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Everything posted by Mojoe

  1. Lolly pop lolly pop, oh lolly lolly lolly lolly pop..... POP! ba dun dun dun 5
  2. And yet a 4th. Still funny as hell.
  3. See, it's stuff like that that's good to know. Discover is a funny card to work with. That makes perfect since for them to do that. They are one of the top cards the are included in bankruptcy. They are not hard to get, but difficult to work with is you run into financial issues. thanks for the info Smokey.
  4. Just had to see it again. That's fucking hilarious. Still laughing double post
  5. ROFL!!! LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL! That's fucking great.
  6. Never have I seen or heard of this. Why would they close and account that has the potential to bring in $? I see old peoples credit all the time that is in great shape. And when I sit down with them and go over their open accounts, often we come across one from 20 years ago that they haven't used. The fact is, that account is part of why they have a great credit rating. The longer time you have established with a creditor, directly reflects on your credit. Poeple looking at your credit don't want to see that you jump from deal to deal. Stick with a core group of creditors and lenders that you like to work with. The longer you are with them, and the more you use them, the better deal you are going to get from therm. And when you do have someone else look at your credit, they will see that too. If you call and close an account that does not hurt you, UNLESS, it carries a balance and you are still paying on it. If a creditor closes and account with a balance on it, that hurts you
  7. One of you guys who works , or has worked at a dealership should start the thread on how everything works. Good deal vs. bad deal. there are a ton of rumors out there.
  8. We never made it very far up there. We spent most of our time in training area's that were toward the base. I was there 5 weeks and when we did get time off, I went to Tokyo. I was in the subway station 1 hour before it was gassed in 1995. They called us back to camp and we ran patrols for 4 days on the other side of the mountain from our camp. On a tip that the group that had done the gassing was hiding out in that area. We saw no one. Another time while laying in the defense in the prone, we had a 3.7 earth quake. Everyone one was just looking at each other, like what the fuck was that? But, we knew. Mt. Fuji is a crazy place. Very cool though. Good luck with the sale Eric.
  9. Anyone that size and not doing anything about it, I shake my head (outside of medical reasons). When someone makes a come back like that, I think that is awesome. The determination that it must have taken is very commendable.
  10. Mojoe

    oh, whats up

    Here we go. I posted 1st.
  11. Actually, before this quote, you never asked this question. LJ has covered some of this. But, also look at it from the creditors side. If you have many inquiries, the other lenders have no way of knowing if you were approved or denied. So to be safe, lets say you were approved. Now, from a lenders stand point, I'm worried that you took loans with 4 other banks and are fraudulently using these funds, or going out there and running them up or cashing them out(credit cards). Credit cards are a great example of this. Not so much with cars though. It happens. Lenders then have watch as someone never makes a payment and then has to try and recover those funds (new BK laws). The reason for the score taking a hit with inquiries, is to protect the creditors by showing them, with your score, you may be a risk. Lenders have guild lines based on score. If your score is 580 -670, you get this rate. If it's 671 - 750, you get that rate. If it's 300 - 579, that's outside the guild lines, and they will not lend you money. THESE ARE ONLY EXAMPLES I MADE UP!!!! Your questions have been good. A lot of people don't know these things. I hope I have answered your questions. I didn't want to come off like a dick over this. I just get very specific on topics like this because so many people read it. If someone has better info than me, I hope they correct me. If I did not cover what you asked, feel free to let me know. A PM is fine if you don't want it here. With what happened to you at Ricart, I can see where you thought that is how things work.
  12. My process is different than a car dealership. I'm a broker. I have 80 + banks that I work with. Not to mention the money that we lend. When I pull credit, I cross reference it with everyone of their programs that fits my borrowers needs. I learn and know all the programs, or I reference them from the lenders guild lines. I know exactly what is needed for the loan to go through that lender. There is no need for me to waste the lenders time and have multiple inquiries, with sending the credit all over the place. When the loan is sent to the lender, they do pull there own credit. So, that makes 2 inquiries for the borrower. However, I do have some lenders that will underwrite off my report. Or, I can simply pull it from them, if I know I'm going to send it there. There are options. It just depends on the loan itself.
  13. We need a thread about how dealerships work to be stickied for reference. I just covered credit in another thread. And so many people have no idea all the $ that comes from a transaction. I know we have some guys on her that work at dealerships too. If someone else doesn't start it, I'll try to get to it. But, might be a while.
  14. And I never said you did. I gave an example to fit your implication. Here will this make you happy . To everyone on CR : getting denied credit does not hurt your credit score . There now go find something to argue about that !! There are 5000+ car buyers on this board. Your previous statements could mislead and hurt someone trying to use the info you were putting out. I un-fuck credit everyday. And don't want to see anyone on here go through some of the shit I see. I'm not looking to argue. If you knew it for a fact, I would have accepted solid proof and said I was wrong. I was looking for something to reference, so in the future I could be sure. Even though I'm still at my office with 2 people who worked at Ricart for a combined 18 years and have a close friend at he Toy Barn. Let alone my last 10 years of working with credit. I was simply asking your source for info. There are so many variables to credit, it is an interpretation debate at some points.
  15. Holy fucking rumoristic bullshit. When you go to a car dealership and have your credit pulled. They are not sitting at the fax machine sending 20 copies of your credit out to one bank at a time. They hit the mass email list with your info in it. Whoever comes back with a loan first and with the best deal (outside of them sending it to their "preferred lender" , who gives them a kick back), is all they care about. 12 inquires for a dealer working with challenged credit is normal. That's just one dealer. Let alone; the fact that no lender will use your credit. Other wise car dealerships would still be cutting and pasting to make a deal. They HAVE to pull their own credit. No process, that I am aware of, is noted to the credit bureau for you getting turned down. It simply shows as an inquiry. The law then requires that lender send you a denial letter. That's it. The break down in how many points per pull varies. I'm not even getting into that. Again, abuseU1300, please state your source.
  16. FALSE. Please state your source.
  17. Eric I was going to post the same thing, but didn't think anyone would get it.
  18. I had a pair of Danners that I wore when I was at MT. Fuji. It was wet and windy and around -5 + wind chill. It was 2:30am and I was waiting in an ambush for over an hour laying in the snow. It was the most miserable experience to get/be warm I have ever encountered, to this day. My legs were numb and I did not think I would be able to move when the ambush was initiated. My upper body was a wreck from the wind and wet. My shivers were like small earth quakes and I thought I was going to give away our position. My hands were fucked beyond belief. All this and my feet were warm and cozy. Free bump. Nice boots Eric.
  19. I have to tell people at least 3 times a week to take that shit out. Not to mention the retards who think they can wear it in uniform on a drill weekend. If you want to wear it, do it at home or in the club. If you are getting paid, or on the clock, take it out. And DO NOT interview with it. Unless you are a stripper, looking to work at the Lyons Den, or maybe a working in a bar. My .02
  20. I never saw this car and know nothing about it.
  21. Mojoe

