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Everything posted by Mojoe

  1. What? Where the fuck is the game section on here?
  2. I carry this with me all the time in uniform or for outdoor activities. I have the 9500SBK http://www.benchmade.com/products/9101 I just got it back from Benchmade. After 8 years of hard use, I sent it in and asked them to recondition it and replace the blade. I was issued it in Iraq, and broke the tip off 3 months ago here in Afghanistan. Total cost was $40, and they printed my name and rank on the blade. I normally wouldn't want something like that, but it was cool of them and should I ever misplace it, I would want someone to know who it belongs to. It is the perfect blade for me. And damn, is this thing freaking sharp!!!
  3. That's a tight lookin bike Doc. Simple and awesome.
  4. Mojoe

    AR-7 Review

    Cheaper than Dirt had them for $197 yesterday. Was looking at them. Interesting, but I can't seem to justify pulling the trigger on one.
  5. Now X Games and stuff like that, i will watch. Someone is always doing something crazy and it's inspiring.
  6. I think when there are big sports event going on, we all need to have a gathering and do something more fun. Damn I wish there was a good go cart track around Columbus. Hell, I'd be good with a group run to RT555. Buckeye retardedness is annoying. I have gone to tailgating events and games, the last tickets I was given, I gave away. It's just a pain in the ass and the people are not fun to deal with. I have had to block people on FB because it was all they posted. I just messaged them and told them to call me for anything or text. And you know what, they were ok with it. I was glad to see that.
  7. Brian, your avatar is one of the best movies I remember from gowing up.
  8. Doc, is there anything that you don't have a cool expieriance too? A visit sounds pretty cool. I hope the offer is available when I get home.
  9. I could give 2 shits about sports teams, players, and who was so awesome or sucked. Everytime I hear people talking about a sport "they use to play", man it's like getting stabbed in the ear. Don't get me wrong, I will go play just about any sport. But, sitting and watching it, fantacy teams, arguing over it, it's just a huge waste to me. What kills me too are chicks all into it. Huge turn off. I see some that got into it just so guys might like them and they would have an interest. But if it's not you, WTF? Just ranting. I have a dude I work with who was talking sports the other days, and the other guys punked him out for not knowing sports and then he admitted he roots for whatever team his girlfriend likes. Total lose of man card. Now that said, I get that people are not all going to have the same interest. So don't dwell on that. Just wondering who else is like this?
  10. Am I seeing this as a pistion set up? How does the slip ring area function with the hand guards? I have not seen a bold with the notches in if for the forward assist. I assume the placement difference from 5.56 to .308 might be due the round size difference. The weapon is a work of art and one hell of an investment. Congrats on the new toy.
  11. Tractor, this is a VERY cool project. Can't believe I didn't see this thread until now. There is so much history to the M35. I would actually love to get a M939 5ton. Have a different diesel build to do first though. Great buy. I will follow this thread.
  12. PLease PM info. Car is gutted right now and has 11 weeks to be complete. Might try to squeeze this in.
  13. ^^I understood about 20% of that, but get the point. Good info thoguh.
  14. I want to be friends with you and your Friends. Hi, my name is Joe, and I make shit more fun. When are we going snowboarding? EDIT: And did I mention I like guns too?
  15. Kevin just did this on a guy in Cinci's FD. I'm looking into it. Your pics show the needed differance that I was looking for. They are ugly when not lit, but these are flip up lights, problem solved. Need to check the cost for the FD. Glad to see they worked out for you Berto. Can't wait to see them in June when I'm in town for the rally.
  16. I see a foot brake on the right side= rear wheel. You gotta be some Jesse James type to pull off this bike. Some Preppy sap from Dublin would get his feelings hurt. I like it and think it's pretty bad ass. But I couldn't ride that thing 10 miles. I'll stick to laying on the tank.
  17. On another note. A P P L (muther fuckin) E. Can you say $600 a share? Read a write up last night that was saying, by the end of 2015 this stock could be at $1850 a share. It went of for 4 pages about why they think this, and about Apple products. Interesting read that I would have linked, but the computer would not load CR for me to do it(slow net here). Now I'm on a different computer and can't find the artical. FYI, I am looing for a company to invest in with shares in the $5 range. HUSA is an interest to follow for me. But would like to see what anyone else has to offer.
