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Everything posted by scottb

  1. Oh, and I had to Google "IANAL" = "I am not a Lawyer", so I learned something
  2. I understand Likwid. I dont know the laws, just throwing it out there what CAN be done, legally as a bystander or witness.
  3. I know, too many "what-ifs", ......I am aware that you can not shoot the BG just because a crime was commited and it was not self defense. Other than getting a plate number and calling 911, what else CAN you do? Attempt to help the lady after she was shot.
  4. Just asking a question, if you were in that parking lot and you witnessed the lady being shot, would you draw your weapon? Assuming you were NOT being shot at, could you attempt to shoot the car tire/radiator if the suspect tried to flee? Or is that Hollywood stuff. If the suspect was fleeing in the car and driving right at you in the parking lot, I think that would be enough to be "in fear of my life", but might be able to get out of the path of the car.
  5. None of the bikes need anything, except for oil changes before riding season. If I can find a replacement headlight housing for my 82 GS, I'll replace it. The reflective "chrome" on the inside of the housing isn't as shiny as it should be. The head light could be brighter.
  6. scottb


    Here is a link to spend alot of your time: http://web.archive.org/collections/web.html This is the Internet "Wayback" machine. Type a website, click a month and year, and you'll see what that site looked like back in the day...
  7. I plan to be there probably around 1 PM, then on to Buddy's. My friend Perry will have one of his bike in the bike show, so I'll chat with him for a bit too.
  8. Until JaysonL buys my Katana, I have both a sportbike and a 1982 GS 850 L cruiser bike. It is nice to have both style bikes to ride. So, depending on my mood or who I am riding with, I have options. I would like to upgrade to a newer cruiser.
  9. I remember my Apple IIe, I had dual disk drives and an 80 column card, which would increase the amount of text that would appear on the screen.I only had 4 games, Dr J Vs larry bird basketball, an Olympic sports game, Castle Wolfenstien, and a war game called Beachhead.
  10. Step up the shirt sales....lol
  11. scottb


    I have been to that one in MI on my way to the racetrack. Cabela's website shows a location in Wheeling, WV. There was a nice used Kimber Crimson for 1K.....
  12. scottb


    I was in Kansas City traveling for work earlier this week and stopped at Cabela's. That place rocks. I spent almost 2 hours in that place. I did not buy anything since I did want to deal with shipping or bringing something home the plane.
  13. So this is a "Google bomb" in the making if everyone Googles Ohio Riders in the image section.
  14. I edited the post twice, the first time, just the link appeared, not the picture. Then I deleted the link and copied the picture, but there was no mention of the golf site. So my third edit contains both the link and the pic.............you are quick on the quote button tonight
  15. Yahoo search has it wrong, second pic on Yahoo image search. Not sure of the connection to the golf site: http://www.columbusdiscgolf.com/IMAGES/OhioRiders.jpg
  16. Product placement, the beverage or the shirt?
  17. Speedy and I work at the same place. ALL hourly and salary people took a pay cut or reduction in hours, so at least we were all in the same boat. I'd give up SOME of my hours to still have a job. I am not sure that the savings on reduced cost of a product always makes it to end user. Other costs stayed the same or went up, like utlity,shipping cost of raw materials and the actual materials.
  18. I feel your pain Speedy. As people lose their jobs, they wont have money to spend on items or services. So the snowplow guy and the landscaper lose customers and money. As a result those businesses have to make cuts in employees and equipment. There needs to be more manufacturing domestically. Need a good prodcut, priced right, which includes the cost of labor. Good pay SHOULD bring good workers, but not always. IS my beer any better or colder when served by workers at the stadium, no.
  19. Probably this coming weekend? I wont have time during the week, due to work, but Sat or Sun should be good. I'll have to pick up some non home defense ammo too. If you are comfortable with it, would I be able shoot a few rounds from any of your handguns?
  20. I just bought a Dell mini 10 netbook. After 2 days using it, still getting use to Windows 7 and the touchpad/left right mouse clicks. Windows 7 looks like a direct copy of the Mac OS.
  21. I tend to over think things. Just adjust to the situation.I do see your point.
  22. I am sure I would be able to adjust, but i think even with ear protection, the other shooters firing might break my focus. I am not sure since I have not been to a range before. Kinda like other loud noises in the shop,makes you jump when you are not expecting it.
  23. I was refering to the video in post #2. Sorry for the confusion. The stall appears to be a person and half wide.I understand the range needs to get max floor space, but just seems kinda close quaters.
  24. Back on topic a bit, from the video, it looks like the "shooting stalls" are very close together. Almost like a golf driving range. Is that the usual layout for a range? I would be concern abit for my own safety too being that close to another shooter.
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