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Everything posted by bowdog

  1. ^^^^ Exactly, and another point and please understand i am not defending him but if he raped her in December why would she allow herself to be alone with him again?
  2. I am torn on this... I agree with Bad if it is true hope he rots in jail. on the other hand i remember high school very well and if you broke up with a chic or pissed her off in someway the story's would really fly! hope this kid is not getting his life taken away becasue a jealous girl is mad that he only uses her as a booty call.
  3. Cool, maybe i can finally get me damn RPM fluctuation problem fixed for good!
  4. bowdog

    DSC 4593

    WOW!! great pic!
  5. :lol:what is he going to do with them?!?!?!
  6. .38 special would be my suggestion for you. Easy to conceal and would be lightweight.
  7. Sooooo was the after party everything you were hoping for and much much more????
  8. Hey Brian, not to jack thread to bad but i think i have a problem with my TPS but i am not sure. When at an idle my RPM's fluctuate real bad but only when they want too. I have had multiple opinions on what it could be. Would this be something you can help out with? Just dont know of a good mechanic and really dont want to pay a shop to trial and error and then it still not right. I have already done so once.
  9. Good call, I would have forgot this and got raped if it wasnt for OR!
  10. ^^^ This, Plus this will be my first time riding the gap and i would like to enjoy the ride!!
  11. I really need to get my R6 to Brian before this upcoming season.
  12. I love my .17HMR and i wouldnt discount its power at 150yrds. I have shot mine through a 8" round farm post at 100yrds and had it go clean through. I have also killed a couple yotes with it and have not had one run past 100yrds yet. Have droped a few right at the bait pile as well.
  13. We will work something out, maybe you can tow the bike and buy dinner one night... not a big deal at all either way. You have a place to stay bubby!!
  14. Nice that should pull WAY better than the Impala!! I already know what is coming next about the fuel eco and blah blah blah
  15. Yea we can work something out for sure... Were you looking to do an even trade for towing or a really nice discounted rate?!?!?
  16. That thing must have cob webs after that long!!
  17. As of now just me and my sammich maker. May work something out with somone for towing my bike so i dont have to take my truck. SUV would get a lot better gas milage.
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