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Everything posted by Mojoe

  1. ^^ I knew someone would like that part.
  2. I misunderstood what you were asking, Clay. David seems to hit it pretty good, read his post below. Under this is just useful info. The “home invasion” or “castle doctrine” provision. This section acknowledges that a person who forcefully enters your home is not there to trade recipes and recognizes that, if discovered, the criminal is likely to attack you. Use of force to commit the crime is the key provision; you are not justified in using force on someone you invited in, someone who wandered into your house accidentally, or someone walking across your lawn. Sec. 2305.63. (A)(1) A person is justified in the use of defensive force against another that is intended or likely to cause death or serious physical harm to the other person and does not have a duty to retreat if the person using the defensive force holds a reasonable fear of imminent peril of death or serious physical bodily harm to the person's self or a third person. Like everyone has said, there is not gun registration in Ohio. If there is a threat in a home or out of the home, you can use the means necessary to be safe. Whether it's a bat, knife, chair or gun. You just can't use excessive force or pursue if the threat deescalates. You just can not be carrying concealed without a valid CHL. In the home, everything is pretty much fair game in defending yourself. Collective helpful insight: https://ohioccw.org/200603283568/stand-your-ground-in-ohio.html https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Castle_doctrine http://www.cleveland.com/akron/index.ssf/2015/08/when_does_ohio_law_allow_resid.html
  3. Mitchell's downtown was where we use to go. They have a back room, called the vault, and that's exactly what it use to be back when it use to be a bank there. The walls are lined with many wine bottle's. You could say it is now a wine vault. Should be good for a group your size. I think we had 40 in there.
  4. Kerry, I'm offended. Stop. Oh look, Radical Islam is claiming this guy was one of their soldiers. Imagine that. I'm out of hugs for the day anyways.
  5. "Some time spent on the fire department". Though I find it hard to believe that you would be in public service, I'm not looking for your resume of health. What I am saying is your demeanor and outlook is just sad. Exchanging posts on here with you, is like getting in a fight with Richard Simons. Sure, he is incredibly annoying. But in the end, it's just a waste of time. He's still going to be a weird fucker in leatards, and that's all this has turned into with you. Sure, call me a bully. I'm fine with your label. But I'm not going to just sit idle and keep hugging you to make sure you feel good about what is posted here. I'm going to be blunt and matter of fact with you, because you have lost the respect I, and many on here would give other members. At what point are you going to be pissed off enough to stop coddling the other side of the situation?
  6. Here Kerry, go chat it up with this wize scholar. http://www.leoaffairs.com/news/osu-faculty-member-accused-social-media-post-supporting-terrorist-attacked-students/
  7. The whole approach Kerry wants from society for this guy, is exactly what we have given him on this site. We hugged you initially, with your frustrating way of going about things. Frankly, now we are just tired of your argumentative bullshit, of you thinking the members here are blind to things in the world. The Great Fucking Kerry has spoken, see my ways you racist presents. How dare you not see everyone as a victim, no matter their actions. Sit the fuck down. You are as simple as it gets. Clearly!
  8. You can not rationalize irrational actions. Kerry, if I understand you correctly, you say society may have bullied this guy because he didn't feel he fit in? He wasn't comfortable in middle America, because our way of life that he chose to join, didn't cater to his upbringing and cultural ways? That's the same limp wristed excuse weak people have used for decades. He wasn't strong enough in his self belief and confidence in his way of life to feel accepted. So let's take the terrorizing part out of this, our way of life is considered bullying? Kerry, you are a middle aged male who is out of shape and over opinionated, thinking you have a wizard's like level of wisdom. Other than your weight and presumed ability to out think someone trying to harm you, you likely are just a passive individual who plays the victim. Many could say you are not accepted here, are you planning on harming the people on this site, or others around you. Do you have that "I'm gonna show them" outlook on CR members? I can entertain that this was a guy who felt out of place and wanted to harm those in the place he wanted to be accepted the most. But, I will not justify his actions based on the sad kid who was bullied by the place he lived, and the way of life around him. That's him and his upbringing, if we are still going to call him a kid, because of his student status. At the very least, if he was a solo act who was simply pissed off at those on campus, he fit the stereotype of his religion and his culture, and fucked them over for his selfish act.
  9. http://i99.photobucket.com/albums/l284/dsnowgod/2CACE2C4-BF61-430C-A194-841AAF900302_zpsy23fxbeh.jpg Kerry, I wish I was around you and a set of stairs. Now, go ahead and read into that too much and press charges on me for attempted murder.
