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Everything posted by bowdog

  1. but Yes i am bringing my sammich maker. She will not be riding with me, she will hang out during the day and i will take my SUV instead of truck so she can go shop or do whatever it is women do during the day while we ride.
  2. I am in!! booked and paid for my cabin today. Not sure what everyone is doing and i am to lazy to read 41 pages, I will be down Friday mid morning and leaving Sunday. If everyone else is going to be there thursday i will just come thursday to Sunday as well. Edit: Probably should figure out if going Thursday so i can call back and add that night to my cabin. (Guy at front desk told me it wouldnt be a problem)
  3. Thats what i was thinking!! Nice buy and congats!!
  4. that looks like a blast... good luck and shoot well!
  5. this guy is a trip!!
  6. Holy Jesus he just wants a bed buddy not a grammer course!!
  7. I believe that it will due to the weight subtracted by removing the unneeded portion of the frame!!
  8. bowdog

    Live 2 Ride 014

    dude, it's snowing!!
  9. Any chance of Pm'ing me this info if you are not going to buy?
  10. I guess not , anyone have any cool guns that Tbutt might want to buy??? if so PM me!!
  11. I would like to do a track day, especially if it is with a bunch of others that know as much as me about the track!! ie: nothing!!
  12. I would try this and see if it helps, I have used Red nail polish as well, paints on easy and seems to hold up for a long time. We used to always paint our shotgun sights red. I am from up state NY and when hunting with snow on the ground it is kind of hard to see your white sights while trying to shoot a running snow shoe rabbit with the blanket of snow it is running on. They also make a bright yellow highlight type paint meant specifically for painting your sights. Maybe try that.
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