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Everything posted by alienpi

  1. I could see not needing 6th gear, but 5th is the kind of important.
  2. I like Sabrina, the blonde. She reminds me of a psycho ex. I'm guessing that she's amazing in bed.
  3. It almost seems like he 's screaming . I bet he'll be back under a new name because he's always like .
  4. Watched the season 8 premier of Hell's Kitchen last night and am dying to see the next Wednesday episode. It looks like knives are flying at people's heads! Ambulances rushing towards the kitchen. Huge flames, violence, knives, and Gordon screaming "FUCK OFF." Looks like this is the show I'm going to be one show I'll be watching. Oh yeah, I posted the link to episode 2, so as soon as the commercial part is over fast forward, that way you can watch the first episode without the sneak peak. Check it out at 42:20 http://www.hulu.com/watch/180122/hells-kitchen-14-chefs-compete
  5. It's almost like your saying
  6. I understand not wanting to hurt your machine, but really it's like saying that you don't want to wear your wedding dress to your wedding because you don't want to get it dirty.
  7. They look pretty. I also have Alpinestars boots, but not this particular model.
  8. I can't wait to ride 129 again next year, so I can get a nice picture for my wall.
  9. For $3,300 there are other systems that could produce similar, possibly better results. If it were my $3,300 I would get a Magnepan based home theater system. I'm thinking 4 of the Magnepan MMG W ($325/pair =$650) and of course a center channel, MMG C ($299). A Velodyne Optimum 8 subwoofer ($999) that has easy to setup room equalization. And to power it all I'd get a NAD T-747 Home Theater Receiver. ($1300). And finally for cables and such I'd splurge on some Nordost (Flatline Gold for the speaker connections and Blue Heavens for the interconnects) to finish off the $3,300. Maybe some of the components can be downgraded slightly or can be found on sale to help make it more under the $3,300 mark. $650+$299+$999+$1300 = $3,248 (components without cables).
  10. Can't wait to see the shootout between the 1190RS and the RC8.
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Z1KK9wokDc&annotation_id=annotation_474670&feature=iv
  12. This has to be the envy of all the 14 year olds with mopeds. How fast does it go?
  13. It's cool even if it is a repost! Makes me want to take a performance driving class at the Mid Ohio School.
  14. Sounds awesome! I can't afford another ticket, i've just had really bad luck the last few months. Haven't had a ticket for about 10 years until this August, and then another a week ago. I will be there this wednesday afternoon!
  15. I think I might cruise up and check this road out. Had to cancel trackday due to another ticket, i'm thinkin wednesday. How are the cops on this road?
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EoYAic35n0Y&feature=related
  17. I thought maybe you were out riding all the time. I figure in the winter I'll probably spend more time on the forums.
  18. Could this thread be on the brink of NWS pictures from camera?
  19. Reminds me of the social engineering stuff from years ago... The social engineering starts after the Hacking with Ramzi (1:00) which is hilarious! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tlF-nDcswIM
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