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Everything posted by Mojoe

  1. The NRA has changed how classes will be taught with new online training required. What does this mean to the person looking to get their CHL? The process in the past has been to go to a certified Instructor who teaches a minimum of what the state requires. In March of 2015, Ohio went from a 12 hour to a 8 hour requirement for training, with online, or classroom, and range time. Traditional classes have still been allowed. As of February 2016, the NRA has online training set up which requires 90% on the test or better to pass. Once you pass, you print your certificate and get a pin number. You will find an Instructor through the NRA site and register for their class. This part does not seem to be up and running yet and has little detail, thus far. Once with an Instructor, you will do your range qualification and any other training that Instructor has for their course material. Then, the Instructor can sign off on your training and you take your certificate and other requirements to your Sheriff. This is the summarized version. With the NRA taking away the ability to let Instructors buy student packets which come with the certificates, they have been out of stock for a month and not looking to be available anymore, there is no other way to get the certificate needed for your Sheriff to issue the CHL. There is a grace period of Mid May to teach without the online training, but your Instructor will need to have certificates stocked up with student packets. Once you register with the NRA to take the online class, for $60, you will have three attempts to pass with a 90% or better to get your online certificate. Then, once you get to your Instructor, they can charge up to another $60 for your range time and other material they cover. The NRA has that outlined too. With the online portion covering what I assume was the power point portion of the material, this will free up sitting int the classroom for a long day. I'm not pleased with the change. It makes the student look at material they may need help with, but have no one to help them that is informed. I see many people failing the test, where with proper instruction, they could have learned. Who is really going to pay to do the online again, if they miss it 3 times? Some would say, "well they are too dumb to carry then". I have taught smart people that do stupid things. And, I have seen people hate a computer, but problem solve situations like they have a PHD. The issue is, without passing the online, you never make it to an Instructor. There are several other things that need more detail, I will post more as I get the info and become more familiar with it. The NRA online registration link: https://onlinetraining.nra.org/online-courses/nra-basics-of-pistol-shooting-course/
  2. Mojoe

    F-ing Tinder

    Just keep it here and it can be tagged NWS. It's in the kitchen as it is, if someone opens this thread at work not realizing the content, that's on them.
  3. $125 and I'll give you a Rotor shaped oil cap.
  4. We did a hit and run there about 10, then rolled up to Polaris. great night for a drive.
  5. Rolling out in the STi, with a buddy in his CTS-V. Probably check out Anderson's
  6. http://i99.photobucket.com/albums/l284/dsnowgod/DE7AF44C-E0F2-40EC-BF5B-6CD098DDC11E_zpsyfvarunq.jpg
  7. And perhaps this is where you are missing the foundation and fundamental's of how CR functions. The friendships that have been made through this site are pretty amazing. There are more than a dozen people on here that I look forward to the opportunity to help them out, should they find they are in need. They are my friends, which closely compare with family to me. For that, I don't need to measure my dick to theirs, every time I post or interact with them. To put a challenge in every conversation, is a huge pain in the ass of simply validating ones self or the want for others to do so. That shit is not needed in friendships. I've spent my life time doing things that are often talked about on CR. I'm not going to go through clubbing people over the head with "my outlook is the best way" conversation. If all you ever do is mushroom stamp people, they will never see you as anything but a Dick.
  8. Miller, I'll be out there on Sunday. If you have not picked yours up by then, I can grab them for you.
  9. We looked into it. Then just had our trainer come out and our dog picked up on boundary training in 30 minutes. Invisible fence would have cost over $1500. Home Depot sells DIY kits for a few hundred. Our dog does not go outside of what I mow. We let him out ot roam free and have done so for 2 years with no issue. I would do the training.
  10. Mojoe

    Costco FTW!

    Damn, Tommy. Sorry to hear that. We got cut off in traffic and then guy slammed on his breaks. We had no where to go and had to hit him. Totaled our one year old car. We had money for a new car in a week. Talked to a contractor who does a lot of weather damage claims, and he said USAA is the easiest to deal with every time.
  11. Mojoe

    Costco FTW!

    If you are, or have served in the military, or if your parents did. I know they opened up their banking to all. I would contact them and ask about their insurance. https://www.usaa.com/inet/pages/auto_insurance_main?wa_ref=pub_global_products_ins_auto
  12. Mojoe

    Costco FTW!

