I keep change and small bills in the top pocket of my tankbag. I use a Joe Rocket Manta bag so the money goes in the top cell phone pocket. That way it's just kickstand, one glove off, get change, zip and go. Since I don't cross international borders very often (yet) I haven't bothered with the passes. However, if you can get one it wouldn't hurt anyway and it's less time going over the border. If you're entering into Canada, going over the Peace Bridge into Fort Erie, ON was a breeze, even when Flying Brick and I went on Memorial Day. Reentering into the US, however, was a complete biotch with an almost 2.5 hour wait in the hot, pouring rain. My biggest problem when stopping at toll booths is stepping on some of the errant oil drips that some cars leave, hence the kickstand down. Slipping on those is no fun. As for the fees, I do wish there was a separate/non-existent fee for motorcycles but they do this for the $. Therefore, I just pay the man. Whatev.