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Everything posted by Mojoe

  1. Clay, you ever go to the Jeffersonville outlet mall? Direct tools has a store there. Much of what they have for power tools is referb, but the deals are pretty nuts and still have a one year warranty. I have had no issue with anything there. I bet you would love the place. I get what you mean for your situation though.
  2. I've been following this and looking forward to the updates. Is there a reason no one is suggesting a gas powered one with different pressure settings? I picked up a 3100psi adjustable washer last year for $199. I've used it far mare that I thought for cleaning around our property. For that price, given what I see for electric ones, why not have something that can do a little more?
  3. I assume if you post this you checked to see what Obama spent last year. So, I'm having a hard time seeing where Trump spent 1.4 billion in 30 days. Can anyone help?
  4. That's for you to talk to the AT's office about. They deemed it worthy to designate into a "do not carry" zone.
  5. Maybe I'm not understanding what you are asking. Maybe you didn't see this part of my post. College campus is addressed in the CHL guidelines from the AT's office for where you can not carry. "Anywhere else" is pretty vague and falls under, not being a place you can not carry and doing what you should be while carrying. Unless of course, it is a different place on the do not carry list.
  6. Dad trips are awesome. This year, dad is going to Canada with us. He goes to Quebec often to travel, but has never been to Ontario or on a designated fishing trip. Can't wait for him to have a great time. We fish different areas too, like you and your dad. I'll fish whatever he wants. I hope to hook into a big Pike or musky and hand it off to him. I did that with a 5lb catfish last Summer and he was all smiles.
  7. Where can one get this Kool aid that so many seem to be drinking? My news feed has been F'd all day with crying souls.
  8. Would like to talk to you with a map of the lake and get the lay of the land sometime. Willing to meet our group at QSL sometime?
  9. My dad hit the small streams in VT, fly fishing trout. He loves it.
  10. Warm temps will helps us out here. Still pretty early for much of the fishing I like to do. Glad someone is catching something.
  11. This is from the Attorney General's site. I don't feel it is updated and reads that there really is not a difference with what Jones posted. Read pages 10 and 11, that I pasted below. http://www.ohioattorneygeneral.gov/Files/Publications-Files/Publications-for-Law-Enforcement/Concealed-Carry-Publications/Concealed-Carry-Laws-Manual-(PDF) Forbidden Carry Zones The law sets forth several places where your license does not allow you to carry a handgun. Under the law, you may not carry a concealed handgun into the following places: • Police stations • Sheriffs’ offices • Highway Patrol posts • Premises controlled by BCI • Correctional institutions or other detention facilities • Airport terminals or airplanes • Facilities for the care of mentally ill persons • Courthouses or buildings in which a courtroom is located • Universities, unless locked in a motor vehicle or in the process of being locked in a motor vehicle • Places of worship, unless the place of worship permits otherwise • Child day-care centers • Licensed Class D liquor permit premises, if you are consuming beer or intoxicating liquor or are under the influence. If you are not consuming, and not under the influence, you may carry unless there is a conspicuous sign prohibiting carry. Possession of a concealed firearm is allowed in a retail store with a D-6 or D-8 permit as long as the concealed carry license holder is not consuming liquor. Class D permits are generally issued to an establishment that sells alcohol for consumption on the premises. In any event, do not consume beer or intoxicating liquor before carrying a concealed handgun into a licensed premises or while on the premises. • Government facilities that are not used primarily as a shelter, restroom, parking facility for motor vehicles, or rest facility and are not a courthouse or a building or structure in which a courtroom is located. • School safety zones A “school safety zone” includes a school, school building, school premises, school activity, and school bus. For purposes of this statute, a school includes everything up to the property boundary. If you are licensed to carry a concealed handgun, you may carry a handgun into a school safety zone only if you do not enter a school building, school premises, or school activity. You also must not be in one of the places listed in ORC 2923.126(B). You may be in a motor vehicle and immediately in the process of picking up or dropping off a child. You also must comply with all other laws governing the transportation of firearms in a motor vehicle. Here is the full version to know with the change. http://codes.ohio.gov/orc/2923.126v2
  12. 4th is no problem. I'll add you and your friend to the class. Thanks, Bob. Good weather or bad, we can still shoot. The back of the classroom opens up right to the range. If it's cold, we open it a little and keep some heat in. If it's just rain or wind, we can open it up and shoot with two people at a time, if needed.
  13. My buddy I fish with is big on the kayak fishing. He has a couple, so I get to use one now and then. We are hitting Clear Fork in May on them. I did a day on Alum with him last year and never got a bite all day. It was still nice to be out there though.
