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Everything posted by scottb

  1. scottb

    Cleveland IMS 2010

    Southeast Harley on rte 43 can probably only hold only about 60? people and no alcohol..But for a non-party event, it is a neat place to have a casual lunch.
  2. Spies and Rossi can't be wrong huh?
  3. IF i don't get my Miata, i could always get a track bike. This would be my first non-Suzuki.
  4. scottb


    Looks like the Memo Minder from the movie "Risky Business". Only in the movie there was no arm, just a box with a switch that caused a light to flash.
  5. Poor video quality, good song Dead Milkmen, Bitchin Camaro http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iv8xqD7tB30&feature=related
  6. President Bush made a visit to Lincoln Electric in 2008 for a speech. They had secret service security on the roof of 2 buildings. The Denali windows were not all that tinted. I remeber lots of big guys with big guns. After the speech was over, it was about 4 minutes from leaving the stage until the motorcade left the parking lot....
  7. I'll chime in. Asset = ANYTHING of value. Cash, stocks, your car, baseball card collection. Liquid asset = Cash, stocks, Money market account. Liquidation = converting assets into cash, like selling your car or bike. You might have seen stores that are going out of business having "liquidation sales" You have a lot of research to do. Alot of franchisses are owned by holding companies or management companies. You get a group of people together and each kick in about $200,000. So, upfront, not only will you need money be "awarded" a franchise, you'll need money for a location with room for seating and parking, (or build one), pay insurance, payroll, permits,utilities, menus,napkins, kitchen equipment, uniforms, the actual food and so on...Everything inside the 4 walls of the building is on you to provide/pay for. So the $150K is just a small part of the actual cost. To test the waters on your business ownership skills, start small, with like a lemonade stand or landscaping/snow plowing. If you plan everything out, and surround yourself with great, motivated people, you MIGHT do well for yourself.
  8. scottb

    Car Batteries

    Just an update. I ended up buying batteries for each vehicle at NAPA for $70 each. With the new battery in the Monte Carlo, it fires right up, and I do not hear the annoying "dragging" noise as my gauges sweep at start up.
  9. SWEET, warm wishes for you in 2010. Glad you were able to locate the part and get it running
  10. I have 2 heaters, detached garage. When I had electric power in the garage, I used a 70,000 BTU torpedo kerosene heater. I took about 10 minutes to warm up my 20X20 garage to around 65 degrees. Now that I do not have electric in the garage any more ( upgrade not complete yet) I use a propane radiant heater with 2 heater heads on it. It resembles a sunflower. It is not as good as the kerosene heater, but will take the chill out of the air in the area you are working.
  11. I hope the best for everyone in 2010......
  12. Glad you found the part numbers.....there was only 3 pages of google info when searching for Goodman model GMP050-3 repair, nothing useful.
  13. <<And to top it off, watching "how do they do it" on the science channel! >> I had to switch to a different channel at 11, since I already seen that episode on the science channel.....But I did watch an episode of COPS called "shots fired" and watch a few bad guys get shot, so that was kinda neat.....And NOT watching Barret jackson on Speed....... OK, back to the original topic........
  14. I'll check if i can find the order of operation in the furnace, I shall now use " The Google"
  15. You know you are feeling old when I am still home on new years eve, not partying or drinking......
  16. Here is a clip I found on Youtube showing the inside of the furnace.A few seconds into the video, there are labels that appear on the screen pointing out the location of the flame sensor. Looks like a tight fit inside the furnace. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hLQYSf3GCaE&feature=response_watch
  17. The flame sensor will be loacted usually right near the pilot light. Maybe you can get parts diagram from the furnace manufacture website, assuming you can determine the make/model of the furnace from a sticker right on the furnace?
  18. I do not work in this field, but had a similar issue with an electronic furnace. The furnace would attempt to run, but shut off.The issue was the flame sensor. I had to replace it on this furnace. I know they can be cleaned, but if it is cracked, it will need to be replaced. Not knowing the details of your furnace, brand/model/ approx. age, here is a link to some high level info that might be useful to you. http://homerepair.about.com/od/heatingcoolingrepair/ss/furn_electr_ign.htm
  19. Does the furnace attempt to run, but shuts off after like 20 seconds?
  20. I did not ask for one, i ordered a large regular coffee. Not sure if it is the only location, but this one was on route 36, near a college. It was on my way back to Cleveland.
  21. What the hell do they put in the coffee? I am still all jacked up from my coffee stop at 8PM. This is better then a Red-Bull buzz......
  22. Dang, or plan B is a friends place in Jefferson...outside shooting in his field
  23. I'll probably go in the next few weeks, just have not picked up my Rem. 870 yet, assuming they allow shotguns there.
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