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Everything posted by bowdog

  1. The 4 wheeler one was freaking hilarious!!
  2. Absolutely tremendous!! made my own "paste" and smoked a 5.5lb rib for about 3 hours until the center was 140 ish. I wont eat prime rib any other way after doing this. I will try and posts some pics if i can figure it out.
  3. I know this family...Very sad, they are not your typically rich snobby people as everyone would think. They have gone through many problems in their lives included there young son going blind due to medical problems. Very tragic ending as i do not believe they will be found alive with the temps the way they were last night and today. RIP Fleming family!
  4. this sounds good to me, I may have to bring the little man if the wife has plans though.
  5. I will be smoking a prime rib for the first time this Saturday for the game...Anyone have any suggestions on a good rub?
  6. bowdog

    So long 2016

    Had a really good 2016...Had my first child born that is a boy so got some great years of teaching him camping, riding etc. coming my way, Bought a new house and had an in-ground swimming pool put in, had a great year with the company and family and friends. Looking forward too 2017 slowing down a little and being able to get back to camp and on the motorcycle. (too embarrassed to tell you what i put on the clock this year). Goal for 2017 is get back in shape!
  7. This is awesome, Gavin really is a great kid and a very talented young racer! I look forward to watching him in the big leagues soon!
  8. anytime! We really should plan something over this winter, I have a few cool toys we could get some rounds down range with and i am sure others around here do as well!
  9. You definitely should! We need to set up a range day out a Shawn's or someplace similar soon and you can shoot it!
  10. Effort is not much, biggest thing with suppressors is you have to deal with the wait...You go in and purchase said suppressor, then your paperwork is sent in to the government well your suppressor sits at your local gun dealers shop. After about a year all the paperwork will come back and then you pay another $200 for the stamp and are able to go pick it up and possess. Todd would be able to elaborate more but that is the jest of it.
  11. I prefer you shut your whore mouth!
  12. I am glad that you didn't because I don't think i would have ended up with it if you did! Thanks again for a great deal on a great pistol!!
  13. This is my new favorite pistol! I got out over the weekend with it and was very pleased at how well this gun shoots...I have only fired it with my suppressor attached and the accuracy is remarkable, after about 30 rounds I was able to start taking the caps off bottles at 20 yards consistently. Ran all different types of ammo through her to test it out and i only had one fail to fire and that was the ammo not the gun. If you are in the market for a 22 pistol i would strongly recommend looking into one of these. Absolute freaking blast to shoot especially suppressed!
  14. Thanks Bud, I will get in contact with you soon.
  15. Nice score! Going to have to start looking for an SUV for mine here soon. Mustang in the winter with our new son is not going to cut it.
  16. If that isn't a scam you need to jump on today!
  17. Where is this area located? I have never heard of it.
  18. +2 for the M&P...I own a "couple of handguns" and have shot many more. I find the M&P to be very reliable and comfortable to shoot. I also love my Kimbers and 1911's but they are not everyday carry guns. Basically it is personal preference, all the new models are pretty well made. My everyday carry is an M&P compact chambered in 9mm.
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