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Everything posted by wagner

  1. There are people trying to say that the 6 point had nothing to do with it, that it was the bad seat mount and floor failing that did it. I'm not a chassis guy, but I'm pretty sure if this car would have had the correct 10 or 12 point in it, this guy would be sore, but not dead. Mike Brown hit the wall last year, head on, at almost 140 mph, had the seat bracket fail, and all he had was a busted ankle and jacked up back. The lack of front down tubes and a bar across the them is what caused that car to fold up like that and I'm willing to be that is what lead to the seat failure. To me it also looked like the seat was just bolted to the floor with no support tied to the main hoop, again that is not good. Well, the IFO is going to get screwed on this deal no mater what the e-experts try to tell you. They had someone get through tech that should not have, ran speeds and et's he was not supposed to, and a tragic event happend. The insurance company and lawyers are going to break one off in them for sure.
  2. Any car or bike should worry about guard rails for the following things I've seen: -They won't stop a high speed impact, i.e. anything over 60 mph. -They will rip a car apart like a cheap beer can. -They will kill a bike rider much easier -They will send a car flying more often. -The posts that hold them in the ground do crazy damage. I have seen cars hit concrete walls and total the car, but do a lot less damage to the driver. My family knew the racer killed at Thompson a few years ago in a terrible accident that was one of the worst I've ever seen. If the heart attack would not have killed him, the guard rail coming into the car would have. Just do what you can to be safe guys, please, it really is not worth the risk. Wear your gear and don't think "it will never happen to me" because that mindset will get you hurt.
  3. Well, they are going to have some serious problems after this. The guy was going WAY to quick to only have a 6 point cage, no EMS on site, and the death could get them dropped by whoever was doing their event insurance. Bottom line, gear saves lives. If you are going quick enough to require it, put it in the car or don't run. It only takes one time for something to go wrong.
  4. Bad deal for sure http://ksn.com/2016/03/20/driver-critically-injured-in-crash-at-wichita-drag-strip/
  5. Viking would get my vote, better quality than QA1 and they are cheaper.
  6. wagner

    Move To Cali?

    Exactly my thought process.
  7. wagner

    Move To Cali?

    It was a thinking out loud kind of question in general. This entire situation got me thinking about the idea of "the price of being happy." Do you keep waiting and trying to find a job that will pay you a lot more, but be more stress? Or do you take a job that you get to enjoy what you do and have maybe different or bigger opportunities later, and get the pay check then? I'm starting to look at just doing something that makes me happy for a while, take the jump, and see where I can make money on the side.
  8. wagner

    Move To Cali?

    Well, this let down might be leading to something better. I job within the industry that will allow me to stay in Columbus. Now the question becomes: Do you do what you enjoy and make less money, or wait and hope you find a higher paying local job and keep doing media stuff on the side?
  9. My pictures will be here http://www.dragzine.com/race-coverage/drag-radial-events/photo-extra-outlaw-street-car-reunion-iii-from-memphis/ Same Day coverage from http://www.dragzine.com starts Friday. MotorManiaTV will have the live stream.
  10. I bet they could do it. They are working on getting a cutstomer's 7 seond street car ready so they are slammed.
  11. I voted for Huggins, because he is going to clean up the mess in DC. I also think that he will have Donnelly as a running mate, can't help to vote for him.
  12. Dead srs doe, baking soda helped. At Enterprise we used some spray that came from the company that gave us our car wash suppies. That magic stuff could get the worst of the worst feet and ass smells out of a rental car.
  13. I gave a crackhead co-worker of mine in portsmouth to get gas for his lawn mower when I was in college. He did not put the gas cap on the can tight, got gas all over the hatch of my camaro. The only way we got the smell of the crackhead and gas out of the car was to pull the rear carpet out, blast it with baking soda and let it sit outside for a while in the garage. I guess the point to the story is don't give crackheads rides in portsmouth, and baking soda might take the smell out.
  14. wagner

    Move To Cali?