    For Sale:

    Phone info: http://www.gsmarena.com/nokia_n70-1153.php
  22. I know what you went through. You called me 12 times that day asking more and more questions instead of going to the guy I put you in touch with 2 months before that who had the BMW you ended up wanting after talking to everyone else. If you tell someone they can pull your credit at a car dealership, and you are still building your credit. You need to know they are going to keep sending it until someone comes back and says they will finance you. You need to tell them other wise or have your financing established before you go there.
  23. You do not need SSN to pull credit. You NEED permission though. I can look at anyones credit off of virtually very little info on them. As for Dish; they are gathering info to use to come after you later, if needed. Many companies try to get it up front so the collections department has info to work with, or the collection company they sell your dept to. Name and last 4 are fine. Most of the time I can find you off of looking at your credit anyway. That's all they are looking to do.
  24. Not entirely true. I have been in the military doe 15 years, and have seen many sides to things. The reserves and the guard are different. The guard serves the State to help when state emergencies pop up. However, the guard is also leased out to the Federal Gov. for money and training. A new mission, other than state, is coming about because the Guard has shown that it does some things better that the active component. Reserves were suppose to be just that, in reserve. If the active duty unit is called in, the reserve unit would replace it at it's duty station or in another support form. Now, they too are called to there own tasks. Not everyone is getting deployed in the future. It completely depends on what you do. And you are not going to get extended; unless you are deployed toward the end of your contract, as I was. My last contract was up in March of 2005. I came home from Iraq in march of 05. They can't just say, ok, you're all set. I had 90days off and then I could have gotten out. If you are about to get out and your unit is called, you may still have to go and would be involuntarily extended. Out of a 6 year enlistment, for this to happen would be very rare timing. Benefits are a good thing. There are way too many to list, but the one everyone knows is your school is paid for. If you think you are going to join and get free school and get out of going if you are called, do not sign up for an MOS that is likely to get called. The pay is not great. But, the bonus's they have now make up for that when you are just starting out. If you were deployed, you can live off what you make, as long as you don't blow your $ on DVD's and CD's like most people do. There are a lot of good things about going/being in the military. I know in 5 years I will have a pension waiting for me and I'll be only 37. It doesn't seem real. But, the experience and the long term benefits are not bad when you look at how cooperations are no longer taking care off people who have been with them for 20yrs.
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