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Everything posted by XChris1632X

  1. Good to know guys, thanks. Will he bringing it to shop owners attention. There is only one place my wife takes the vehicles to be worked on when I'm not around.
  2. Did you just use the term girlfriend in a public manor?
  3. I'm in, but lost... Out of the loop... Oh okay........ In the loop now Ha ha ha. This should make the entire world want to bring their super cars to the north American division.
  4. Yes bought it new. I considered superceded numbers but I could find nothing on the previous number anywhere. You would think there would be something floating around that gives these numbers previously before they supercede them.
  5. The 41-105 ac delco is the factory plug correct? Anytime I have been away and my wife had the car worked on I don't recall ever having plugs done but I found 41-981s in it. Anyone have any clues as to why? It's got 100k on it and I was doing plugs for what I thought would he the first time. I have personally had the car in my possession since 55k without leaving. I didn't think someone would try to have my wife replace then before that. She doesn't even have the slightest idea.
  6. If you would ever get the chance again and would be willing, I would love to have a BX-25. I would buy it and not have any problem throwing in extra for your time. As well as .22lr if you could spare it and didn't need more for yourself. Let me know and ill meet you asap.
  7. Yes I did have current id and card. He was was salty that this was all that was required and I didn't have to prove taking any other course. He gave a long lecture about how someone is going to get killed or imprisoned due to bad choices based on ignorance. A very different situation than others have experienced so I am with you in regards to believing that it depends on the county and the person helping you that day. When I got mine, there were less than 150 other people in the county who had theirs so things might be different..
  8. I have two pack n plays that I have no use for anymore. $20 a piece. Come get them in Plain City. Will be good for expecting parents who don't want to spend the big dollars on one. http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk251/XChris1632X/For%20Sale/IMAG0870_zpsf8ae0511.jpg http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk251/XChris1632X/For%20Sale/IMAG0871_zpsfdb051c5.jpg
  9. I have a good amount of action figures and such from my childhood. Part of me thinks that some of these things may be worth a decent bit some day but I don't want to be a hoarder and have stuf cluttered up either. I know I have 40+ pieces just in these three boxes I found. What would you do with them? Is there any decent value to these? A few are unopened, most have been played with. The boxes are dirty and dusty but I think they are all in great shape. http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk251/XChris1632X/For%20Sale/IMAG0872_zps0839cd9d.jpg http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk251/XChris1632X/For%20Sale/IMAG0873_zps15373149.jpg http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk251/XChris1632X/For%20Sale/IMAG0874_zps84f0ccc3.jpg http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk251/XChris1632X/For%20Sale/IMAG0875_zpsd0420a44.jpg http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk251/XChris1632X/For%20Sale/IMAG0876_zps398aa15f.jpg http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk251/XChris1632X/For%20Sale/IMAG0877_zps964f0f88.jpg http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk251/XChris1632X/For%20Sale/IMAG0878_zps81c1c727.jpg
  10. You could guess and maybe get it right but why? Take her to Blackwing and let her pick. You could invest $100 in renting/ammo and at the end of the day walk away with something she is comfortable with and likes. I dont think many people take enough advantage of the fact that you can go and try guns out before you just guess whether you will like it or not.
  11. 214 doesnt list that and is not an acceptable document. I am almost possitive it is the 522 that is controlled and issued by combat arms that is required. In my personal experience, Union county required that I showed proof of experience with a handgun. I had to literally go through and explain it with him and prove that it was the handgun as he could care less about any of the other weapons systems I was qualified on.
  12. If you have the right forms. I think it is your form 522 that you need. However, it only does good if it shows current M9 training. If you can verify that, you don't have to take a class
  13. Dude, fobus holster are like $20.
  14. Vances has mossberg 500 persuaders on sale. 20" and 8 shots. One of the most fun guns I have bought in awhile. Only $279. Or $379 for the adjustable stock. They get deliveries of them all week long though. They didnt have mine when I went to buy mine but as I was paying for ordering one it got delivered.
  15. A lot of the farmers around here got fields done already. We got some of ours a couple weeks back when it dried out a bit. Now it is way to wet. If you don't wait until it dries enough you will not be doing your soild any justice by increasing compaction.
  16. It's paid for. It was actually bought at a good price with a blown motor and he just recently got it back on the road after he popped the first one he put in it.
  17. I recognize that truck well. It is owned by a good guy from out here in plain city. Sad to see this kind of thing happen. Especially to good people. If someone does continue to drive this it would be easily identifiable coming down the road.
  18. I don't want to put another dime in it right now. It doesn't make me money it just keeps taking it. I also don't have the time to invest in tracking down the issue right now.
  19. Two weeks ago when my snow plow broke I said fuke it, ill worry about it in the fall. This will be interesting for my house and business. Got me good.
  20. Bump for a gun that is fun as Hell. I enjoy this more than my 10/22. More accurate, cheap to shoot, and more effective. Plus this is the easiest caliber to find.
  21. Makes me want to sell mine at that price. Still a good deal seeing how you can't find them.
  22. Anyone have any experience or any input on these. Comes with crimson grips and night sights and compared to the Kimber crimson I have been swaying towards the Sig due to same good feelings in hand and $300 cheaper. I am broke this very second but I think this might be the next thing I start saving for.
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