    Well, I would like to first thank those of you who reached out to me on a personal level, and provided some great info. I hope this thread will also help others who are thinking about making a leap, Clay, Tim, and others provided some great points about why making a jump like this is great when the job is right. However, after speaking with people who have made the move, or something similar and adding in the pay package this will not be a good move at all for me, in fact it would be terrible. The money they are looking to pay was described as "poverty level", "intern-ish" and "insulting" for what I would be doing. This is from some of my media friends who live out there right now. Their theory is they want someone they can run into the ground work wise, and if they quit they won't be out much. But, like any good member of the A-Team I have a plan that will involve a car chase, machine guns, and nobody getting hurt. I'm going to speak with the hiring manager about the opportunity to do freelance work for them. They win because they get someone who can talk to racers and knows racing without taking a huge risk, I win because I get a little money, a bit more exposure, and some resume ammo. TL;DR---If something does not feel right, no amount of lube can fix it, that’s just how life goes sometimes.
  15. wagner

    Move To Cali?

    Sent you a PM to clarify my comment. thank you for the wage breakdown, that pretty much put the tail on the donkey.
  16. Call Big 3 Racing, ask for Chuck, tell him I sent you and I will put in a good word. http://www.big3racing.net/
  17. wagner

    Move To Cali?

    This gig does not pay anywhere near 6 figures... The wife is all about it, but she does not understand the cost side of things I think. I'm going to talk to a few more people who are way smarter than me and get their take. One of my family is great at poking holes in things like this and handing out real talk. If life was easy, everybody would be good at it
  18. wagner

    Move To Cali?

    I'm waiting on more info from them, but the more I research it, the more the costs become more of a deal breaker. I totally get the opportunity side of things, that is what keeps sucking me in, but when you really start digging into the cost of living it opens your eyes up. Non-hood, 1 bedroom, 600-700 sq foot apartments start at $1,400-$1,600 a month. And yes, I have been trying to find a new gig for over a year now, but there's a difference between moving a few hours away vs this. The fact is, no matter what the media wants to try and tell you getting a GOOD job today is not easy at all. If you want to flip burgers, run a cash box, or pump gas those jobs are all over, but a solid job if you don't match exactly what the HR person is looking for is hard to get. The only reason I even got a call on this is because of my racing background, media work, and a good word from the former track manager at Norwalk. in the interview the lady even said that my current job is so much different than this, it was a concern. I thank those of you who have provided good input here and reached out to me off the board. I made the mistake in the past of moving for a "great opportunity that would help my career" and it was not. I'm not going to make that mistake again, if I move it will be a very calculated decision to say the least. I don't have it terrible where I'm at, its just there is no future, I've peaked in my current role, and as a company they are not good at helping develop your options if you are not in the right office.
  19. wagner

    Move To Cali?

    My mind is just being to practical right now, I need to pound a couple of beers, sleep on it and see what wisdom comes from this. Despite the rumors, when it comes to money and living I play it VERY safe. We live well within our means and it has allowed us to have a great life. Just a lot to think about and the ides of others are helping.
  20. wagner

    Move To Cali?

    Job is based in Glendora CA. The cost of living is just insane out there. The opportunity would be huge being a Social Media Manager for them and the exposure would be crazy. Leanne has a friend who rents a 3 bed, 2 bath 1,000 sq foot house out there in Yorba Linda for an "affordable" $2,600 a month...
  21. wagner

    Move To Cali?

    So i had an interview with the NHRA tonight about a job, but the giant downside is it would require me to move to California. I'm having a difficult time wrapping my mind around the fact I would have to move to a state where $150,000 buys you a 700 sq foot manufactured home, my car is so not legal, and every gun I own would have to be checked at the border. They put the ball in my court as far as if I want to do another interview, but I just can't get my mind around the cost of living and the move. What would CR do?
  22. If you go the Nitrous Outlet route let me know, I can get you a good deal.
  23. Unless something changes, it looks like I just got the 29th off :fuckyeah: Now to start spending money to get the car ready :lolguy:
  24. No problem, my pleasure Let me know when you want to set up your photo shoot :fuckyeah:
  25. We are working on that. I've been following a lot of different cooking shows and channels to see how they do things, and that is the next step. In all of our videos the recipes will be posted in the descriptions. I'm still trying to learn how to write out my recipes, since everything I cook is usually a "dash of this and pitch of that" thank you for the follow and I promise you the videos will match my slightly off personality
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