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Everything posted by Monstrosity

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hdj6XtrTZnI
  2. Damn, thats making my mouth water!!!!!!!!!
  3. I hope the arresting officers beat the fuck outta him.... He deserves a staright Rodney King beating! Reading the details makes me sick, what a fucking animal...
  4. Monstrosity


    couldnt have put it better myself! If it werent for most people I know carry Verizon and the coverage area I woulda bailed on them a long time ago. I might consider AT&T when my contract is up.
  5. I got one last year and almost threw it out. I called my insurance co and they said to bring it in and they would handle it. I told them I would just send one of my insurance cards in with it. Insurance told me not to because they would fax and document date, time, etc. They stated that a lot of times when people send it in themselves they for some reason get a second notice! They took care of it and no second notice. Just more ways to get $$$$$$$$$ from people.
  6. Think I have a black rear one.
  7. I would love to own one... Hopefully your right on the price!
  8. My buddy had something similar and his bike fell off Needless to say he picked up a set of Pit Bull stands and loves em.
  9. Now I'm real curious....
  10. I agree but the only reason I linked it was it had a phone number and email address. It may be one of the above or may be someone is up shits creek and needs to make a fast sale. For the past 4 years (except this one) I would buy a bike this time of year till prior to christmas. Buy low sell high!
  11. Nope I had an 07 and an 08, I just saw this and though I'd pass it on.
  12. Do we no longer have the craigslist link section? If I missed it please move tihs. http://akroncanton.craigslist.org/mcy/2030632236.html
  13. After reading this I wish I woulda caught the game
  14. Place your bets everyone. Is Jax going to bang his sis or not?
  15. I havent touched the stuff in 7 years and dont miss it. With that said I think its beyond stupid that its not legal. You dont get pissed and want to fight people, you dont drive 90 mph, etc. I really hope they legalize it and then the other states follow.
  16. Not sure about the seat but I saw on Ebay a while back you can get a 900RR look a like upper for that bike. That would look bad ass!
  17. Its funny how those little things can really add up.
  18. Monstrosity


    Damn man that sucks! As my old man always used to tell me "what goes on after 10:00? Nothing good at all". I used to go to the one in Streetsboro and in Kent and stay the hell away now... How bad is the car?
  19. Teach is an awesome rider! I saw him at Stuntfest years ago when he was on a 600RR and was very impressed.
  20. It depends on your goals but in the winter I usually went with a 5x5 program either Mad cow or Riptoes Starting Strength (or another variation). For spring/summer I'd do a targeted split on different body parts once a week. As far as supplements go. 1. A good multi vitamin 2. Whey protein, I go with something with low cholesterol ON is a good quality brand. 3. NO2 (the pumps are incredible with this stuff.) 4. Creatine Monohydrate (used it here and their. I'm not a huge fan cause it made me feel bloated, but my buddies swore by it). I'm not a huge supplement guy or a huge guy period. I used the NO2 here and their. When my arm is fully healed and I can start lifting again I'll probably use some NO2 to get some of what I've lost back. As stated Bodybuilding.com is a great site but a lot of dick heads are on their.
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