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Everything posted by scottb

  1. Thanks, I see the light is on the DVR......so i am 15 minutes behind, watching now
  2. At twins burg starbucks only 6 people here
  3. Is that a Pic of Count Rockula?
  4. My Friend lives in Lenox, Ohio, in the north east corner of Ohio, just before North Kingsville, only option is Century link DSL, $49 a month. Trade off is squirrel hunting from the back porch
  5. scottb

    walking dead

    Wow, tough call on that one. But if you open the farm to strangers, might be a bad move. At least now the team will have 2 more firearms to add to the collection. Good job Rick.
  6. scottb

    walking dead

    I did not read the books, but I was thinking that the reason there weren't random zombies attacking the farm was maybe due the zombie smell from the barn? Maybethis will open up the plot line. I think now the group will have to leave the farm.
  7. Speedy, I'll call ya early in the week. I got your voice message. I think B and T is offering the price point on some items to compete with Fin Feather and Fur around the corner. I was at B and T once, at the time, there was nothing I needed at the time that was a sure good deal. I'll probably stop at B and T again, before I go to Fin, just to compare price and selection.
  8. scottb

    walking dead

    I am sure everyone is up to date on the series. How wierd is gonna be after for the first few minutes of the first show.....kinda like " "sorry about the content of the barn"? How do you recover the story line from that?
  9. Kyle, seems like we both were on the same camera path, N6006 ( film camera) D70, D200, D7000. The D7000 was more camera then I needed, but wanted it anyway. I'll "grow into it".
  10. In Bedford, I had to pay $225 for 3 sidewalk squares to be replaced. The city did not ask, I just noticed 3 orange spray-painted dots on the side walk slabs. AFTER the fact, I got a bill.
  11. I have some poorly shot video, Rizzo and Casper rocking it out in German, and MAYBE count rockula cutting the rug on the dance floor....I'll attempt to post up later this evening
  12. Most people looking up would probably think the supressor stick out was just a bracket or something on the beams?
  13. Well, possibly a roving group of 20 - 30 people with other weapons could just over run that guys place?
  14. Glad this was in California and not Ohio, was almost concerned about our new friend "Count-rock-u-la" from the IMS after party at Buddy's. http://www.newsnet5.com/dpp/news/father-shoots-son-over-karaoke-choice1328273154905 The text of the article: REDDING, Calif. - A California man is facing charges after allegedly shooting his son because he didn't like his karaoke singing. Police say it started with a heated argument between 70-year-old William Oller Sr. and his 50-year-old son, William Oller Jr. The father allegedly asked his son to stop singing and when he didn't, told him, 'I'm going to shut you up'. According to an arrest warrant, that's when he walked to his truck to find his handgun and shot his son four times. Oller Sr was shot in the leg as the pair fought over the gun. Later, Oller Jr couldn't recall what song he'd been singing to that caused the argument, but believed it was a Kenny Chesney tune. Oller Jr was treated for non life threatening injuries from the .22 calibre bullets. He later revealed that he didn't want his father to be charged and that his behavior was completely out of character.
  15. I think did the whole boatload of school, degree, work thing all wrong. As I am watching this show on Nat Geo called "Marijuana Gold Rush", I think I am gonna sell everything I own and move to California to get into the "medical marijuana" business.......
  16. ^^ I like flow charts..........and turtles
  17. Nice thought for the cargo container house guy to "test" the metal at 100 yards with a .22LR rifle. While it maybe a very common round, not sure how well the metal house would do against a higher caliber round at a closer distance. Or against multiple attackers.
  18. I would go after the farming "hippies" that refuse to have weapons...
  19. Of course, I bought the D700 in December, the D800 is out
  20. Good for you!! It is always tough to take that leap and go out on your own.
  21. Boy do i feel stupid, I thought the Traditions was a model made by CVA, not its own company. No wonder I was having an issue finding pics and info on a CVA Traditions model.
  22. Thank you sir, that is the answer i was looking for.
  23. I would like to see the breech too, to determine if it is an "in-line".
  24. Speedy, ask Dale nicely to be on the Kel-tec list..
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