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Everything posted by bowdog

  1. Someone to tell you this is a repost in 3 2 1....
  2. :lol:I am sure we could work something out!!
  3. bowdog

    New living room deco

    Nice, but i do recomend putting something under your tires, i did the same thing in my last place and it turned my floor perminitely blackish yellow from sitting all winter.
  4. Um..."IT" could be taken the wrong way! LOL don't drive that thing down to gerbal village!
  5. bowdog

    Moto Newby

    Can you whoolie that thing???
  6. bowdog


    :lol:Welcome to the site MJ!!
  7. Awesome!! I think my buddy and I are going to ride around this Saturday outside Canal if you get that chain and sprocket.
  8. I have one or two myself!!
  9. FUCK!! i oh you cabinet pictures!! sorry man i get busy and forget... I will have my cabinet guy take some and send ASAP!!
  10. Welcome, keep thick skin because winter is here and this site gets a little interesting in the winter, but always fun!!!
  11. Nice, i already have those. :lol:I will make sure to bring the bucket!! My football coach used to always tell us "you will pass out before you die so don't quit you pussy's" Great coach!!!
  12. ^^ This! I would love to put some camera's up at my house. Not to jack the thread but if anyone see's a good deal on some let me know.
  13. Good to know!!! I will plan a little more time now, how much equipment do i need to purchase other than the DVD's to get started?
  14. I like the way you are thinking but i run a construction company and dont even know what torrent is! :lol:I am kind of computer retarded unless it is dealing with quick books, spread sheets, estimating programs, or surfing OR!! I still need someone to show me how to post pictures!
  15. Thanks guys i have never heard of Insanity but i will check out. Thanks Jagr i will take you up on that if you don't mind!!
  16. Heard this as well... Interested to see the taste, only problem is i know i will drink just as many so not sure if it is a good thing for me or not!
  17. Looking to start doing the P90X program, They run a little over $100 new, just thought i would see if anyone has them and wants to sell before i buy new. Also anyone with experiance with this please let me know what you think. Want something i can do for an hour or so every morning before i go to work, Once i am off work it is real tough to get motivated enough to hit the gym. Any help would be appreciated.
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