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Everything posted by SpeedTriple44444

  1. Don't you already have the new plugs? Figure out which socket you need one of them. Don't go at them with an air wrench unless you really want to learn about heli-coils. Just use steady pressure and they will come loose. NGK is a better plug. I wouldn't use the Champions.
  2. Denial... it's not just a river in Africa.
  3. So, how does it sound? Interesting bracing. I usually do some 3/4 x 3" strips glued on end on the larger areas to break up resonant modes (unequal spacing).
  4. That pretty much sums up the difference between a real leader, and the type that are attempting to lead today. No substance at all.
  5. This guy coming at me wasn't even trying. He was straight up and down, rear end dead center of the seat. Anyone that has a clue would have been hanging off and making the turn.
  6. Ahhh... the good old ejecto-seat. Just remember Top Gun. Sometimes that shit kills you too!
  7. Shoei. Bought it on sale from dennis kirk... wasn't any more expensive than the HJC's I've had in the past, and is more quiet and comfortable with less wind noise. I wouldn't go back. I've heard the Arai's are even better, but I'm cheap.
  8. Definitely the other "type" tool that can't ride or just doesn't care. I think we ought to take them all out to 555 for a race, and let nature run it's course.
  9. I don't have any problem with whatever anyone wants to ride. Heck, I was on my V-strom, not the Triumph, which is not exactly a sport bike. I know what it is capable of, and I push it to 80% of it's limit when I ride it, leaving some for situations like what I'm talking about here. I got the pegs down a couple times on that ride, but it was in an open empty stretch of road. That said, I didn't see a single sport or touring bike cross the double yellow, and I rarely do (except for that occassional squid that is on borrowed time). When the weather is so nice, the Harleys all come out to play, and these guys just plain can't ride. We all have blown a corner learning to ride, but the roads were pretty busy this weekend... not the time for a newb to be out riding past his limits. I should have stayed with 164 for my fun riding. It was pretty empty. 9 and 43 down that way are starting to become way too busy... at least until the weather gets worse. My grandparents live on 43, so I often go down there. The near miss was about 1/4-1/2 mile from their house.
  10. So, what happens when someone pulls in front of her and the bike flips end over end? She flies off, and the bike crushes her kid. Unbelievable.
  11. I agree with what has been said. The threat in a situation like this is behind you, so watch ALL the traffic behind you, and leave room to get between cars. If it were me and I had to commute on 270, I would likely leave the bike at home. People drive like idiots on that road.
  12. True... I guess that was a little oversimplified on my part.
  13. the rule is, the faster you are, the less you have to say about it. Dyno numbers don't really mean anything if the nut between the handlebars and the seat can't launch it effectively (and I know I can't).
  14. I was on route 43 just north of Amsterdam, OH when the guy on the Hardley almost took me out. Further down on 43 toward Amsterdam when numbnuts waived at me from the centerline. The other was on route 9. The convertible was somewhere between route 30 and route 172 on township hwy 713.
  15. I don't think it's the governments place to tell us what to do for our own safety. I choose to always wear a helmet, because I'm smarter than the average Harley pirate. Law should be based in common sense. If you can hurt someone else, it should be illegal. Unfortunately, common sense seems to be in shorter supply every year in the US.
  16. That's the point I was making about it being fair weather riding season. More like open season for the Darwin award recipients. Just don't take me with you! I have friends that ride cruisers and can ride them well. No problem with those guys at all. I also have no problem with the putt-putters out there going 5 under. I just pass them. It's when you're leaned over hard in a 30mph turn and have to stand the bike up to allow one of these morons to use most of your lane... tends to piss me off a little.
  17. Warning: rant to follow... If you can't negotiate a turn on your Harley, get the fuck off the road and stay in the bar where you belong. I saw 3 guys over the centerline today... every one of them on cruisers (one waving at me, wtf?). One came at me head-on in my lane on a hard turn... missed by inches. Seriously... some people need to learn their limitations before they take someone out. I ride hard and fast, but I know my limits and stay on my side of the road. The bikes today were worse than the cars! I did have one asshat in a little convertible taking a turn in my lane. He got it over and then had the nerve to flip me the bird. Needless to say, it was an interesting ride today.
  18. Does the author have a Craigslist ad? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dx4F94DnATY&feature=player_embedded
  19. MY THOUGHTS EXACTLY! I've ridden a 250 Ninja for 50 miles or so. It was fun, but WAY WAY WAY underpowered, as in can't hardly get out of it's own way. You have to rev the piss out of it all the time to get anywhere. SV's are plentiful and are a great all-around fun bike.
  20. Listen to this^ advice. With an older house it will be one project after another. If you're not able to do the work yourself or don't have deep pockets, look at a newer house.
  21. Somebody told me once that 800 was the best motorcycle road in Ohio. I rode it from Uhrichsville to the WV line, and I don't know what the big deal is, honestly. It's just another country road, and now just another screwed up country road. I think the best stretch is just north of 70.
  22. I love 555. It's so unpredictable. I'll have to give 536 a try, but I'll watch for that turn.
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