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Everything posted by Anden

  1. Nice meeting you and the boots fit great.
  2. Guy up the street has a 90s blazer turned 40s car. And a 75 camaro with 50s fins on the back. Will get pics when I leave today.
  3. Blackwater plumbing?
  4. No excuses. I work third and do all my trading after market closes. And hope for the best. On a side note if I had the money I would throw it down on Viasat and Dish Network. Viasat is poised to become a global force to be reconed with. Even though they are teamed up with Dish to bring Exceed to market un the US. Their stock price has plummeted in the last year because they put a satellite up. I would also buy some cysco as the bought one of Viasat's suppliers.
  5. Dibs provided they fit. Is it a small 12 1/2?
  6. Post is mostly T&A with a couple burnouts in between.
  7. Anden

    Glock 23 FT

    Would be on this but the .357 stays in the family.
  8. Anden

    Fuel Economy

    30-35 on the triple about 45 on the honda. The Honda prolly does better now without the massive wind screen on it though. But I don't like to ride it either. My car gets 16. : (
  9. Do you have any lenses for the camera, if so what type of connection do they use.
  10. Awe shit! I'm celebrating tonight.
  11. I'm game to get out there next week. Hopefully get there earlier and on the bike.
  12. Sorry don't recognize faces. Where's the or prepay at? Spotted the bikes.
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=32Q4x112dAU&feature=youtube_gdata_player Enjoy
  14. .02 bonnie. Harley guys don't give you any shit on a Triumph.
  15. Anden

    Need Cliff's Notes

    I got funny vibes from everything he posted. He would have probably been ok if he had not jumped in the wife's shit for asking him a simple question. (I am assuming.) If his reading comprehension was higher that of a 3rd graders he wouldn't be the problem that he was/is. She will still probably cram his head in a tailpipe if she ever meets him though.
  16. Think Slingerchick, The Heathens and I will come out. But we will drive so heathens can watch the drag racing.
  17. Apparently I'm slighty dumb of lucky as Hell. And I just want to make sure what I have done is within the rules. I made some killer money early in the game. Kept it for a couple days but well yesterday I blew all my cash putting me at 150k in the portfolio. I think this is a legal move. I spent cash and we can buy up right? If not I will go back to my standing from Monday. Or am I missing how the market works. or is the simulator jacked up. I spent 12k in cash. I could only bump one of my stocks. But it still doesn't math out right to me. I did notice that buying more of the same stock give you the newest price. So it will really trash your earnings percentage.
  18. With q2 earning reports coming out why would stocks be dropping in value? Especially if the companies are projected to be doing well. Granted I'm only watching three companies. But the ones I have researched are in the same boat.
  19. Looks like a blast. I'm going to have to go sometime.
  20. This still on I hope to be up in time.
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