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Everything posted by bowdog

  1. I have plenty of goggles if u need and will probably buy a new pair before the weekend so dont waste your money on those.
  2. +Rep for well written and giving me some humor on a morning that I am feeling like I have a bunch of crackheads that work for me.
  3. This!! Contact Midget Todd on this site for your CCW, I think he has some openings coming up. Even if you take it for training purposes and knowledge it would be worth it, then if you don't get your CCW at least you would feel comfortable with a gun in your house. getting chased at a mall is one thing but having someone break in and not have a way to defend your family is another!!
  4. I was thinking the same thing...U know we are not going till next weekend right!?!! Have you checked Iron Pony?
  5. Anyone planning to bring some fire wood? I have some but not sure how much room I will have to bring it.
  6. http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/lookout/lone-star-stabbing-184840929.html Another view of the same thing.
  7. :lol:I already called and left a message once Madcatt said he was out! If he will take $300 cash i am pimpin that bitch through the campgrounds and riding it down the street to the bar all summer!!!
  8. Have taken my nephews a few times both when they were that age and they loved it. Warning: keep them out of the gift shop unless you are prepared to drop a $100 on a stuffed animal!! my nephews now have to get one everytime we go!
  9. You should talk with Max about the guy that powder coated his rims! would look sharp on that shaggon wagon!
  10. I love my boat but don't think i can ever give up my bike, I am also not a family man though.
  11. Not 100% yet but thinking about taking half a day and heading down around 2. I am meeting the owner of Williams this weekend to discuss my location for the year.
  12. I will be at Williams Bubby's!
  13. http://columbus.craigslist.org/rvs/3731414173.html Bad ass!
  14. I think you missed that sarcasm there bubby!
  15. LBTS, GLWS, I like Spaghetti, Congrats? Jokes aside, Todd is a good guy and I am sure if you attend his class you will not only be very knowlagable at the end, you will be comfortable knowing you can properly defend yourself if by some awful chance you should need too.
  16. Not sure that is worth it, lol plus dont want the camper trashed first weekend with drunk bubbys spilling beer all over. 99% sure no matter what he is going to work out a spot for us at Williams, might just have to listen to my damn generator all weekend.
  17. I can see this being a hard fight at this time in the game but would be awesome if passed.
  18. The sammich maker and I will be down Friday but still not positve on where we will be. still waiting to hear back from the owner of Williams.
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