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Everything posted by bowdog

  1. bowdog

    Deer Season

    Havent done too bad myself, killed a buck and a couple does at Thanksgiving in NY and killed one early season with the bow here in Ohio. Still looking holding a tag for a big boy. Will be bow hunting a little this week and then muzzle loading season is right around the corner.
  2. So how is your LAST day at work going???
  3. [quote=Beegreenstrings;I had one show up the other day... LBTS and LBTW? I honestly have no clue Looks beat to shit (LBTS) not sure on the LBTW?
  4. Carwhore, call me if you still have my number, i have a guy that i do a lot of work with. He just put a new roof and siding on my house. He will take very good care of you price wise.
  5. Um... i am a little younger and we had roller blades while i grew up and the ones i always had didnt have any breaks. You could turn sideways and speed stop but wouldnt do much good if someone pulled out in front of you or in your lane.
  6. Sorry to hear, good for her that you new to get her some help!! Hope everything works out ok and you guys get to have a nice Christmas!
  7. :lol:your price just went up because of bad karma if i can't shoot it!!! Hell i couldn't hit a clay to save my life with the Escort, but not one live bird has gotten by me with it.
  8. I meant a pistol in .45. This is a very clean weapon!! If rain quits i will be trying her out tonight.
  9. You have a good sammich maker there!!!
  10. I didn't have one in .45!!
  11. I thought about it at lunch but the parking lot to my office is muddy!!
  12. Yes, you do have to discharge the rifle after loading it, i do not know of a safe way to unload a black powder other than that. My Bone Collector breaks in the middle and you can remove the pellets then ram the projectile back down the barrel but those just came out in the last few years. All the older models need discharged. Now discharging in the air is just STUPID!! RIP young girl, you were taken way to early all because someone did not think first.
  13. ahhhh SHIT!! I am PM'ing you now.
  14. Eww i want, but i need to resist spending too much till after Christmas and bath renovations are complete!!
  15. Yea but if you have multiple sets you can put off doing the laundry for a couple days!!
  16. And let's not forget the Florida stuff, one game suspension for getting caught with hookers and such!?!?!? I believe there was even pictures of these guys in lavish hotels smoking cigars and drinking!! your telling me the boosters that paid for that are differant than our boosters paying more for part time work than what the NCAA finds appropriate!?!?!?
  17. seems like a little more than a slap on the wrist to me!
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