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Mr. Jones

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Everything posted by Mr. Jones

  1. Mr. Jones

    The Duggars

    So long as me or my fellow tax payers don't have the foot the bill, more power to them. All the rest can DIAF.
  2. That isn't even English. Maybe a computer can help you out with spell check. Unless poor grammar also lends soul to one's character ? :dumb: :dumb:
  3. Updated my sig to properly reflect my soul-less rides.
  4. Yes, and johnny saturday driver stands a snowballs chance of hell of being able to pilot a 650hp rwd factory car properly around any track. Then he wants to show off, turns off all the nannies and ends up in a pole. When technology stops just hitting brakes, and rather uses power to work WITH you not against you, it's really not a nanny anymore, it's advancement. There are certain intangibles that will always make one car appeal to one person vs another. I'm not hating on that fact, but saying a car is "soul-less" because it excels at everything out of the box is an inane statement to make. As this is america, not russia, we don't all have to drive the government's prescribed car. Everyone gets to buy what they want. Look at the new 911 Turbo S. 10's out of the box on factory tires with the A/C & Heated seats on. Saying a 911 has "no soul" would be a sinister act. But surely, somebody somewhere has got some slicks on, trying to bang out a solid 11 sec pass with his car full of "soul". Just don't get pissed when Mr. soul-less trolls you in his stock car full of computers by just putting his foot down.
  5. As time goes on, and even the most archaic relics start getting more and more computer controlled, what will everyone do ? Hell new vettes have launch control, multi-stage traction control that has been proven to make the car faster around a track. Nobody threw up their hands and bitched that it "lost it's soul", because they made it better. Pro Tip: Soon vettes will have low displacement turbo motors with 2500 computers controlling them, it's the future, get used to it!
  6. :gabe: Perhaps technology has become so "ingrained" into my life to the point where I don't understand the criticism of the GT-R's electronics. I fail to realize how it would lack excitement to pilot said car. It's evolution of the automobile and I embrace it. Watch Jeremy Clarkson's latest video, it can simply do some things that other cars can't, even in the hands of a trained driver. We aren't talking the old throttle cutting, abs jerking "traction control" of years gone bye. This is technology working in unison with you to accomplish your goal on the track, street, or anywhere. tl:dr
  7. Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeetec
  8. Just started as well, really really good game.
  9. Bingo, I'm doing it to all my vehicles asap.
  10. The gtr likely weighs more than the camaro. :dumb:
  11. Deal, but we're going for a standard 100mph gap, 20-120. :megusta:
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