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Everything posted by Mojoe

  1. List of buyers that will be updated: Tentitive date to pick up; June 16th, at Cars and Coffee. I will update as time gets closer. Yasser: 3 Eric Allen: 3 Todd B: 10 Copperhead: 34 1fastSTI: 6 w/tan Angry Bird: 10 JaSSon: 5 sol740: 5 87GT: 4 Killjoy:10 w/tan Firebush: 10 Jaronstoy: 15 Craig: 8 Mark: 20 Alex: 6 Mitch: 4 Hotcarl: 10 990Mike: 50 W/tan follower JerrodH: 10
  2. Please read and understand before posting. I have the general issue 30 round, M4 metal mags, in route to Columbus. They have cleared customs. I shipped them this morning. I will have them available for pick up in the beginning of June. They are being sold as used, however many were only taken out of the plastic. Most have been fired, but are for the most part they are clean. I have inspected every one of them to insure no excessive wear, damage, or anything that I thought I would not shoot. They are all either tan follower or green follower top. I discarded about 50 black tops while sorting these. The price is $5 EA. Whatever CR does not buy, I have a bulk buyer that will sell them at gun shows for $8 EA. Here's how I will keep this organized. I will keep track of who and how many in the next post. No money will be exchanged until in person and pick up. No paypal or shipping. No need for dibs. Reason I'm posting this now is for people who may be planning on buying in the near furure. The link below is an example: http://www.flickr.com/photos/peosoldier/3880644292/
  3. Can't watch vids on this computer, but know who the riders are. Can not wait to ride
  4. Coming up next on FOX, Columbus RACING!!!! Fill in name here: __________ is looking to buy his first gun. What should he buy and why? Hear what the expert advice is on CR. *Que drama music Then, in an unforeseen, unrealistic, and in a move to not be forever alone (fill in name here): __________ is engaged!!! Will this end like (fill in name here)? * Que Scarey music And from last week; we meet up with (fill in name here) _____________ to follow the build he is doing himself. We give him 2 weeks before he just sells the car. And Let's welcome Super Turbo Awesome fastest new guy. We will go over his into at the end of today's show. So sit back with your Naty light and Mac and Cheese, folks, this is going to be a hell of a show. * Que burnout noise
  5. Nice looking bike. Just realize I have never posted mine since it was done.
  6. LOl. You got me John. And yes, it's a typo. I was saying he is how he is. I saw potential in the other thread. I think we all did. But I guess if it wasn't this, than we would be talking about some guys shitty girl situation, or doing a burn out in front of someones house to show them who's boss. It's just endless. When is the CR mini series going to air?
  7. I'm not saying give him the benefit of the doubt at this point. I'm saying what's done is done. Are we going to go 15 pages on something we know will only come down to, wait till the car is done? The thread has split to this one. If he even replies, which he should probably just try and PM with Jamie at this point, this topic peaked for what it is until the car is running. If he doesn't even post in here, it's pages of bashing for what reason? Dude bench raced his car on the extreme end, I get it. Everyone has made their point. I just want to see the finished product. I wish he had waited to even talk about it until it was done. The guy is how is.
  8. Take out the way this guy has come across, and he has almost all the interests that CR as a whole does. Look through his site and you will find yourself saying, "that's pretty cool". The personality traites of this guy, added with the known $ at his means, creates a ton of hostility. Is the goal to laugh the guy off the site? Teach him a lesson that will be life changing? None of this really matters. We have all had build issues that are slow downs. Now if he has one, it will be the source of ridicule, instead of reason. His own fault for speaking too early, IMO. The guy is not in a fox hole with me. He's not on your facebook page. No one on here hangs out with him probably. Let's see a race. Cash or not. Loser changes their plates to jmie won, or digs won. You get where I'm going with that. Be creative.
  9. Best part is this thread starts, then the guy is a member here and posts it on here and his for sale thread gets locked and linked to this one. Dude's going to be pissed. LOL
  10. This is when I stop taking people seriously and lable them a shit talker. Key words being, "He's lucky"...... Blah Blah blah and a bunch of other shit someone didn't have the balls to do at the time or never thought of until later. Either way, this shit is like bubble gum, no nutritional value, but it tastes good. Sounds tough, but does nothing really. I see a burnout in a residental area. There's nothing that is going to be said, for me to think this was anything cool. You really showed him.
  11. I love seeing poges with forward grips and Acog. They are so hardcore and ready for the mad ground attack to make it through the wire. I do like a light on the weapon, on base. Outside the wire, I have no use for it and use a hand held, Vs flagging someone with my weapon to get some light on thngs. I don't clear rooms anymore. The A2 is a freaking musket now. The supply that some company's get vs what there mission is, I just have to shake my head at it these days. Add the mission you have in country being nothing like what soldiers have done in the rear and the additional tasking and schooling needed, that isn't there. Adapt and overcome is getting beat to shit.
  12. Mojoe

