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Everything posted by Mojoe

  1. Last weekends class worked out great with the weather. This class is looking light, so plenty of range time and getting more than just your average range training. Transitioning from target to target, mag changes, and a few other drills are able to be added when class size is 3-4 people. Next weeks class is almost full, but there is plenty of room for this Sunday.
  2. Nice looking truck. I can see me doing something like this, once the current projects free up some $.
  3. I would donate to any combo listed so far, before anyone who is currently running.
  4. Mojoe


    When Ruger started putting these out, I looked them over pretty good. For the money and a company that stands behind what they make, this is hard to beat. I don't need another AR, but if I did, I would pick this up from you. GLWS
  5. Since everyone hates the current options, what is your suggestion for a fix? Who is your best combo? Must be alive, don't go throwing Calvin College out there as an option. President: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph_Dunford Because "Fuck you" is an acceptable reason and resolve to many more things than we currently use it for. Vice:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rand_Paul Think what you want, but this is good balance in the relationship and brings value. Feel free to solve the issues of America with your suggested combination.
  6. Mojoe

    Gun Purchase

    Both are good guns. At the very core of reasoning with a gun purchase is the intended use, functionality and simplicity. I assume the purchase is with the intention of carrying it. If you are dead set on a single stack carry, I lean toward the Shield. I have shot both, and owned a shield. As much as the XD is a good gun, I don't like the back strap safety. It is good engineering, it does the job of being a safety. I just don't think it is needed and it's too busy for my liking. It's neat to shoot, but not where I would put my money. Just personnel preference. Are you looking at a Shield with, or without a safety? Are you comfortable with a gun without a thumb safety? Have you looked at Glock?
  7. Mojoe

    Home energy review?

    Use to be Miller. I think now he is in product research for the Lyons Den.
  8. Is this Ron that was at Wheel Medic?
  9. So if I am reading this right, regardless of if you were doing what the ticket says your were doing, fight it if you think you can beat the cop on what they wrote on the ticket? Green bike, white bike, was it painted and the plates come up as the other color? I'm not getting into the argument of justifying a cop's time. That is endless and will go no where.
  10. Good book. Maybe you'll get it to print in paperback. Look, I wish CR had the option to write in crayon, so you could see how simple this is. People in this thread have admitted that they have been speeding and got tickets. Not one person has said they were not speeding and got a ticket. So, now you introduce people have a "right to fight a ticket", like no one has talked about that. No shit, they have. If you can't fathom owning you were speeding and paying the ticket, I guess I shouldn't be surprised. Again, you have complicated the simplest of things. If you did it, own it. You say my outlook is "un-American". I say you'll spend the next three pages quoting and sifting through every word, until the meaning of the thread is completely wrong. Prove me wrong.
  11. No one in here has said they weren't speeding. Yet, there is plenty of talk about still fighting a ticket. No one said cops are always right. Therefore, no one is arguing that in this thread, you brought it up. Therefore there is no need to talk about fighting a wronged citation. Take my 20 years+ of un-American service and see how they fit up your ass Kerry. You despicable legal hack. You take something out of context, and twist it just enough to throw your slighted input.
  12. And a "lotta clowns" go fight tickets with no integrity, because they want to play the technicality. How can you say "don't act like you don't speed", when you clearly wrote you you a ticket doing 85 in a 65, and in the same sentence say you fought it? Law enforcement has enough to do without getting dragged to court and you knowing you were speeding. Let's take them away from their day off, or picking up an extra shift, so they can validate why they gave a ticket. Own your situation, or don't put yourself in it. No one in here is saying they weren't speeding or that they never have before.
  13. I agree. However, They did a wheel fix and color match for me in the Fall. I will be bring the wheel back to them for the third time to fix the paint. The look was great. But, it started chipping off within weeks of being on the car. At this point, for the $130 I paid and the 4-5 trips there, I could have bought a new wheel. Car looks great though.
  14. Mojoe


    That's what I was thinking it would be good for. Neat build, and looks like good functionality.
  15. There are a few people in on this class. Still room for more. Weather is looking good for some shooting.
  16. Mojoe


    That's a neat little table. What it the intended use?
  17. IS your time worth going to court to fight it? Even if dismissed, you still pay court cost. For $100 and me knowing I was speeding, it's not worth going downtown, parking, dealing with the awesomeness that surrounds a courtroom, and then rolling the dice on "if" the cop shows. All the whinny excuses in the world, not posted for aerial, ticket marked wrong, I want to play every technicality to my advantage, doesn't change the fact that you were speeding. I speed, let's go with "often". I don't care if one day I get a ticket for 26 mph in a 25 zone. I'll take it as a win for all the times I have not received tickets for far worse.
  18. Time is my enemy. I live 20ish minutes from Alum. By the time I get a workout in the morning, work, then do projects around the house, oh yeah do some shooting, taking the bike out doesn't get prioritized much.
  19. I fucking hate reading about this stuff. My dumb ass went out and bought a "gee wiz" bike last year, because wife said she wants bikes. $2500 later, we have bikes, gear, a fucking trailer hitch and bike carrier for four. That must be so we can pretend to go biking with our other friends that thought this was a great idea. But hey, sweet MB, Bro. 11 months later, twelve fucking miles on the bike and never attached the carrier to the hitch. But hey, we have bike's. YEEEEAAAAAA!
  20. It was put on a 12v charger. Fast charge, and jump start settings. It read the battery was charged. It just did have the cranking amps anymore, I assume. I'll take a $20 fix any day. It started right up with the new battery.
  21. New battery was the fix. While trouble shooting, it went from the sound in the vid, to a chugging sound. Advanced auto parts sells "used" battery's that are new, but have been on the shelf over 18 months. $20 fix and I'm back in action. Thanks for the input guys. Batteries be batteries, read good, but actually not good.
  22. Swapped spark plugs, that's not it.
  23. Engine is not spinning. Gas is good. Haven't been able to fest spark
  24. This is a different vid, but mine is doing the same thing. Battery is charged. Stayed on a tender all Winter. Hooked it up to a charger and it read charged. Probably going to put in new plugs, but I think they are new last year when I did a tune up on everything. It might be the ignition coil. The zero turn is a 2008. Anything I might be over looking? Thanks
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