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Posts posted by scottb

  1. So then, probably not worth it to go to the Berea show next weekend. Maybe I will shop on-line for more C and R firearms ( Curios and Relics). I do need to pick up some items for the Appleseed event I hope to attend this summer, like a shooting mat, slings and swivels.

  2. I am thinking with most buying looking for AR/AK and semi auto firearms, are there any deals on "off the radar" firearms like revolvers and lever action rifles? Any deals on these types of firearms at local places that may have an "overstock / sitting around too long" specials? Or are prices about the same?

    Just curious if any gun show tables have made space for these items that may be hit or miss at the shows.

  3. Some of could be greed, but i would bet that he manufactures are all competing for the same resources. Then the distributors mark up a bit due to supply and demand. At the retail end, the purchase price reflects the markups along they way, and the selling store has the same margin = higher prices. Of course, there is flat out gouging on some items, such as cheaper then dirt seling the Pmag for $60 for a short while.

    While I was interesting in building an AR this summer, but my desire to own one at this time does not exceed my desire to part with cash.

  4. Don't be this guy, know which equipment you are using:

    Tex Grebner shoots himself in the leg accidently.

    Can't get the video to display within this thread, so here is the YouTube link

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