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Everything posted by Monstrosity

  1. Last year I was on my speed triple heading home for my lunch break. I was pressed for time so was speeding slightly. It had just got done raining. A babby dear jumped out in front of me and I locked up my front and rear brake and was sliding. I could have leaned over the tank and reached out and touched the deer. I missed the dear by inches. Every year I've had a close call but that one sticks out.
  2. Thanks to all for the support! I found a place that will see me for $60.00 a session. I'm going to see them twice a week till I get 90% of the motion back to my elbow. I have very little movement. You wouldnt believe what I wouldnt give to be able to use my right hand to shave again... I've learned a lot about insurance, doctors that are "practicing", and most of all taking shit for granted. Not trying to preach but wow what an eye opener.
  3. Man I didnt even think about that... Wow... Hats off to all those men. I wont lie I would have been freaking out.
  4. Monstrosity

    954 3 done

    Had the same bike. One of my favorites!
  5. good story! hate pricks like that!
  6. thanks for all the help that was my stranger hand ive kinda got something rolling... all great recomendations, im seeing a massage therapist tomorrow thanks man, i hate my insurance co...
  7. Monstrosity


    I dont even know how or where to start but I'm beyond pissed and frustrated. I had surgery on the 7th of last month. I now am supposed to start physical therapy. However when I get to therapy today they tell me I've used up 18 of my 20 visits and only can see the therapists twice. I was unaware of a therapy cap. I had gone to therapy this past winter but it was a miss diagnose. Hell its been a mis diagnose for 3 plus years. I've spent the afternoon on the phone with my employers human resources department and Anthem trying to come to happy medium. At this point were making an appeal that will take at least another month to sort through. The atrophy in my arm is so bad I have to have from my shoulder to my fingers rehabilitated. I'm already looking at living with restrictions since the cartilage is all gone in the elbow. Its possible that I might have to have the joint replaced. I'm also scared the atrophy will become worse. I would pay out of pocket but they said it will be an average of 300 per session times that by 3 times a week and for 8 weeks... If it were a few I would pay and shut the fuck up but that many will deplete my savings... I might try a massage therapists for the time being. Any ideas?
  8. this shit pisses me off. those little bitches need someone to hack their faces up with razor blades.
  9. i was almost afraid to open this post. i thought it might be refering to "the brown eye":p on a serious note why anyone would ever fuck with that is beyond me
  10. this has probabbly been answered but what are they ridding? I know they are on Harleys but I'm not familiar with the fairing.
  11. damn... I dont have a bike right now and am debating buying one
  12. since no one else asked i will. what did you do to get banned?
  13. never cared for the look of these but fun well rounded bike to ride! good luck with the sale!
  14. old news but still entertaining
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