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Posts posted by drew95gt

  1. Yeah it kinda depends on what you want...the ZZR like others said is more sport touring. Bikes with carbs aren't all bad, my old 250 Ninja was carbed and as long as you stay up with routine maintenance they are pretty much trouble free. IMO, I honestly think the ZZR would be a more rider friendly first bike. There are several people on the forum that ride them, I would just PM one of them and ask their opinions on their bike. Either way, it's a Kawi so you can't go wrong lmao.

  2. Here's a heads up...

    By the end of this month the troopers will start heavily monitoring 271 between 480 and 90. They will pop you for anything over 67 and they will be hammering this route for 6 months.

    That's kinda dickish popping someone going 3mph over. Oh well I am hardly ever up by Cleveland anyway, but thanks for the heads up.

  3. When I first started riding I had the same apprehensions as I am sure most of us have had. I would suggest as others have trying to do a walk in on a MSF class. In my class there were 3 no shows. Learn the techniques there then practice them until you are comfortable. The main difference I have found with riding with traffic vs. riding alone on a country road is that in city traffic you need to watch what everyone else is doing very closely and always look for possible accident scenarios. It may sound difficult to do at first but you get used to it and it ends up being something you subconsiously do after awhile. You will know when you are ready to venture out onto the city roads and highways...don't push yourself until you feel more comfortable.

  4. Time and a half just for weekends not OT. Yeah working for a county hospital has it's perks. I love both jobs though. Even with the extra pay I'm still barely making over the national average for my position. And yeah shittygsxr I am a little salty but I am thankful I still have work to do...which is a lot better than many folks have it these days. Also, any cuts are felt double at my house because the wifey works for the same hospital.

  5. What kind of medical professional are you?

    So if you contribute 12% to OPERS instead of 10% (given that you don't pay into social security) and your employers contribution drops from 14% to an even 12% that is going to break you?

    If there anybody on this board in the private sector that contributes 10% of their pay into retirement and gets matched 14%?

    I'm a Registered Respiratory Therapist...I work at Memorial Hospital of Union County and Grant Medical Center in Columbus. The 10/14 was one of the reasons I like my job so much...why r u trying to downplay it like it's a bad thing i get matched 14 percent? I don't care what the private sector pays...I work in it too at Grant. The point is it is bullshit they are going after state employees like they are.

  6. Drew95GT- How did the so-called Obamacare affect you personally? Not trying to be arguementative, but looking for your insight. How did a bill that comes into affect in 2014 (maybe) cause a current reduction in salary?

    It affects the hospital I work for due to speculation of payment reduction of our large Medicare and Medicaid population as well as nervousness regarding all the new red tape involved plus the implementation of Stricklands hospital franchise tax which will hit our hospital hard. I lost 30 percent of my weekend pay...I used to get time and a half on weekends now it's 20 percent plus shift differential...so about 5,000 a year pay cut because I have to work every other weekend. SB 5 like I posted takes 2 percent more of my pre tax pay for the exact same Opers benefits I was getting before with 2 percent less from the hospital.

  7. Shame on the spin doctors

    Shame on Governors Walker and Kasich

    Shame on the politicians and

    Shame on us.


    We have allowed the powers that be to paint our public sector employees in a bad light and we drank the Kool-Aid! Police Officers, Firemen, Teachers, Corrections Officers and others are NOT the enemy. They are not bad people and they are not pawn to serve as feathers in someone’s cost saving cap. We’re too busy bickering amongst ourselves to see the truth.


    Patriots because many have served in the military to fight for and defend our great nation. Heroes because they sacrifice much for the betterment of our society with so little reward. Sure we can come up with stories about this guy or the other but those are the 1%ers. Don’t let that sway your view or the other 99% like Ben’s brother or the ones posting here. My hat goes off to the firefighters, policemen and teachers here and everywhere.

    Policemen never know what will happen at a routine traffic stop. They could end up getting shot at any time. Firefighter attack fire and hazardous spills on a daily basis Scooter pasted about a friend being beaten and sent to the hospital and there is no way I would want to deal with 25 adolescents for 8 hours a day!

    There are many good comments both for and against this bill and a wonderful debate but what we fail to discuss does the end justify the means? Do we really what to crush our heroes under a political thumb to save a few dollars in tax money? I read many post that say things like “I wouldn’t want your job” or “I’m not saying they’re overpaid”, well let’s call that to the front line. Would you support them with your vote or your pocketbook? If not it is empty rhetoric. I will and have support them with both. Police Fire and school levies in my district receive a HELL YES! on my ballot. You get what you pay for 90% of the time. There is a reason that I picked to live where I do. As like most of you I considered the quality of the school district and the crime…Hmmm.

    Have we really become that Chinatized? Do we always want more, more, more for less, less, less? There is a breaking point for this lifestyle and we need to consider that. (Have we thought about how this will increase short term costs, quality of service and whether these employees are under or overpaid?)

    What we need to do is look behind the curtain of SB5…I’ll post on that later.

    BTW - I’m a salaried corporate employee.

    Well said man!! I am of the opinion that teachers, police, firefighters, corrections officers, etc are grossly underpaid for the important job they do. As a parent, I want the absolute BEST education my girls can get from the best teachers out there, to me there is NO more important job. Police, firefighters, and medical professionals rank a close second. From my own experience as a medical professional at a county hospital the cuts being made have affected me in several ways. First was "Obamacare" ...which resulted in what equalled a nearly 10% cut in my pay in order to "prepare for the inevitable changes" that will happen once it takes effect...now with SB5, my employer contribution to OPERS will go down 2% while mine will go up 2% and that is just a "guesstimate" for right now as it could be more. So as it stands I am making less money now than when I started my career 5 years ago...so much for cost of living increase. Keep this crap up and I will be working for free before too long. /end rant

  8. However' date=' I know I really like my FZ6... and I sat on a FZ8 today at the dealership. I could see myself consuming copious amounts of tarmac on that little beauty.[/quote']

    Not to go too OT but how was the FZ8 in person?? I have been reading the magazine article and reviews on them and it seems like a bike I would love to have. The styling is just perfect IMO.

  9. Finally picked up a new pc today' date=' got it from MicroCenter, was hard to pass up the price ($279) since I don't

    have any crazy needs for a super-computer, just needed "new".

    Got this one... [url']http://www.microcenter.com/single_product_results.phtml?product_id=0354436

    Nice price on the PC, let me know how you like it...I am in the market for a new inexpensive desktop since my old laptop is about ready to bite the dust. Would like a Mac, but can't justify the extra $$$ at the moment plus I already use my Ipad for darn near everything anyway. What all comes with the package, everything but the monitor right??

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