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Everything posted by alienpi

  1. Soon they'll be recruiting skateboarders for the high performance versions in more difficult terrain.
  2. I have Centurylink (used to be Embarq) DSL, $42/month.
  3. They probably just watched Rec 2 and thought the dog might have been infected. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G18Y-S8YrQ0&NR=1
  4. Actually, they're keeping it exciting. I see this relationship producing many more funny videos for the Interwebs before it ends.
  5. All we need is a few false flag attacks where cameras are installed, but where the footage is supposedly not recorded and stored. They will say that we could have figured out who did it, if only we kept records. And then another false flag attack will happen soon after the footage is now officially stored. They will catch the person. He will get punished, and we will become "more secure" because of the wonderful Homeland Security cameras.
  6. You should raffle it off. Just sell 500, $20 tickets, and you've got 10K.
  7. alienpi


    Incidences like this require a lot of restraint in keeping myself from telling the to fuck off.
  8. After getting two tickets in a matter of months after almost 10 years of nothing, I decided to get a personalized plate for the car. Something that sends a subtle fuck off message to the police. I just put them on today.
  9. According to the sponsor page there's a 10% discount on parts and a 5% discount on bikes. http://www.ohio-riders.com/forumdisplay.php?f=78
  10. That biker is lucky he didn't get hurt worse with shorts, slip-on shoes, and no helmet.
  11. Someone should create a Ohio Riders account for Chick_Gagsonlittle. I bet the introduction thread would be EPIC!
  12. I think it's sold out. The KTM days in October are still available.
  13. Kinda explains the weird looks I get when I'm shopping and get two family packs of fruit roll ups, duct tape, and box of condoms, sleeping pills, large trash bags, and a set of knives.
  14. The first one reminded me of myself before I crashed and learned.
  15. Any day is good for me. I've got 2-3 days worth of vacation that I need to burn before November. Actually, I got 60 hours, but I can carry over 40.
  16. I asked a Mansfield local what there is to do, and they said the prison and street racing. He said the street racing is pretty awesome!
  17. I want to go see Weezer! I guess I'll just have to pick up the album.
  18. I'm guessing the chances of getting it back are higher, since it is a special edition. I hope they don't murder it out, before you get it back.
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