the media about how this could spike the virus. But Trump holding a (rally) protest in Jacksonville is all the sudden not okay? The fucks wrong with people. The world doesn't revolve around the left agenda no matter how favorable the media is and how vocal celebs are.
  11. oh8sti


    goodluck with this....:lolguy: Capital Hill....demands....? https://medium.com/@seattleblmanon3/the-demands-of-the-collective-black-voices-at-free-capitol-hill-to-the-government-of-seattle-ddaee51d3e47
  12. That kinda proves my point doesn’t it? We overreacted.
  13. oh8sti


    what are they going to protest about on July 4th? Minneapolis/ other major cities will dismantle their police departments. They will get what they want and can test this new way of life for the rest of us. I suspect it wont go well, but lets allow them to be the guinea pigs. Im not sure if they forgot that American is full of guns literally. You think a glorified mall cop is going to protect you or keep any type of order in a bad neighborhood riddled with guns and drugs, with him only having pepper spray and a billy club (if hes even allowed to carry that)?
  14. we overreacted. The media needed something to pumped 24h a day and this was the perfect thing to get people glued to the TV./websites. In the defense of most of the scientists, the overreaction isnt the worst thing to do. No one really knew what to expect. But, lets right the ship at this point now that we have more data. We, including myself bought into the hype/fear. The people that complained about people not wearing masks have been sweating all over each other by the thousands for 2 weeks now protesting. It will be very interesting In the next few days if the virus spikes in those venerable demos that have been hit the hardest.
  15. Do you think all the protesting is helping that surge or adding to it?
  16. oddly enough, im not their demo either. But, they work very hard and have earned all the accolades they have. From grammy nominations to #1's on rock radio etc. its nice to see good dudes succeeding. Having been deep in this industry for 10+ years, you see a lot of undeserving people become popular because they can rap about tits and blow. These are just regular good dudes living our their dream. Im happy to be guiding the business even if its not my cup of tea!
  17. all really good dudes. They care a lot about the craft of their music and the message they put out there. Its a rare thing in this industry when theres a lot of bullshit out there.
  18. totally agree - I love Feel Something
  19. Hey Guys, This is one of the bands I manage. They did a collaboration with Joyner Lucas. This is a heavy hitting song - the video is graphic - it brings up a lot of things our society has been dealing with in America. The conversations around this video became more relevant in the last 4 weeks unfortunately. just thought I'd share - Give it a listen/watch -
  20. use that big brain of yours. you're the smartest best skeptic on the planet. I'm confident you'll figure it out.
  21. tell your friends that bud
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