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Everything posted by Mojoe

  1. I hate the process to change the oil, and the way the shield is set up. But, don't know that I would throw $250 at it for a skid plate I'm not likely to do any off roading with.
  2. Mojoe

    F-ing Tinder

    Before long we should have a sister, co-worker, an ex, or maybe someone's current girl, ID'd on here.
  3. Love the progress. Just spent way more time than I should have on Primitive's site, looking at skid plates for the STi and Outback.
  4. Shots fired!!! With any of us being on here for a long time, we are all subject to sharing enough to be roasted. Winter CR is in full effect.
  5. I just want to hug you man. You're hitting me right in the feels. I want it to be better. This thread, and any others you've replied to, would be reduced in pages by 60%, if your typical reply was not a short novel.
  6. And that would suck. In every case, including when my wife let hers lapse for two months over, I have heard that they are very understanding and renew. It just takes one Sheriff though, and like it said, that would suck.
  7. It must be very lonely being the only one not in the fantasy world that you claim some of the members here live in. Your perception of intelligence and what you take as "fact", in nothing more than what you look into or are exposed to. Your insistent need to be right, even when contradicting yourself, screams of your insecurities. Again, a very lonely feeling. I hope you're having a good day.
  8. I don't need to operate it. If someone has one, and wants to come over and do the work, I would rather pay them for their time and equipment. So long as it's not an amount that would end up being better for me to just rent one and do it.
  9. Thanks for picking up on this and updating with your info, Brian. We never know when the county will change the process, so hearing this is helpful. Ryan, if you run into anything different, please update us. Thanks.
  10. The issue is a trailer for me. Not looking to rent one of those too. The place above is 5 miles down the road, but the transport is the issue.
  11. Looking for something like this: http://jdpowerandtool.com/product/50d-mini-excavator/ I'm looking to re-edge my pond. Wondering what your cost would be? Pond has easy access all the way around, and is about one acre in size. Located near New Albany and edge of Johnstown.
  12. That would be great. I'm all over the place on free time, so it will be very hit and miss. Thanks
  13. Jason got all set up with a board, boots and bindings last week. Of course now it's been 60 degrees and raining. Let us know how you looks the new gear, Jason.
  14. I did Canada fishing for a 9 day trip last year. The fishing was great, but being left the fuck along in a nice place was outstanding. Derek, having a pond has me spoiled. I don't have the time to trek to lakes and shore fish, and I can't justify a boat. Although, I would like to tackle some muskie up on Alum. I thought about doing a CR fish day, but that could turn into a mess. That pond isn't that big.
  15. Yes. We have a class scheduled for this Sunday. And I will continue to teach traditional classes until I run out of student packets, or mid May. Are you able to make the class on Sunday?
  16. And we will run into that time and time again. Mandating online training will hurt people going through the process and deter them. The web site will be down, people will have issues logging in, they will complete the test but not get a certificate, and all the other things I have seen with my work and required online training.
  17. There were a few guys who issued over 400 certificates for training, without training to standard. So, what Brian said would fall into that. The NRA had not been making money off of certified Instructor, after they are certified. The money that was being charged by the instructor covered NRA student packet(I'm sure there is a profit in there), facility expenses, targets, guns, ammo refreshments, and their knowledge and time. Now the NRA is taking $60 up front and saying " good luck" to the instructors. As an example, we barely cover our ammo and utility cost with our classes. But, that is to our own fault and the students benefit, for us refusing to teach large classes. Larger classes would mean a profit. We feel information in larger classes simply does not get exchanged will. We would like to make money to buy fun toys doing this. But, we enjoy seeing people progress in what we teach them, and go out and be better shooters with the right mind set. That really turns out to be to payment for us. The fact is, we have full time careers we still have to focus on, so teaching more classes isn't really an option sometimes. The structure we teach will change because of this.
  18. I tried to move it and got this message, "You have tried to move the thread into a forum that cannot contain posts. Please select a different forum." OP, sounds like you need to work on your follow up, or be more respectful to people's time they give you.
  19. Give Allison, at Marcum K9 a call, and ask here about boundary training. He number is 1(740)243-1251. Tell her Murphy's dad told you about the training. If you are looking to put out $500, it's my thought you could get a lot more from her training then just setting boundary.
  20. It is a major blow. The NRA dips into more than 2/3 of the cost of what I was charging. Granted, now there is no student packets to buy, and get murdered on the shipping NRA charges. The cost of targets go up, because now there are 4 different targets to buy or print for each student. I'm glad the range portion has increased in the challenge. Over all, the student will have to pay more in the long run, compared to what they would be able to get their CHL for currently. The NRA pushed an email out earlier in the month, and the Phase II PDF is posted on the Instructor portal site. Range qual has changed to, 10', 15', 20' and 45' requirements. Dear NRA Pistol Instructor: Excitement is in the air as we approach the release of the new NRA Basics of Pistol Shooting course, on or about February 17! Once the new NRA Basics of Pistol Shooting course has been released, your ability to advertise the current NRA Basics of Pistol Shooting course on NRAInstructors.org will not be available. However, there will be a transitional period through mid-May where it is permissible to teach the NRA Basics of Pistol Shooting course in both the traditional format and the new blended approach. Once this period ends, the only way to conduct the course will be via the blended format. Please take this into consideration when placing orders for new materials. Basic Pistol course Student Packets will continue to be available on a limited basis until later this month and the NRA will be accepting returns and refunding instructors for unused NRA Basic Pistol Student Packets after the transitional period ends, less shipping and handling. By now, we hope that you have reviewed both the Basics of Pistol Shooting Phase II Lesson Plans as well as the Phase I portion of the course on the Instructors-only webpage, which will help you prepare to teach in the new format. Students can find your courses as they always have, but they will be required to enter a Personal Identification Number (PIN) when they register for the course, prompting them to complete the e-learning portion (Phase I) first. After a student has completed Phase I and prints the certificate, the PIN will be activated, allowing the student to register for the Instructor-led-training (Phase II) portion of the course. When the student uses the PIN to register for Phase II, the student's contact information and test score from Phase I will automatically populate on the Instructor's course report. Once a student has completed Phase II, the Instructor must submit the course report for the students who have passed to print the students' certificate from NRAInstructors.org. We realize that many Instructors do not advertise or conduct courses regularly. Even if you conduct courses infrequently, your students must complete Phase I online so you can create a course report after you have completed Phase II with the students. Certificates will be populated with both the students' and the Instructor's information. All you will need to do is initial the level that the student has qualified at and sign the certificate. You will also provide each student with a copy of the Performance Requirements Checklist. Students who register for the new NRA Basics of Pistol Shooting course will not receive a packet from the NRA Certified Instructor. Instead, students will have immediate access to the NRA Guide: Basics of Pistol Shooting in a digital format, and a hardback book will be mailed directly to them at no additional cost. The NRA has considered a lot of factors in determining the student cost to take the NRA Basics of Pistol Shooting course, which will not exceed $60. We look forward to these exciting times and rolling out the new NRA Basics of Pistol Shooting course. Thank you for all you do and for your continued support of NRA Training Programs.
  21. Boxers are very trainable. For the cost of these system, I would have to think investing in training would not cost as much. We had a hard time trusting the training in the beginning. I have watched our dog full on chase rabbits, and stop at the edge of where I mow. He walks to the end of the drive way with us to get the mail, 300' drive, and stops at the tree line before the road. He makes us look a lot smarter than we are with how he behaves. It's like having a kid that says "please and thank you".
  22. Bump for this weekend.
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