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Everything posted by alienpi

  1. I went to Mid Ohio for my first trackday, and not to discourage you or any1 from going, I wouldn't go there with a cruiser. You may be a moving chicane, even in the slowest group.
  2. The dvd was a great introduction for the California Superbike School which I attended this Summer. Can't wait to do level 2 next year! My riding is incredibly better now than just a few months ago!
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XAeFrk7CU_w&p=B673C7D579286862&playnext=1&index=45
  4. Maybe they should start an offshoot of Jiffy Lube. Jiffy Rebuild, have your car rebuilt in 15 minutes.
  5. alienpi

    Green Police?

    Reminds me of the precedent that decides that driveways are not private, which allows the police to plant GPS tracking devices on your vehicle(s) without a warrant as long as it's in your driveway. Plus the space satellites previously for spying on terrorists are now open for anywhere. I expect these will be used to monitor whether people put there recycle bins out on time. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g1caYyVMz9A&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0oRywJ2Kueo&feature=player_embedded
  6. That's awesome man! I understand what you must've experienced with your relatives and coworkers. I was riding a new bike before my orthopedic doctor said it's ok to lift anything.
  7. I can't believe he put on the owner's gear! I don't usually worry about leaving the key in my bike due to its utilization of multi-factor authentication. The 1125R's security system can be set to request a PIN before starting. After too many incorrect entries the display, along with the fuel system, is locked for a while.
  8. That's true, I guess they did own MV Augusta for a while. I ordered the VROD Muscle poster; I will probably give it away.
  9. It was a 2007 R1 with around 2000 miles for $2200. It had features such as stock exhaust, stock speedometer, and stock turn signals.
  10. metal speakerstand for a mini-monitor headless laptop computer fake tree
  11. I'd like to see EBR have a commercial advertising the 1190RS with the 1190RS passing the Harley Davidson XR1200 like it's standing still on the track, and on the street. And then at the end have the 1190RS riding a wheelie past a group of Harleys while giving them the finger.
  12. It's probably in a warehouse in Texas, because he's in the military or something.
  13. Of course... I figured being a gixxer, that is implied.
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