I'll chime in. Asset = ANYTHING of value. Cash, stocks, your car, baseball card collection. Liquid asset = Cash, stocks, Money market account. Liquidation = converting assets into cash, like selling your car or bike. You might have seen stores that are going out of business having "liquidation sales" You have a lot of research to do. Alot of franchisses are owned by holding companies or management companies. You get a group of people together and each kick in about $200,000. So, upfront, not only will you need money be "awarded" a franchise, you'll need money for a location with room for seating and parking, (or build one), pay insurance, payroll, permits,utilities, menus,napkins, kitchen equipment, uniforms, the actual food and so on...Everything inside the 4 walls of the building is on you to provide/pay for. So the $150K is just a small part of the actual cost. To test the waters on your business ownership skills, start small, with like a lemonade stand or landscaping/snow plowing. If you plan everything out, and surround yourself with great, motivated people, you MIGHT do well for yourself.