Join a gym! The nice thing about a gym atmosphere is everyone is working out around you. I have a gym in my basement and am a member at Fitworks and the Tallmadge Rec (work ins covers these). If you can work out in the mornings your test levels are the highest. Do big compound movements example: bench press, squat, powercleans, deadlifts, etc. This will help you burn more. Also throw in 10-20 minutes of cardio after every lifting session. Dont focus so much on iso expercies such as curls and skull crushers. Also abs are ok but watch doing to much if you have fat over them. You will build muscle and it will push the fat forward making you feel/look fatter. "Abs are made in the kitchen not in the gym". As far as diet.... MODERATION! I'm not one that believes in quote on quote diets. If I must eat out due to from time to time I travel for work I just try to make wise choices. Scrubway is always a good route (even though the taste isint always the best). Protein bars, pre made shakes, or even a handfull of assorted non salted nuts can all help suppress appetite. A slow digestive protein before bed will help curve appetite example: any casein form of protein "natural" peanut butter, milk, cottage cheese, assorted nuts, are all examples.