  18. HUSA-DescriptionHouston American Energy Corp. (Houston American) is an oil and gas exploration and production company. The Company’s oil and gas exploration and production activities are focused on development of concessions in the South American country of Colombia and development of properties in the United States onshore Gulf Coast Region, Texas and Louisiana. Its exploration projects are focused on existing property interests and acquisition of additional property interests, in South America, particularly Colombia, and in the onshore Texas Gulf Coast region and Louisiana. In the United States, Houston American’s properties and operations are located in the on-shore Gulf Coast region of Louisiana and Texas. In Colombia, the Company’s properties include Hupecol Prospects, SK Energy Prospect and Shona Energy Prospect. During the year ended December 31, 2009, the Company acquired an additional Technical Evaluation Area (TEA) in the Caguan Putumayo Basin, which is also operated by Hupecol. Officers and directorsJohn F. Terwilliger Chairman of the Board, President, Chief Executive Officer Age: 64 James J. Jacobs Chief Financial Officer Age: 34 Kenneth Jeffers Senior Vice President - Exploration Age: 51 Stephen Hartzell Lead Independent Director Age: 57 Orrie Lee Tawes III Director Age: 63 John Boylan Independent Director Age: 44 Mr. John F. Terwilliger is Chairman of the Board, President, Chief Executive Officer of Houston American Energy Corp., since April 2001. Mr. Terwilliger has served as Chairman, President, Chief Executive Officer since inception in April 2001. On April 9, 2002, Moose Oil & Gas Company and its wholly-owned subsidiary, Moose Operating Co., Inc., filed a bankruptcy petition under Chapter 7 of the United States Bankruptcy Code in Cause No. 02-33891-H507: 02-22892, in the United States District Court for the Southern District of Texas, Houston Division. At the time of the filing of the bankruptcy petition, Mr. Terwilliger was the chairman of the board and president of both Moose Oil & Gas Company and Moose Operating Co., Inc. Mr. Terwilliger resigned those positions on April 9, 2002. How this reads to me with 5 minutes of reading is, Bombed out once already, might be doing it again. Look at Donald Trump though. Tempted to pick some up though. Stock was at $20+ a share in last 12 months and now at $5+ A quick search on Studio one showed no info. ????? NUS is a body care product company. Things like that are a luxury item and I don't invest in something like that.
  19. I would do a LS7 TT build. But I would still have a FD woth a rotary.
  20. These are exactly what I was hoping to get for replies. I wanted to quote almost everyone, and comment. I didn't even mention my specB, man I love this car. For casual driving around, I still get to play a little. I have actually thought aboout buying another and storing it for when this one dies. That's just not practical given all the new cars coming out. But at this time, there isn't another daily driver I want and I have had this for, going on 2 years. It's good to know we are not all just racing the cars to their death and selling them. I said the RX7 was the beginning of my "Jay Leno" collection. Now I need to get a place that I can have 7 cars. I have the bike, the FD, the SpecB, a diesel project, the girls Jeep and her Camery, and the room to work on things. Man, am I screwed. lol
  21. We all have owned several cars. As I continue to do things to the RX7, it just makes me wonder how others look at their cars. I have no intentions of ever selling the FD. It is willed to a CR member, and that's when I will let it go. I seem to just always want something just a little better done to it. Which means it's a working project. What I wonder is, do you guys see yourselves hanging on to a car you are working on? I know some on here get bored with cars fast and change them out. I'm looking for the people who have had their car a while or plan on keeping the car they may have recently bought. Why? What is it about that car that you connect with? What are your plans for the car? For me, and I know I have said this a thousand time on here, but the uniqueness draws me to the car. Fueled by some of the dislike some people have for the rotary motor, I like to hang on to something so different. And let's face it, the body is just sexy and screams sporty. The car is gutted right now. I mean right down to the metal from the dash to the trunk. It's just wires and the new fuel system in the car right now. When I see this it just made me think, when is it going to be enough? When will I think its right? I have been happy with it after changing things before. Anyone else like this with their car?
  22. One of my favorite weapons AND a great price on it. The mag safety creats a safety issue. Glad to see it gone. Marc this is a great buy. GLWS
  23. I have played golf. I'm ok at golf and like to hit things. People that are all GOLF; I just want to see it rain artilery rounds down on the course while they play. Then, I think it might be more fun. I find it funny the slight hate for golf I have and can't see why it's posted on here. Then the reality is this, guns don't belong on here either, yet that something I enjoy reading and seeing on here.
  24. If this is after June, I'll be back from deployment and would like to play too.
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