  10. Racist, is just a crutch word, Kerry. People from the same "peaceful" group keep committing acts of violence. It's peoples natural way to want to put a label on things. You don't like the way it categorizes a group, so you get angry and put that person in a group, so guess what, you are a racist too, by your own definition. No one on this site has to agree on other people's outlook or views, nor does anyone in society for that matter. But, coming on here and saying people are racist and creating the race stereotype, just because you don't like the generalization, it's become weak with no ability to support the meaning. Why not say they are being sexiest? I mean, it's only the males doing things like this here in the US.
  11. I get what you are saying, and agree that I wish people who victimize the innocent would suffer more. Shooting to wound will kill you in court.
  12. I found his wedding registry and profile on the The Knot. Found his Fiancee's name, fortunately her twitter and Fb are set to private. Found his pic from running in the Columbus marathon 2015, with probably his Fiancee. He plays golf at the Airport golf course, and likes to comment on other courses in the area. Found the names of 5 of his family members. And, I found some ass hat on twitter hating on him for it being a white guy shooting a black guy. This guy seems to be part of some group that seems on par with BLM
  13. Nothing ever happens, and then one day it does, and people are like "shit we probably could have done things different". Literally, there has never been a, jump the curb and run over a group of people, knife attack on campus before by a Somali refugee. Until today, that is.
  14. I'm not in support of them putting the Officer's info out there. I feel it is too easy these days to track people down and their families. Nothing would devastate that cop more than someone targeting his loved ones. Today, he shot and killed someones son, brother, 18 year old kid in the same mosque they go to. This Officer was doing his job, to protect and serve. Now, the media is giving him fame. Don't think that doesn't stir up more unrest with those who hate our way of life. Some things are best kept within the department. He did a hell of a job and it's great that at his young age, with his training, he acted appropriately when he was needed.
  15. I was half expecting it to be a Michigan fan. Example of bringing a knife to a gun fight with poorly training law enforcement. Good job OSU police, for not letting something like this go down. https://www.full30.com/video/9030f86490b70a13d01f3244842a91c2
  16. http://www.unilad.co.uk/news/students-film-as-armed-police-hunt-active-shooter-at-ohio-university/ Below the image that says click to see, which didn't work for me, click on the hyper link "Here". Shows body being covered. CDP side of the event. https://www.facebook.com/ColumbusPolice/videos/10154094334071762/
  17. Shelter in place has been lifted.
  18. Contained, is just to the parking garage. It is still an active situation.
  19. Glad you like it, Tim. I'm sure there is info gathering. I'm comfortable with my settings and have been using this for about three months, where I have not seen any issues. I think on amazon alone, it has tracked a savings of almost $1000. I feel it is vetted for me at this point. There is a $399 + shipping, fishing reel I have had my eye on for a while, Honey found it for $309 shipped. But then I ask myself "WTF, $300+ to go fishing"? It sure is a nice reel though.
  20. Honey is an extension you install, that runs in the background of your browser. If you are shopping online on amazon and many other sites, it will search for a better price, or let you know if you have the best price already. I run wikibuy also, and cross reference the two to see if there are better prices that one may find and the other does not. From what I have seen, Honey kills it on Amazon, and Wikibuy finds better deals through ebay and a few other sites that Honey doesn't seem to search. Honey seems to search for online codes for discounts, where wikibuy just links you to a place selling the item at a lower price. Overall, Honey has saved me the most when shopping online. Artical about extentions and a comparison of how they work. https://comparisons.financesonline.com/zoho-wiki-vs-honey-is Link to install Honey https://www.joinhoney.com/ref/9pwd2a Wikibuy for chrome https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/wikibuy/nenlahapcbofgnanklpelkaejcehkggg?hl=en-US
  21. I'm sure someone in here would know how to do it, I'm not too savvy with electronics. Turning the unit I. Each time is a little frustrating.
  22. Nice! Congrats on the gun and the great smmo price. Btw, there are 30 round mags for those, because 20 in a pistol is not enough. Lol
  23. PSA is blowing out 5.7 ammo for $15 a box, it's normally around $25 a box. Cabelas had some too for around $17 a box.
  24. I picked up the votex bino's that were $100 off at Cabela's. Stop Tech Sport brake kit for the STi. Just upgraded pads, rotors and SS lines. New tree stand.
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