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Everything posted by MadMadame

  1. Yuck. Sorry to hear about that, and the subsequent difficulties with the ins co.
  2. I had one on mine (before I changed it out) because to me, it looked like a urine sample cup and I was tired of looking at that.
  3. WOW! I am impressed. Greatly. lol....she's lookin damn good, bud!! Glad to see her back together and running again.
  4. I commuted for two years on Pilot Road 2's-can't say enough good things about them. Nice profile, excellent wet grip, etc. Would have bought another set if I could afford it.
  5. Good vibes sent his way for a speedy and full recovery.
  6. Previous plans fell through, so we'll see if I have any $ to make it worth it.
  7. LOL I used to have to do that almost every morning (5a) on my way home from work.
  8. It depends on the light. Does OH not have a "rule" where, if the light does not change after X amount of time, you can "legally" run it as long as there is no traffic? SC did, and there was a light in GA on the way home from work I had to run a couple times.
  9. Cleaned my chain and Honda-polished the rest of the bike.
  10. LMAO trust me-I have a near iron constitution. 'Twas a fluke, I tell ya! edit: I finally (!) got a job-nothing fancy or that great, but I gotta work every time there's an Indians home game. But I'm down for a ride before/after, or whenever there isn't one.
  11. Could be in, got a game starting at 4:10 so I'd have to be back here by 2. Have fun in GA!
  12. Damn! That actually happened to a friend of mine several years ago on his R6-he came to a stop after, not because he crashed but to survey the damage. Ended up just having to get new fairings-and probably new pants, lol.....glad the rider is ok!
  13. Sorry I didn't make it-would have rather, trust me. Looks like (for the most part) y'all had a good time, tho!
  14. LMAO! I finally got a dry bagel to stay down, so at least that's a good thing.
  15. Mine's pretty loud as well, never had problems tho (except some people really should turn the sensitivity on their car alarms down lol).
  16. I apologize for standing everyone up, but something I ate recently has me tethered to the toilet today. Just got within arm's reach of the computer.
  17. 10:45, right? sure thing.
  18. Where are you riding from? Was going to hook up with NeverEnough, but he's down in Carrollton for the weekend.
  19. I know I said I was out....now it looks like I'm in again....hey, it's hard to get money to do fun stuff when you're still tryin to get a job. I'll more'n likely meet up with NeverEnough, follow him in.
  20. lol even I got the MW2 ref....guess that's because the b/f plays it all the damn time.....lol!
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