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Everything posted by Monstrosity

  1. Lots of water, lots of protein, and plenty of vitamins. Maybe pick up some vitamin E pills. Yeah cut the percs they slow down the healing factor. As far as your bike, I may have missed it but did you check the fuse block? I had a gixxer K that I had the same problem with. I pulled the side panel and looked at the fuses but not close enough. I looked again later after being frustrated and this time with a flash light. It looked like someone tried to stuff a small rock of cocain in it. I pulled all the fuses out cleaned the white residue and used die electric grease on each fuse. Worked like a charm after that!
  2. Thats very tempting.... Hmmm....
  3. You've got nice toys thats for sure! Good luck with the sale!
  4. I'd like one of those but arent they $$$
  5. You look like the dean of mean Keith Jardine!
  6. I only use Charcoal. I also use a lot of wood chips for smoking. My favorite grill is this little tool box charcoal grill I bought from Summit Racing. I also use a large square grill with wheels from Walmart. Its ok but I'd rather a round Webber (will be getting one when I find a good deal). Ribs I cheat, I cook them in the oven the day before. I place them on a cookie sheet with some water in the bottom and plenty of spices & herbs then cover with foil. I cook them for somewhere around 3 hours. If its a gas oven I put it on 300 if electric around 280. When I pull them out I usually cut them in 1/3 sauce em up and put them in the fridge for the next day. The next day I put them on charcoal with some wood chips. Lots of sauce and when I see they are charring I pull them off.
  7. Get well soon, and higher Johnny Chochran!
  8. I had one last season. It was an 05. Of the 15 or so bikes I've owned it was one of my favorites. +'s Comfy, fun, you stand out (when you own a gixxer 7 out of 10 guys you ride with are on a GSXR of some sort), 2 up is comfy, unique sound, single sided swing arm looks cool, you can ride with cruisers or sport bikes and dont get shit (even though I've never discriminated ridings riding but you know what I mean), good mix on torque and top end. Very fun bike! Oh last thing oil changes are easy! -'s Parts are $$$$$... Parts can be hard to come by depending on what mods you want to do. You need to pull your spark plugs out EVERY season and put antisieze on them (Triumphs in general are notorious for this). On top of that the number one plug is a real beotch to get to and make sure you hose down the wells with penetrating oil before you attempt to pull the plugs. Charging system is dated and it seems to take everything it has to get it to start. If you leave it outside bolts seem to corrode faster than other bikes. Changing the pipe's just make sure you put a PC3 and have it tuned. All in all its a great bike! Plenty of hooliganisim thats sure to bring a smile every time you crack the throttle! If you have any other questions shoot me a PM.
  9. I thought he was old but didnt think he was that old...
  10. I went and saw a surgeon a week ago and feel that Suma botched the MRI. Tomorrow I'm going to the Cleveland Clinic and they are injecting dye into my arm and going to do another MRI. The surgeon felt its a Bone Spur. He also pointed out that I had fluid built up in it and the fluid (infection) could be causing other health problems. So wish me luck! I go tomorrow to have the MRI done and then the 2nd I see the surgeon again. On a side note I've felt very dizzy lately, sick to my stomach, mini panic attacks. Saw my family physician and he said I had fluid on the inside of my ear drum and called the condition Labrinthitis (not sure how to spell it). So now I'm on Steroids and something to take the dizziness away. One thing at a time I guess!
  11. I obey all rules and laws! I'm an upstanding citizen!
  12. I'm just cheap and dont watch a lot of tv. Movies on the other hand are a different story. I got rid of my smart phone a while back (again to save money) so phone isint an option either. Lol, guess I am technologically challenged.
  13. I can see I'm going to have to rent the previous season. I've never scene the show. I cant believe Peg's in it!
  14. Man thats nice looking... I'd love one but really want something more comfy. Plus I know I'll break 100mph every time I hit an on ramp. As far as the sound goes it looks like it has something to do with the firing order. It hits 1,2,3,4 instead of 1,3,2,4
  15. Monstrosity

    2010 r1

    Rode my buddies new R1 today. Wow that bike sounds nasty! Its all stock. When he pulled into my driveway I thought he was on a V-twin. I didnt get on it (waiting till he has the first service done) kept the revs below 6K. I'll post back once I can open it up a little/lot.
  16. Just go to a nascar track to ride, you will be fine. On a serious note. If the bike was a beat to shit stunt bike I'd leave it. However if the rubber starts to rip apart it could cause big trouble. I'd replace it.
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