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Everything posted by scottb

  1. I started in the Motor division when it opened in plant 3. I worked with Dave Newton on the ODP motor line. Dave should still be in plant 2. Even when i was providing computer support, I did not spend much time in plant 2. Mike Latessa works in R&D and has a sweet Aprilla. I have thought about trying to start a Lincoln riders club. On nice sunny days, there is usually about 30 bikes parked out front. That is the funny thing, people hear you work for Lincoln, (with over 2000 people) and they ask if you know a certain person. Sometimes,but not always you know who they are talking about. I currently work with a former electrician, Roberto Flores.
  2. Ok, so repair wise, if HD stands for Hundred Dollars, will Hyosung be refered to as HY and stand for Hundred Yen?
  3. I work for Lincoln Electric in Euclid as an automation robotic welding service tech. Welding robots are popular due to the lack of skilled welders. The only draw back is with the downturn in the economy, there is not much demand for manufacturing, excect for military suppilers. I started at Lincoln 15 years ago. I was a shop floor pieceworker, then moved over to computer support. I got a degree in computer networking. After 8 years of computers, I was selected for this robotic field support tech job. If your robot is not working correctly and we can not resolve the issue over the phone, once a purchase order is created, I'll come out to your shop and resolve the issue for you on site. In high school, I knew I did not really want to go to college,but I wanted to learn a trade. I like working with my hands. I turned down the Scripps-Howard full ride journalism scholarship to John Carrol . Instead, I went to General Motors tech school ( GMI) and became an auto tech. I worked in the auto field until 1994 when i was hired by Lincoln.
  4. I second the welding field. I work for a welding company and pipe welder are in demand. The drawback is that, depending on what you are welding, you will be outside if you are doing oil or gas lines. Hard skill to master, but the pay is great. I am almost 40 and had a few good jobs. I like working outside and not having a boss over my shoulder all day. If I could make money with photography or motorcycles, i would. I can see when i have my "mid-life crisses", I will cash out my 401k, buy a touring bike, and take pictures of the county.
  5. scottb

    Saturday 11/14

    Likwid, Did you find your way to River Road?
  6. scottb

    Saturday 11/14

    I will be there on the 850, but not able to ride much longer after 11. I am bringing 2 other riders that should be able to ride with the group.
  7. I watched that skinny girl video, waiting for Sally Struthers to jump out and request money to feed them...
  8. What do I to show for my time reading about 60 pages of posts on 2 different threads? Nothing, other then I am here,posting on this thread. Although on an unrelated thread, I know which ORDN member can play guitar.
  9. scottb

    Saturday 11/14

    I wont be able go on this ride, but i can ride in the morning and I plan to at least meet at QSL at 11 just to meetup. I have to be back by noon. We have guests stopping by the house at 1.
  10. I have a bottle of Lucid brand absinthe. It does taste like black liquorish. It is definately a wierd tasting drink. I did not see strange things, but did get drunk. I would rather drink Firefly vodka or the now legal Junior Johnson brand Moonshine. My last trip to Canada, some beverages are sold premixed with vodka. I have a few cans of Rockstar energy drink mixed with vodka. Another Canadian brand is called Vex. Almost like a wine cooler, they make flavored drinks, mixed with vodka.
  11. I should have looked at the very first post again., sine you added the date...
  12. So this will be a Katana friendly event? If we get a timeline on a date, I can see if the local motorcycle shop can provide items, also possibly NAPA too? I know the owners of a few business that I do computer work for, so I see if they can provide items.
  13. That sugar land chick = game on........but not the same as the Taylor or Carrie game on
  14. nothing like being prepared
  15. Sweet, a Taylor hattrick tonight on the show...
  16. Ok, i'll give rep to Wal-Mart, i hate them less now, classful commercial about the kid wishing for snow for his dad serving in what appears to be Iraq.
  17. Sweet video of the oompas
  18. the one Judd is ORANGE!!!.......kinda ohmpa-lompa-looking.....
  19. for Carrie song on now, the back ground singers remind me of the Robert Palmer video "Addicted to love"
  20. Taylor will win entertainer of the year
  21. the standard response from me, = count me in, unless I am traveling for work
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