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Everything posted by Mojoe

  1. Mojoe

    Student loans

    Ideally you want not student loans at all. Is the military an option? National Guard will pay tuition, and she would make about $550 as a student, only working two days a month. There are many other benefits too, that would save her a lot of money.
  2. Someone else buy this. My schedule just went to shit for the next 6 days. Jeff was great about calling me tonight, but I don't want to hold him up. This would be a fall back hunting rifle.
  3. PM me your # please. Or call mine in my sig. Thanks
  4. There is $100 in ammo with this deal, just by it's self. This is very close to the set up I use for deer hunting in Vermont. Does it come with a scope? If it does, what are the details of the scope? Pic? GLWS
  5. Time is 8am to 8pm. Location is New Albany/Johnstown area, about 15 minutes from Easton. PM me for exact address. We still teach a 12 hour class that covers the NRA Basic Pistol course and much more, to give you all that is needed for CCL in Ohio. There is extensive emphasis on marksmanship, with one on one training. This is a one day course, so you get it done and over with. Please PM me to get in the class, or for any questions. As always, if you are interested in setting up a class with your family and friends, PM me to have a private class. Couples, PLEASE do all you can to do the class together. We want you both on the same page, as shown by the discount. CR rate is $75 per person + $25 for gun rental and ammo, if needed. Couples are $125 + $25 for gun rental and ammo, per person if needed. Non CR rate is $100 per person + $25 for gun rental and ammo, if needed. Couples are $150 + $25 for gun rental and ammo, per person if needed. We commit to making sure you are trained. If you do not pass the range portion, we will retrain you, at no cost, other than gun and ammo use if needed. If you don't pass the written test, we will work with you so you can pass it, at no cost. If you just don't like how I teach and don't want to retrain, I'll give you your money back. At this time we have no intention of going to a shorter class time; less than 12 hours. We have reviewed our course material and feel that cutting information covered does not serve the student best. Also, if you were a student of my course prior to May 2013, you are invited to attend any current class, free of charge. There is new material and technique being taught. As always, any prior student is invited to be a guest in a class to refresh info and training. Please message me for details or with questions you may have. http://i99.photobucket.com/albums/l284/dsnowgod/0ED2FA9F-5384-4D0A-989E-622491238066_zpsyu3zxc2y.jpg
  6. This is great to read. You have to grind to get the pay off, and your hard work has shown with this opportunity. Keep at it. Congrats.
  7. This is a credit to you, Craig. You felt like you wanted a tune up on info and to cover the info again, and you made the time to do that. Thank you. We do put out a lot of info, and it will change and get better over time. We always have an open invite for former students to be a guest in a current class, at no charge. To us, it just puts a better person out in public who is able to make a difference in their safety.
  8. Taylor, we appreciate all you have said. Our class is not for everyone, we have been very fortunate to have great people, like yourself, who commit the time to train with a firearm. You are welcome to come back and train anytime.
  9. I did all the above, except the xmas lights, today. Seven more years, and I would probably be all over this to keep me busy. I will put this out to a few of my guys looking for work. They are from the Westerville, and Lewis Center area.
  10. Eric is a great car guy who cares for his cars. Sorry to see it go, happy to see your new ride. GLWS
  11. Have a couple seat available for this Sunday's class. Let me know if you want a seat Next class will be May 1st.
  12. Jesse, buy it and have it ceramic coated the color you want. Easy storage suspended in the garage rafters.
  13. Good to see a Cobb tuner again. Seems like there were a few and they have dispersed, who is actually doing your tuning with the Cobb software?
  14. Tough to say from this end. With it working for so many people, it would seem more on the individual users system, than as a site issue. But, I'm the last person to be doling out IT advice. If you need it broken, call me.
  15. I know the M203 is still in use, but the shotgun rounds and flechette rounds were taken out of service in the 90's.
  16. Check your browser for an update also. With Chrome, if you have email set up to notify through an extension, it may not if it needs updated. If not that, Jones is probably right.
  17. Is your issue resolved?
  18. I'm not going to say I know. I will say, it's chalk. As always, get it confirmed before you risk it. But, you can shoot fire into the air with it, and that's fine? But, chalk isn't allowed? you need to get your own land, so you can be left the fuck alone and shoot what you want.
  19. http://www.americanspecialtyammo.com/37_mm.html Looking at their page now, I don't see anything but flares. They use to have a wide variety for 37mm. They still have a lot of other neat ammo. I'm sure with a little looking someone is still selling fireworks and shotgun rounds. The ones I saw were not an adaptor, they were 37mm shotgun rounds. The military had them in 40mm, until the mid 90's. They were outlawed per "the rules of war". We had to shoot off pallets of them. Doesn't take to long to get tired of shooting them through a M203.
  20. What range will let you fire 37mm? What options did you get that do fire out of 37mm? Fireworks, flares, shotgun rounds, so many fun things. I almost bought one in 2012. Tons of fun. But, damn expensive to pull the trigger.
  21. I would sooner say eat in New Albany, or order all the food from Route 62 BBQ and eat where you have rehearsal. Are you looking for a nice place, like Hudson 29 in New Albany? There's an Italian place over by Giant Eagle, called Rosa and Rocko's. I haven't been there, but have heard its good.
  22. That is awesome. LOL. Great looking guns. That Vector is a nutty piece of engineering.
  23. Many of us on CR still write with crayons, pics sell guns. GLWS
  24. ^^ Agreed. I really like his outlook on things. He is very "make sense" and witty.
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