Yes, you have to have your machine registered with the state and have the plate displayed and you also have to pay for a day, weekend, or yearly pass to ride at Wayne. And nope I dont think it makes you sound cheap.
You have to be patched in. about once a year we vote on new members, voting is based on how good your old lady looks, how much your bike is worth (title will need signed over to Casper) and how many beers you can drink and still be able to remember to put feet down at stop lights.
Settle down bubby, we have all gone through this from time to time. It happens!! You will get it fixed and be back up and running shortly, its not worth stressing yourself out over.
Dibs on gloves if they are not spoken for. Damn bubby why didnt you tell me the other day these were going up for sale when you showed them to me!?!?!?!