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Everything posted by Mojoe

  1. Talked to Brent at IPS, they are working with me being on standby, that's all I can ask for. Thanks
  2. Thanks Jeff. I just called, but no answer. I'll try back in a bit
  3. Need a shop/person that can roll the fenders on the FD this weekend, maybe late week. Due to the late notice, I know some shops may not be able to get me in. If someone has the roller at their house, and is very good at it, I would entertain that. The car has gone under a whole new look, in the car and under the hood. Looking to roll out to an event next week and would like to have this done before going. Thanks
  4. Mojoe

    Xbox live $35

  5. That Vision R is looking nice.
  6. Waiting to see if I have an obligation that weekend. Otherwise, we be 3 FD's.
  7. Austin, I know what you mean, I see that stuff all the time too. Tim, we are talking different things and have different views, with a similar outcome I think. Something I started telling people I worked with last year is , care enough to make a correction when needed. People tend to just let shit go and it just keeps going down hill when no one is willing to say that's enough, sometimes until it's too late.
  8. It's in a young humans nature to try and push the limits. Not all the time, some more than others and all that home theory stuff, I get that. So no, I'm not saying you need to slap your kids around, just the wife, so the kids know they could be next. Totally kidding, I couldn't resist. There is and element of respect in fear. Not that a kid should fear their parent, but that the consequence of screwing up should be nothing they would ever want to go through or deal with. Now everyone gets all in your business and calls you cruel for making your kid mow the lawn with a push mower.
  9. Can you PM me a price? You know I'm in. Would hope to have these before July's track day, if possible. Thanks
  10. Looks like this is something everyone is seeing. Not that we need Marshal Law, but damn, there's no respect. Everyone has "their rights" and the laws that should be in place, haven't caught up to the way people act/are. You discipline your kid with anything more than a time out, and you are treated like some raging mad man.
  11. Clay, funny you should respond in here. I've met you only a few times. Your posts here are always on par, and you are a helpful guy. I know you rock a suit and tie for work and are not in a manual labor environment, yet you came to mind when I was rationalizing modern day man card. It's a balance of things. Knowing how to work through issues of our current society. Being able to do things on your own and getting them done. I'm not trying to nut swing you, just saying you came to mind. Yesterday we pulled up to the house as two boys, about 11, walked up to the flower bed and pulled a few flowers out and then just started pulling them apart as the walked down the side walk. I caught up to them and said what you are you doing? They just looked dumb that I was talking to them. I told them you don't just walk in someones yard and pluck things. They apologized, and that was that. This is action of the typical kid today, usually followed by a "fuck you, you old asshole". How are we at this point?
  12. So many dudes just seem to be soft pansies these days. They don't seem to be able to make a decision and need to be told, or guilded to what to do. Is it fasion, trend or just straight up vaginitis? Im not saying the tough guy, biker image type is where one going with this. As I sit in this chipotle, I'm people watching, I'm hearing two dudes being whinny little bitches about some other dude. Kids are running all over, not listening to the parents that have lost control of them. Where is the respect? Guys being a gentleman and having some class? Do parents just not care on that large a level, that kids have become a product of their exposure outside the home, rather than that of their parents?
  13. I have all this. You still have to tap into the am/fm antenna to dedicate a channel. If this has changed in the last year, I may be out of date. Brian, I use to have that set up, same thing applies. thanks though.
  14. I don't know how we didn't get charged for that cart. Ben stood it up on the rear bumper and then we just bent it back in place. I flipped it over with 4 people, everyone combat rolled away and I'm standing in the middle of it on its side. We flip it back over, no damage, and continue to see how well it will drift into trash cans. Anyone have a golf cart I can borrow? Anyone? No? Ok, I understand.
  15. Not problem solved. I have sirus and need the antenna. I have all the other plug in gadgets too. Unless someone knows how to hook up to satellite, without going through a channel?
  16. Bump. 42 views and no one knows of a good low profile fender antenna? Ouch, no wonder I was struggling to find one.
  17. Will do Alex. Thanks Mang.
  18. All weekend in the canvas condo.
  19. I'm looking for a fender antenna for the RX7. This is the one I found that I like. However this company can't seem to answer the phone, and I haven't found a dealer local. http://www.harada.com/index.php/amfm-antenna#about I understand with smaller antenna's you give up reception, however, I am looking for the best of both worlds. I'm open to suggestions. No power antenna's. Thanks
  20. Thanks for the welcome home Gents. Those of you requesting in the last few posts, I will have you on a standby list for any extras I have and will pm you when I get them in. UPDATE, PLEASE NOTE: Shipping from point A to B with the military is not direct and speedy. It is very possible our cargo may not get, in my hands, until August. Once I know it is at the receiving point where I can pick it up, I will make the 150 mile trip to get the tote. This is not an easy, ship to my house type thing. Thank you for your understanding.
  21. Loving this build. very well done.
  22. Get your credit report. Call the accounts that you didn't open and cancel. Get all info on the spending, when it was opened, how it was opened- online on paper? Try and get a copy of the application and hope for signatures to recognize. Look for the most recent chargein a store. Contact the store and ask if they have cc cameras. It they do and it's local, PD can go look at the vid for an ID. This is how I caught the person who tool my cc. You need to get it in writing to all three credit agencies that your ID was stollen. Imclud the police report and you can request to be notified when ever your credit is run, then you can approve that you are the one using it. Get familiar with title 7 of the fair Dept collection act. Your going to have more collectors calling you and you need to know what to tell them and how to say it. Also what they are and are not allowed to do. More collectors violate your rights because they don't know the law themselves and don't think you will know any better. Sucks miserably. GL.
  23. I should know something on this. However, I have had zero issues with my 07, it is a specB. Even still, have not heard of any issues or experienced any. I absolutely love driving the car everyday.
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