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Posts posted by drew95gt

  1. They won't hesitate to take your money in fees...but by golly they can sure tell you what you can and can't spend it on. What a bunch of BS. I'm gonna start putting interesting memos in the "payment for" comments there on paypal for now on, like "payment for underage thai hookers" or "payment for 1 kilo cocaine" just to get a reaction lmao.

  2. I vote white...not crazy about the graphics but everyone and their brother seems to have or has had a red CBR. I really dig the "Leyla" bikes...if I just had the $$$. Either way you can't go wrong though red or white.

  3. Bujt I gotta admit I went ape shit on everyone at my place when black eyes talent-less assholes tried to play sweet child of mine. The women wouldnt change the channel so i had to rip the plug from th wall. I will not allow ANYONE to ruin one of my favorite songs like that.
    :werd: I thought that was terrible as well. Not a fan of these talentless asshats remixing good rock songs, making them sound horrible (even with their auto tune) and teeny boppers eating that shit up. I can't believe these people make as much $$$ as they do while there are so many good bands (people that actually play instruments and can sing without auto tune) that can't get any airplay and are broke. The game was eh...Steelers gave it away really.
  4. 2005 Kawasaki Z750S

    Mods:ZG Double Bubble, Targa rear fender eliminator.


    -It's a unique bike, I have yet to see another on the road.

    -750cc engine with good linear power

    -Pretty upright ergos are good for distance riding

    -Half fairing does a good job reducing wind blasts

    -Easy to ride and easy to work on..no lower fairings to remove for maintenance.

    -Total blast to ride on twisty back roads.

    -Inexpensive bike to purchase and work on.


    -Fairing & mirror vibrations are excessive over 6k rpms. (Buell mirror swap supposedly fixes the problem)

    -Limited selection of aftermarket parts compared to more popular bikes.

    -Somewhat clunky shifting transmission at times

    -Same banana seat as Ninja 650R, would look better with the naked Z750's tail.

    -Suspension needs more adjustment settings.

    -OEM seat leans forward a bit too much and smashes the boys against the tank.

    Overall I really love this bike, it is one of those bikes that is a jack of all trades and a master of none. As a sport touring bike it was built with comfort as well as performance in mind so some things are a bit too "vanilla" for my taste, mainly the suspension. Once you get used to the vibration issues (common on most "Z" bikes) it's super comfy as a commuter and can turn into a pretty good performer when needed. I would recommend this bike as a good alternative to a FZ6/FZ1, Z1000, SV650 and those type bikes.

  5. random thought:

    I'm considering getting a iPad or an android tablet. the cost of the android is about 1/3 the price of the iPad. But the pad seems to be good unit to demo on to a client vs the android. :sheepkoolaid:

    /random thought

    Ok back to regularly scheduled thread

    I have an Ipad and love it...yeah I have heard all of the "it's just a huge Ipod touch" remarks, but it really is a great product imo. The only gripe that is legit is about the lack of Flash support...but in all honesty I hardly ever notice it isn't there. There are a few times that I wish I could have Flash for sites like Hulu, but that is it. Even so, Hulu has an app which plays the content in HTML5 but as of now it is still not very rich in content and is a paid subscription service. I think Steve Jobs is right on with his statement that Flash is on the way out and that HTML5 is the way of the future so this will be a non issue in a few years anyway. Also, I am not an Apple fanboy either, just the opposite actually...I used to gripe about their products all the time until I sat down and actually used a Mac/Ipad/Ipod and they all work flawlessly with great user interfaces. I really enjoy their products now and will more than likely replace my old laptop with a used Mac when it dies.

  6. I like the looks, reminds me of a Monster. I dunno how the riding "feeling" would be though, without the sounds, vibration, and feel of a motor sitting below you I think the total riding experience would be somewhat diminished and make you feel like you were riding a real stylish scooter.

  7. i don't think it's too much to ask to get the model of the gun right, but i also wouldn't get up in arms about it.

    it's pretty much the same thing as when the movie you're watching has a ducati or aprilia on screen and they use the sound from a gsxr. it's irritating, but not the end of the world.

    or, it is, and you go fucking batshit crazy and start screaming in the theatre while roflcoptering your penis as you urinate. everyone within a 10 ft radius is fucking soaked, but fuck them, they were talking during the previews.

    I absolutely love your posts..I almost shot soda outta my nose reading that. Rep to you. I think it is such bullshit how some politicians turn every shooting tragedy into a rally cry for more gun control.

  8. Nothing wrong with feeding raw, a lot of dog owners do it. As long as it is a balanced diet it is very good for them. My boy gets raw about once a week, and Blue Buffalo kibble daily, been thinking of trying Taste of the Wild to see how he does on it. Having rice in it is not bad either like what was posted earlier...as long as there is a good protein source as the primary ingredient like chicken, duck, bison, whatever. Cal Natural and Fromms, or Orijen are good choices too for kibble if you can't find more vinison for raw. Kudos to you for being a good dog owner and trying ton provide good food for your pup. Everone assumed u have a wolf hybrid just because u r feeding raw, but it is good for pretty much any canine.

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