    Pick a car

    There is an odd and common ownership with RX7's owners and them having Subaru's also. If the RX7 is going to be the only car you have, do not get an RX7.
  13. You owned it. What can be said? Sometimes you have to pay, but many times we have all gotten awy with it.
  14. Pics sell items on the web. No pic = less interest. Pic from Google: http://www.google.com/imgres?q=Thompson+Center+Contender&um=1&hl=en&sa=N&biw=1280&bih=619&tbm=isch&tbnid=dUs8s-IoIbmLaM:&imgrefurl=http://thefiringline.com/forums/showthread.php%3Ft%3D259373&docid=vDr01iqy2vS5qM&imgurl=http://i.pbase.com/o6/77/323477/1/76785339.E1zNhHOQ.IMG_0105.jpg&w=640&h=640&ei=47yDT5ftKaX20gGjyaHoBw&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=218&sig=102322501097079333285&page=1&tbnh=120&tbnw=127&start=0&ndsp=18&ved=1t:429,r:5,s:0,i:132&tx=37&ty=76 GLWS
  15. FOBit's that have M4's all tactiCOOL, rockin a war story they heard at the USO/MWR/Chow Hall. As for Pogie Bait; what about Scuttle Butt, Port Hole, Ladder Way, Geedunk Machine? So how did he get the name?
  16. Options. http://www.amazon.com/s/?ie=UTF8&keywords=portable+car+air+conditioner&tag=googhydr-20&index=aps&hvadid=19133033130&hvpos=1t1&hvexid=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=404108015727692240&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=b&ref=pd_sl_7gssp40iaw_b
  17. I'm doing Indy to the coast in FL, in a black on black with no AC also. Then hitting Savanna, Deals Gap abd Blue ridge parkway, then on to Dayton. Windows down and sun screen might be all there is to help.
  18. Mojoe


    Sent 3 messages that wont go through because the internets sucks here. I have a Soldier of mine interested. Her Husband can look at the car anytime this week. PM me if it's still available please. Thanks
  19. I'm a closed door shitter. You are one of those awesome friend's. Thanks
  20. No, there's more room in the Subaru. Seriously though. I have the mans to get a place when I get back to the state. Having a great girlfriend and countless awesome friends that have told me I can stay with them, that is nice too.
  21. Mojoe

    Makes you think

    Anthony, your thoughts are none to feel guilty about. You do your job. Do it the best you can and let that be your focus. You help people and that's exactly what you would have done had you been there.
  22. Having to start from scratch. Having nothing, no means to get it, and being without opertunity. Growing up, we didn't have much. I swore I would not live that way as a grown up. Now I realize, I'm just a big kid who likes toys. But, I feel I live comfortably and well. Did I mention that I'm currently homeless? True story.
  23. Mojoe

    Glock 21

    Depends when you go on R&R and when the orders have to be placed. M ight be able to shoot one then.
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