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Posts posted by scottb

  1. I noticed the media stupidity in the first line of that article. It says the guy turned in two rifle and a .22 caliber shotgun.

    Another caption said "logging in a rifle" and it is a double barrel shotgun.

    I can ALMOST see how a family would decide "we don't want this gun in the house, what should we do? Oh look, a buy back program, let's get some cash for this thing, since the right thing to do is get rid of guns and it will be distroyed"

    And, if the goal is to "get rid of guns", the family would turn it in to the police instead of selling it to a gun shop, where it could be re-sold.

    Instead of profiting, a family would be thinking emotionaly.

  2. Ok, so this end of the world stuff, are we done just as it turns 12:01am tonight or does it happen at 11:59 pm on 12/21/12? I would like it to a full day of 12/21 so I can buy a Ferrari while I am still in Vegas. And some hookers and blow :)

  3. CDNN on line has not increased prices, but did indicate due to high demand, expect shipping delays and prices may increase at any time.

    I am still in Vegas and plan stop by a place called gunsandammogarage to check prices on mags.

  4. Bad, the DB9 is a lot smaller then the Nano. Very snappy with the "felt recoil",at least to me. The DB9 is too small for me and only allowed for my 2 fingers on the grip. Your results may vary. My current carry piece is a CZ-82. It is all steel, and a tad heavy, but for me, fits my hand and hides well on my body.

  5. I am currently in Las Vegas on vacation. I plan to visit one of the local gun stores in the area. I suspect I will find AR's, AK's and mags with more then 10 rounds flying off the shelves.

    I also read on Firingline.com that Discovery channel has cancelled Sons of guns, and the show from that place in Denver. I will look for a link.

    Just went to Discovery channel website and still has content for the sons of guns show.

  6. I am looking into becoming an instructor. I enjoy helping new people into the hobby. I don't plan to get rich but would need to charge fees ( once certified) to offset cost of instructor insurance. Second biggest expense is range time. i have a group of friends that want me to teach them the basic pistol class but since they in a rural area we can safely shoot outdoors.

    When I took my class there was only 6 people at one of the guys home.

  7. http://openchannel.nbcnews.com/_news/2012/12/15/15935397-mom-of-suspected-school-shooter-first-to-die-was-avid-gun-enthusiast-friend-says?lite

    "NEWTOWN, Conn. -- The mother of the suspected Sandy Hook Elementary School gunman, herself slain at the outset of the murderous rampage, was an avid gun enthusiast who liked to take her sons to the shooting range to practice their marksmanship, a friend tells NBC News.

    Dan Holmes, a local landscaper and a friend of Nancy Lanza, mother of 20-year-old suspected gunman Adam Lanza, said she also was a collector.

    “She had a pretty extensive gun collection,” Holmes said. “She was a collector, she was pretty proud of that. She always mentioned that she really loved the act of shooting.”

    Holmes recalled that she said she was able to “focus in” while shooting.Federal officials tell NBC News that Adam Lanza took three weapons with him to the school – two pistols, a Glock and a Sig Sauer, and a Bushmaster .223-caliber semi-automatic assault-style rifle – all of which were registered to Nancy Lanza.

    It is unclear whether all the guns were used in the attack. At a news briefing on Saturday, Chief Medical Examiner Dr. H. Wayne Carver II, who led the team that autopsied the victims, said, “All the (injuries) … I know of were caused by the rifle.

    The Associated Press reported that authorities investigating the school shooting later recovered additional weapons -- a Henry repeating rifle, an Enfield rifle and a shotgun. It was not clear where those weapons were found.

    Holmes, Nancy Lanza’s friend, said the 47-year-old single mother also frequently talked about how she was worried about Adam.

  8. Now the news is reporting the AR was found inside the school.

    A radio show on my drive home yesterday had a reporter on and he indicated they did find shell casings from a .223, and he said it was "most likely" from an AR.

    One sound bit the media keeps playing is an older lady saying something along the lines of "why do people need these killing machines " in reference to the rifle.

    The root cause is the person, not the object used.Not sure where to start or how to prevent events like this.

  9. I can't even think how a person would be so pissed off or bent on rage that they would even think about harming children.

    Maybe, something along the lines of knocking down a mailbox or something, but really, little kids? WTF?

    On a side note, my wife is on a few scrapbooking message boards, and some posts from the ladies "blaming the gun" are almost, well, just wow.

    Thoughts and prayers to the victims and families of those invovled.

  10. I could see a husband / wife or boyfriend /girlfriend senerio were both want to attend an event, but the female does not want to be on the back of a bike for 500 plus miles to Daytona. Or not want to deal with riding through weather, cold / rain.

    My first though is if you are hauling 5 - 10 bikes, and one person is either late or something happens and they can't attend the event, you are stuck babysitting the remaining bike.

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