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Everything posted by bowdog

  1. Wow, nope i had not seen these... Might have to look at another build project. That last one is bad ass!! Hmmm i would assume you can do this with the AR10 as well!?!?!
  2. I believe the way we are being sold on this bill is if the union employed people are not able to or willing too come up with some of there benifits, then the city's and tax payers will have to keep picking up the tab... Maybe i am wrong but if the City is out of money and the tax payers do not accept more tax increases then what else can you do BUT shut fire stations and police hubs down? Maybe i am wrong here and if i am someone please explain to me what i am missing? Please don't get this wrong either, my brother is a police officer but i would rather see him have to pay into his benifits rather than lose his job because the city cannot afford to have local police on the streets, and will have to rely on the Sherriff's dept to police the town.
  3. I bet the Fire Station in Lancaster has an opinion about this!!
  4. bowdog

    Who likes FN?

    Yea i liked the 9mm Tim had, i think i am in... anyone know how the purchase works? Do i have to have sent to Dale? I know i can look up but i have a bid i have to have done today and no time right now.
  5. bowdog

    Who likes FN?

    I really did like yours Tim and was surprised how light it was... Have you ever had any stove pipe or other jamming problems?
  6. bowdog

    Who likes FN?

    I mihgt be interested in purchasing a 9mm for my sammich maker... I would assume i would have to have this shipped to Dale? Also like Kawi said, anyone have a lot of experiance with these? Is this a good price? Good weapon?
  7. Good stuff! Now where is the veil?
  8. they have mine and i am getting ready to order but would like some feed back... I found a horse hide super tuck for my M&PC. Anyone have these holsters and if yes how do they compare to others you have tried? $53 is a pretty good deal.
  9. Oooh i bet that is nice!! The GTI looks real nice too, i have been debating a nice skeet gun.
  10. Very nice Browning over under in first pic...what is that? LOL and i know Browning over under but what model?
  11. I would say if anyone on here knows this law for sure it is Dale!
  12. Looking to purchase a black powder rifle for my brother, he likes to hunt but with two kids does not have the extra money so i would like to purchase for him... I would prefer to buy him a inline, if anyone has one for sale please let me know. I am open on the price. Thanks.
  13. bowdog

    IMG 1640

    Damn no wonder there are no stickers left for the rest of us!!
  14. GSXR100Bill Just Pm Carwhore, send him $100 and he will send you address for bike thats in KY... You buy bike in KY for the $500 he buys bike here for $600 (using your $100) and you both save the gas and get the bikes you need. WIN WIN!! you guys can thank me later!
  15. Tim, if there is a Yamaha one left would you snag it for me?
  16. ooh is there Yamaha banners in there?
  17. Ohhh to have nothing but time!!
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