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Everything posted by Mojoe

  1. You "heard". That's what CR people do, they hear things. 2 people were there. Both were having issues with 3rd gear. I have no problem saying the Z06 won. I only did a few 2nd gear pulls and I had no 3rd gear. The car simply would not go into 3rd over 7000 RPM. I could start from 3rd, but we never got a chance to run. He's a nice guy. Other than someone wanting gossip our shit, there was nothing to talk about. As for the write on my car,Ty thanks. You know what the car was running and I was only happy it smooth out from where it was. Thanks for making to trip up here. You, and the guys with you were very cool to talk to. The tires never broke traction, because everything was set on low. I was running 9-11 lbs of boost and have fuel issues that are a mathematical night mare. We turned the boost down a took some fuel away so I would be able to at least play a little. When you rode with me I was shifting at 7000 rpm's. It ran fine like that all day. That night ???????, I don't know what happened. It was just nice to drive the car.
  2. Mojoe

    Rx 7 Meet! 7/7/07

    The issue with that car was injector related. I don't know the parts enough to say what happened. But, the guy got it fix, went back on the dyno, broke it, fixed it and still drove 2+ hours home. He made 560+ wheel from what I understand and was on low boost.
  3. There are several sides to this. I got calls from 6 people + it happened right behind me. His girl called me late last night to let me know what was going on. I'm not putting it out here, and no one really should. That's Jake's call. I will say in his defense, his girl said she was yelling at the cops for beating on him up and the Sargent they were radioing it in to came out to the scene and said they used excessive force. Leave this alone. It will only be shit gossip and one side opinions.
  4. Chris's car is sick. I still have a soft spot for those BMW's. Eric, I have some adjustments to make and never ran that night. However, I have no problem comparing when I have things right.
  5. By no means would I say become a source for them on any level. but, letting them be, to do there thing, shouldn't be an issue. Other than it doesn't look good. One mans trash is another mans treasure.
  6. Ok. I know you guys took that one pic real close to when I shot out a big fire ball.
  7. Man, that white car was so fast. hehe Nice vid. And nice talking to you guys. Did you end up getting the pic with the fire ball out of the RX 7?
  8. Being broke sucks. I had the broke child hood. My parents worked and there was just not enough money. Mom had 2 jobs. Dad work a night job and help a farmer on the weekends. We didn't blow $ on things, we tried to get by. I'm not proud of it, but I have taken cans to the recycle place. In Vermont (where I grew up) a can was worth $.05. Not a lot of money. But, 3 trash bags full of cans, can get dinner on the table. I at least was walking down country roads picking them up (not many people see you). This poor guy has his whole family in a populated area doing it. Fucking humiliating. On another note. I moved to Ohio with $300, no car, no job and in 3 days had it all covered. Ohio has $ and plenty of opportunity. If you are picking cans, then you are not trying hard enough and need to un fuck many other things in your life. If it's your credit or wage garnishment at you owe so much on you are fucked. Then picking cans is where it's at.
  9. Mojoe


    Keep thinking that Eric. let me know how that turns out.
  10. I don't think there is anyone is saying it couldn't be paid or shouldn't at that level of car. The over all question was "should he contest it"? If you felt like putting in the time to work the damage to the bumper to display angle, then sure. Really, why not? It's your right. You know you already have to pay it. Why not see if you can explain why it's not mounted, but that you do keep it in the car. (I hope you do) Them adding $35 for court cost really isn't a big deal cost wise. It's local, so your wait/court time shouldn't be that long. I would take some pictures with you and show the bumper and that it would damage it. It's not like you are running some after market body kit on there. That's how it came. For $35, it might be fun to see what they say ans if the just drop the fine down to court cost. Comes down to; do you have more time or money to waste on this? my .02.
  11. I agree with all the above, except the collectors bit. Not sure on that and would lean toward what Howard said with him just getting his. Here's what I do. I keep the plate in the back pouch of the passengers seat. When I have been pulled over, I explain that I don't drive the car much, and have not had it long, and that there is no bracket to display without drilling and damaging the bumper. They are happy to see I have it with me and that I am trying. I have been let go every time. I also always pull over before they turn their lights on. Cops for some reason like this. I think it tells them " have nothing to hide and want to make this easy on you". It worked for me yesterday in fact. Anyway, as for paying the ticket or fighting it. I'd say you are paying this one. I personally have no issue with paying a front plate fine. I don't agree with it. But, it's a luxury tax until we get the law changed. It would be interesting to see the outcome of taking it to court and explaining that it would damage the car. I would like to see what they see is an acceptable way of displaying it. I don't agree with it going in the windshield. I think that it could slide across the dash in a corner and mess up you driving by you reaching for it. I'd like to hear more about other people's thoughts though.
  12. Did I leave a Royal flush in here? Anyone seen it?
  13. Yes. I rode in a second gen in April with a dude in the back seat.
  14. Mojoe


    Honesty is a mother fucker. You sir have it. I literally lol reading your post.
  15. Mojoe


    LOL> Which are you?
  16. Autobahn, with a worthy car. Helo board a huge back bowl. Go 200mph in a car. For those that want to sky dive. If going to Hawaii is on your list too, do it there. I jumped up on the North Shore and it was incredible. You can see the entire island while you are coming down. It looks like you are going to land in the water, and the island is just a dot to try and hit. And fast has a whole new meaning.
  17. Mojoe


    LOL! I opened that in my email and my buddy was in my office. We were dying. That shit is funny. I love that 60 + people have looked at it and only 5 people post.
  18. It's a ploy to cover up the cop causing 2 people to die. They are trying to show how much they are doing so this never happens again. It will never go through. My narrow minded opinion.
  19. around 5 lbs.. This happens close to 4 - 6 month's.
  20. Mojoe


    Make Up $60 Tattoo $500 Boob Job $10000 http://i99.photobucket.com/albums/l284/dsnowgod/image001.jpg Forgetting To Tuck Your Nuts In... Priceless You know you keep looking. LOL
  21. Spay Neuter Clinic Inc ... 2665 Billingsley Rd 766-2317 ... They did both of my cat's and it was around $300 for declaw spay and neuter. My Vet recommended them for price and good work
  22. Mojoe


    No. The turbo's are way louder than usual. We were looking to see if there was a vacuum leak.
  23. Mojoe


    For those of you who have never heard of the "game". It's when you are doing everything that is right to fix something on your car and either something else pops up or there is nothing you can find wrong to make it do what it's doing. My case: I had a ticking sound coming from under the hood. Everything made since for it to be an exhaust leak. So I take everything from the exhaust manifold to the mid pipe off, and check everything. Gaskets are good, nothing is cracked, and no signs of fanning (carbon or soot, leaking out of an area). 4 times I took everything off. Needless to say, I was a little heated about not finding anything wrong. Ended up being a bolt on the turbos had come off under the heat shield. Not a huge issue. but, very annoying.
  24. Mojoe


    FAAAAAAWKIN FUCKING FUCKIN FUCKITY FUCKING FUCK fUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK !!!!!! *At no time were any animals harmed in this outburst.(though I did push the cat off the couch) Now back to our regularly scheduled, playing of the fucking ever annoying GAME. It has not be mentioned this year, but some of you know what it is. Back to it.
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