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Everything posted by bowdog

  1. Awesome, congrats man!
  2. I purchased the 6+ because of the screen size, I like the fact that when i am in the field checking on my guys or at a meeting that i can pull up drawings and be able to see them with no problem, only complaint i have is it is a little big to carry on your side all the time, and worst of all it doesn't fit in my cell phone pocket in my tank bag so have to put in in the bottom part of tank bag.
  3. Holy shit man!! Sorry to hear, bring that friggen saw to camp next time and we will dispose of it in a proper way! Heal up bud!
  4. I was there this weekend, it was pretty dry, mile of mud is still mud but that was about it...Actually a little dusty from Monday Creek to Dorr Run.
  5. Holy hell!! That would be awesome to watch, that first team is insane!
  6. You can come to CRP and corner work all day, we would be happy to have you! unfortunately we only pay in hot dogs and bud Light.
  7. So you are saying then that she acted completely appropriately and had nothing to do with the start of that "fight"? I don't get what is so hard about following the officers commands? If she had then none of this would have ever happened...I am not saying the officer is a saint but as previously said "if you play stupid games you win stupid prizes" Bottom line, follow the officers commands...If you feel that it was inappropriate then follow up with his commander or your state representative after the incident. Don't start a fight that you are inevitably going to lose!
  8. I got neg rep for having an opinion!
  9. Or...she could could have listened to the police officers commands and never put either one of them in that situation.
  10. Nope, never got an answer from OP. still interested.
  11. I also received my set of tickets and camping permits in the mail last night...Going to be a good time!!
  12. Pretty sure we are talking the same one. We will have to hit them next time we are together.
  13. Ask Midget Todd, he claims to have found rooms downtown for cheap.
  14. You and Ben can park at my campsite for free in turn 6 if you would like.
  15. Yea i didnt know where i was either until i asked someone on that road then i knew...yup we went left too, took you through a little field?
  16. Mick, is this the one that pops down the hill and out by the carry out? if so Todd and I found it as well a couple weeks ago. Some huge mud holes and nice challenging terrain if its the same one.
  17. I have the same one and just got into this myself, amazed at how good the meat turns out...I would like to try ribs next....Post up you recipe if you don't mind.
  18. Holy hell that looks cool (to be a spectator at)!
  19. terrible tragedy! RIP fellas
  20. I wont be down this weekend because we have a race a CRP but i will be down the following weekend. (25th and 26th)
  21. bowdog


    I have heard good reviews on these but never personally shot one.
  22. bowdog


    Not a bad gun but i wouldn't trade my S&W or Kimber for one.
  23. bowdog


    Very accurate and the action is smoother than my Kimber.
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