    I'm more scared of great rates, than seeing them for a great deal. I probably pay a little more with USAA, but I switched to them because they just flat out take care of their customer. The last thing I want to deal with after filing a claim, will be a insurance company dragging my balls through glass, because they want to haggle and not cover me.
  13. I said the same over the Summer when everyone wanted him ban. I was introduced to him, though I was rushed to meet up with others, and he was unlike he comes off here. Although it was a brief chat, he's not killing kittens, he just seems to have a lot of time to reply and comes off over baring on here.
  14. He did a big project for us too. Then he messed over other members here, and several times no showed me to do estimates. Now, I'm just going to do all I can myself. Looking for a contractor last year, and getting the run around pissed me off.
  15. His lack of follow through ruined several friendships here. He at one time, did do good work. He was ban for not doing what he said he would and wasting peoples time with not showing up.
  16. They will come with the base plates and mounting hardware.
  17. How tall are you and how much do you weigh? These are factors for board size. Given your boot size, I would say a board less that 155cm will give you toe drag, unless you find something like a Fat Bob. 155cm and smaller, become more narrow. I have new bindings that may work for you, but the rest of the gear would be too small. I think they are both new. $35 per pair. http://i99.photobucket.com/albums/l284/dsnowgod/for%20sale/67BF1FF1-F9B8-46CB-8541-5827B55E63FE_zpsrahrjzlt.jpg http://i99.photobucket.com/albums/l284/dsnowgod/for%20sale/BBC8AF4A-477F-40C2-9747-1BDA9A999625_zpsvy0rx69u.jpg
  18. I went to the fishing expo this morning. Picked up a few lures and was looking for the next "gee wiz" fishing item. I didn't see anything amazing, that I wasn't already on track with. I was looking for fly fishing set up. I think I may take a stab at that this year. I'm building my list for the Spring stock to add to the pond. It looks to be mostly maintenance with , Talapia, minnows, and a few more Largemouth Bass. I tested using Talapia last year, as a means to keep algae under control. They did a great job. They were good game fish too, and would bite often. Several got up to 15". They die off when the water temps hit 48 degrees. I tried to harvest them before they died off, but time and temps were not on my side, and I found them floating in mid December. They are pricey to stock, but I make that money back in not using chemicals to treat the pond, and if I harvest them. I keep meaning to go out and do some cold water fishing in the pond. But again, time and desire have not paired up for me to drop a line. Is anyone doing any cold water fishing?
  19. Even for warranty items, Buyers will never touch my car. Have had two bad experiences with them. Yes, I will drive 35 miles, past two Buyers, to get to Hatfield Subaru.
  20. Chad was fired a couple years ago, last I heard. If you're talking about super mountain bike/ STi, Chad? I have had far better service at Hatfield Subaru. Ask for Eva or Lorie Glick. Having owned a Legacy, I'm going to be bias to it. It will not be flashy. It will not get great mpg. It will start every time, forever. It is a very safe car. Put the right tires on it for the time of year, and you never have to worry about the weather, unless there is lava. Basic maintenance is easy to do.
  21. As humans we are simple, soft and squishy. We are rather smart, in relation to other species. But, we often fail to become different than the product of our environment. We associate things in the easiest manner, almost all the time. And color coding is an example of that. It takes a conscious effort to change that and relearn a different outlook. We are simply too naive or lazy to do so.
  22. You are not the man off all knowledge and wisdom. What nugget of outlook you do have is blinded by your inability to consider other perspectives. You have a brain that is very able to learn and is hungry, but your mentality is still that of the playground bully. Or, the professing kid who throws a fit when he doesn't get his way, you just do it with words. Your strength, is likely your weakness. Good day to you. :thumbup:
  23. Agreed, that a somewhat unknown person taking their life where he did, would be cause enough to make a difference in what he found frustration with. I'll be running for office soon.
  24. No need for this to go to the kitchen, assuming the thought was this would end up on a racism path. Nowhere on this forum is that tolerated. Being homeless and then on a path to make a difference, we can't read about this and think there is something we can rationalize about his action. Glad he didn't take anyone with him. If it was demons he wrestled, I hope he's at rest. If it's vengeance he wished to come from his sacrifice, then let his anger rest.
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