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Everything posted by drew95gt

  1. I would go with the GSXR personally. Use the extra $$$ left over and buy some plastics to fix the rashed up ones if they bother you that much. Keep the scratched ones for track days.
  2. I'm not demonizing anyone, I just think it is kinda shitty to screw other people. Think about it (using the Macbook example) maybe the person bidding on the others didn't have $600 bucks to shell out for the computer...so you just made it so they couldn't potentially buy it at a lower price because it interfered with your profit margin on a competing item. Sure it isn't illegal...but what about the ethics of the situation?
  3. So, you were bidding on other similar Macbooks to drive up the prices to help justify the selling price for yours??? Am I reading that right? Apple products really do not need artificial price inflation, they are overpriced enough as it is (and yes I own several Apple products...so I am not bashing them). I fail to see the logic in any of that, but kudos for buying the Macbook you won.
  4. No offense... but that is a dick thing to do. I hate when people get in on a bid just to drive the price up on people that are genuinely trying to get a good deal on an item. I don't even understand why you would want to do that, I mean if you are curious about a reserve price just email the seller.
  5. So much want...I have a Kel-Tec P32 now and love it.
  6. If I had a man cave like your folks I would party in that bitch every night! I remember those pics you posted a while back and that place is a whole lot of awesome. That being said, no XBox tag here..I'm a PS3 kind of guy. Anyone on PS??
  7. +1 This thread is full of win...thanks for the laughs for the day!!
  8. It's going to be interesting to see how this plays out after last nights show. I bet nobody buys that it was a cartel hit and they figure out Clay is responsible for JT, Donna, and Piney's deaths...at least I hope so. I used to really like Clay's character but he has been covering up lies with more lies for too long and he is going to get caught up in it soon.
  9. +1, As a Respiratory Therapist at a county hospital i know I am voting NO on this as well...I am sick of people thinking that the politicians are taking the pay cut. It will be the hospital employees, medics, teachers, firefighters, police, etc.
  10. I am against issue 2...I work for a county hospital and have already experienced enough cuts as it is. I took a nearly 10% pay cut due to Strickland's hospital franchise tax, took another cut with my opers, and I am afraid to see what happens if Obamacare goes thru as planned. I didn't go to college to work for free and get a shitty retirement.
  11. +1...not the animals fault, that's pretty shitty if they go around shooting them. The news report said that they have shot 25 animals so far and that 48 more are suspected loose.
  12. The most disturbing part wasn't that the guy hit the girl...it was the fact he didn't stop and help...nor did any of the dozens of other people walking by like nothing is going on...or the other truck that used her as a speed bump. At least that ghetto rat that killed the baby was just the sick act of one person...not a whole culture. The laws that are written that put the financial burden on anyone that helps also speak a lot about China and it's way of thinking. That country is a shit hole.
  13. Those people need to be shot...in the face...with a .50 cal. As a dad of 2 little girls I would track down and kill anyone involved if that was my child. Coming from the same society that eats dogs, I am not terribly shocked though.
  14. If she keeps dragging you back to court I am pretty sure you can go after her for court and attourney costs. I had the same thing happen and after the 3rd round my lawyer said that if anything more was made after this that she would go after her for court and attourney fees. So I am assuming that it is legal...either that or my lawyer was just trying to get her to quit pressing the issue. Either way, as I am sure you know, family court is usually a huge PITA...especially for men when the case isn't open and shut. I hope all goes your way and that she has to cover the costs for it all.
  15. drew95gt


    That's a lot of miles on a non sport touring bike like a Speed Triple...impressive.
  16. +1 Been through the same thing...hope the best for you!!!
  17. I have a good friend down in WV looking for an RC51 right now, I emailed him pics of your bike and the description you posted. He said he is very interested, once I hear back I will let you know.
  18. Welcome from another M-ville member!!!
  19. Any particular reason you want a V-twin?? Lots of good sport bikes that you could tour on or ride 2 up comfortably...and the RC51 isn't one of them. An Aprilia Falco would be a much better choice if you want a sporty & comfortable V-Twin with a decent passenger seat.
  20. Thanks for all the input guys. Unless he comes back to the straight trade deal then I'm gonna pass on it. The Z is back to CL....
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