  14. I have been looking at waders too. I bought a pair of hip boots to see if that will cover what I want for now, only $50. I have been back and forth on a few different waders and next thing I know, I'm $200+ into them. Which ones are you looking at? This year we are going to Lake of the Woods in Ontario. My wife's family has a spot they go to every year and we try to go up every other year. This is our primary place we are looking at for 2018. http://Http://www.kabyswildernessvacations.ca/# I kind of want to do Brice lake, but it's 10 hours more of driving. We will likely give the place above a try, in hopes of several 45"+ Northern's. If we get them, I don't need to go further north and spend more time or money to try and get a 50" fish. I will be dabbing in fly fishing there too. Picked it up last year and would like to work with it more.
  15. This is becoming a problem. With this warmer weather we are getting, I'm pretty excited to do some fishing this year. I just booked a Canada trip for Musky and Northern this Summer. Some friends and I found a place for a 2018 trip, they will fly us in for a week, and it is way up in Canada. Can't wait to be comfortably primitive for a little while. Fishing EXPO was last weekend, and they had much more to offer this year than last year. I was out of town for the Musky show in January, anyone go to it? Who has trips planned for this year? Anyone get some gear they can't wait to use? Looking forward to seeing some pics this year and hearing what is working for you all. I've been getting Lucky tackle box for about 8-10 months now. I just do the $15 a month bass one. The gear has been much better than expected. You always get more than $15 worth of stuff. Here is their link https://www.luckytacklebox.com/?aic=9LBRQ2L They turned me on to Lucky bug lures, and I have been doing very will with them. http://www.luckybuglures.com/shop/ Couple new pieces of gear I'm hooked on that some of you may find interesting. These bags are like the Swiss Army knife of tackle bags. I get it, $150+ for a damn tackle bag!? It's nuts. I have to tell you though, I will likely never buy another bag. I love these damn things. Watch the video. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00A0PA38O/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?ie=UTF8&psc=1&smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER Watch the video. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00A0PA38O/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?ie=UTF8&psc=1&smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER Not so sure how this will do here in Ohio, but can't wait to try this new top water. I may have gone a little overboard on this set up, but how could I resist when the rod is called "Mojo Musky". https://www.amazon.com/St-Croix-Mojo-Musky-Fishing-MM72MHF/dp/B004EBOJ7Q/ref=sr_1_1?s=sporting-goods&ie=UTF8&qid=1487292865&sr=1-1&keywords=mojo%2Bmusky&th=1&psc=1 And of course the reel had to be baller. https://www.amazon.com/Abu-Garcia-AMB-6500-Ambassadeur-Fishing/dp/B011LUQOPW/ref=sr_1_4?s=sporting-goods&ie=UTF8&qid=1487292961&sr=1-4&keywords=Abu+garcia+beast
  16. Let's try to be a little open minded to progressive change. Many here get what it would take to make a difference. However, the masses don't do well with taking big steps. Look at current immigration change and requirements. The policy posted from CSCC may just end there, or it may be a situation that is revisited with more places to carry down the road. Guns are a scary thing on any campus, and a hot button for protest. Had the school gone to CHL holders can carry anywhere on campus, imagine the possibilities for student dis-enrollment, protest, and any other anti gun issues. I can see this as a safe step for the school, and it being revisited in the future. Violent crimes on campus pre "gun in car" vs post "gun in car" will be looked at and nothing will likely change. This is also a campus the does not have a publicized gun related incident to compare stats to. Again, many of us here are gun friendly. We want no infringement on having a gun. But, we also aren't the issue that has caused the infringements that are in place now.
  17. Communicating is a daily frustration to me. Being an instructor, the very start point of getting your info to the student is finding a way to say it or do it, that makes it click for them. The more experience they have in doing what is being taught, the verbiage make more sense to them. First timers, or one hit wonders (someone who is only going to do it one time), almost have to be treated the same way. You don't know, and you are reading them to see if what you are saying is registering.
  18. I was coming here to bump this this morning, thanks for posting in it. Classes are still on. The week of class, students get a PM or email update with all the details of the day, to include weather expectations. There are still a few open seats for both days. I have you and your wife on the class list. Steve, and word from your BIL?
  19. I sounds bad in the vid. But, what he was saying was pretty spot on. There really is that much going on the whole time. And like I said, they don't know what you do or don't know. So someone saying they were coaching too much is their worst case. Vs someone saying they didn't get the guidance needed and crashed.
  20. Very sad to hear this. I had a great instructor when I was there in 2014. The P1's we broken, so I went int he 458. I have done a few track days, with and without coaching. For the level of car I was driving, $300K+, I was very pleased with how they did things. I'm sure they get all levels of easy and hard to work with people through there. Won't embed, but this was my sesson there.
  21. Thread from last year discussing this. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=124330&highlight=Randy+Savage
  22. Bump. I was out of town for a bit, but back now. I'm building the class rosters now. There are still a few seats for each class, however the 4th is looking to be filled up soon. Feel free to contact me with any questions.
  23. AR15 is the Mr Potato Head of rifles. Always a fun gun. Congrats on the acquisition.
  24. Maybe a "for everything" price would help. Maybe some links too?
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