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Everything posted by wagner

  1. I would suggest also asking this question on YellowBullet in the LS tech area that Ray helps run, there are people there who really know their stuff. My engine theory is basic in understanding, but you will need to add a bit more detail to this question, like will it be street driven and what is your budget?
  2. Also, just an FYI, not all Muslims are bad people, so stop saying that shit. Good friend of my wife and I is getting all kinds of shit for no reason at all. Its like blaming all camaro owners for bad haircuts and overuse of Jegs stickers, or all Mustang owners for burnouts at Cars and Coffee.
  3. Well, why would you admit there is a problem when it would undermine your terrible leadership? I mean, clearly there is no global terror issue at all, its all a smoke and mirrors created by the right, just like this little gem that is getting no real attention: http://www.tacticalshit.com/muslim-terrorist-kills-french-cop-wife-while-livestreaming-on-facebook/
  4. http://www.tacticalshit.com/liberal-reporter-claims-ptsd-after-firing-ar15/
  5. Some very smart people told me that I should do what makes me happy and make "the leap", and they were right. It is scary to leave everything you know and have to roll with the "keep what you kill life", but in the end you can't put a price on being happy. My situation is different in that I'm still working for someone, but doing something that does not make me want to suck start a shotgun.
  6. Got to get a CR peep on my list http://www.dragzine.com/news/22-killer-fords-from-the-13th-annual-nmra-ford-super-nationals/
  7. I find it funny that the fact this guy was on a FBI watch list, interviewed 2 times, and still could get a gun is just being glossed over and people are howling for gun bans and such. I mean, it is the FBI, the same .gov entity that is run by a person who thinks you can just buy a gun with a few clicks of a mouse and have no background check, that is run by HIS agency :lolguy:
  8. http://www.ijreview.com/2016/06/627509-the-father-of-the-orlando-shooter-recently-visited-state-department-writes-open-letters-to-president-obama/
  9. We've been at risk for a while in Ohio. Do some research into how many terror plot arrests have Ohio and Columbus ties.
  10. No, it will have the focus taken away from the problem, each side will use statistics to drive their view, and nothing will be done. 1. Obama will go on TV, cry more, blame the guns and violence, twist statistics, not addressing the underlying issues. 2. The right wing will try their best to again scare people and talk about how our rights will be taken away, blame all of Islam, ect. 3. Knee jerk reactions kick in that won't address the real problem, sheep will be happy. To fix the gun violence problem you need to fix the people problem, that goes against what each party stands for, and won't win elections.
  11. Humans will always have the desire to kill other humans always have, always will. The tool is really not relevant., you can take away all the guns, the bad, and the crazy will still kill but with less of these OMG MASS KILLINS Will gun restrictions help limit deaths, you bet your last wooden nickle it will. Guess what, the United States is not really like any other country so applying the logic that "well (insert country) did it, so it has got to work here!" No, no it won't, not to the same level. The fractured political fuckstain we have in this country will never allow the problem to be solved, the right wants to scare you into thinking the left is coming for your guns, the left riles up their base into an insane froth with half truths and other bullshit. tl;dr: People suck, guns are fun, and nobody will ever agree on anything.
  12. Oh and I love both cars, would rock either if I could afford them.
  13. An equally fun video would be to compare the mustang vs the camaro year over year from when they started around maybe the fox body and 3rd gen camaro era. It would be neat to see how much base power has grown since the late 80's until now, and see how each model stacked up against each other in those years. From around 200-250 hp as they came off the assembly line, to what we have now is just amazing.
  14. wagner

    Sorry Lebroney

    Tonight's Speech to pump up the team
  15. Mike is a great guy, is a huge car nut too. We have used him for CR stuff in the past and had great results.
  16. Luck, where the parts go, luck. His suite and gloves got burnt pretty good. What's scary is that the RV to the right of the shot actually had one of the blower restraint straps stuck in the side of it. Jack signed the guy's RV and gave him some merchandise
  17. So violent it bent the chassis and they had to go to the backup car...
  18. This is going to be a pretty cool event in Houston that we will be broadcasting. I won't be on-site for this one, just doing remote work at this time. http://www.dragzine.com/news/preview-dignight-street-racing-at-nrg-stadium-june-24-25/
  19. Bingo, just like people forgot about the lion that the Dentist shot right? Just all part of the media game, *hey look over here* All of these people thumping their e-chests and I have not seen the following: Any credible, nationally broadcast, and confirmed information about what exactly happened leading up to the kid going in the cage. No security footage, not witnesses, just OUTRAGE!!! Think about that for a second. Now, how about we boil the endgame of this situation down its bones: 1. Zoo tried everything to get animal to leave kid in a non-violent way, following protocol. 2. Animal did not do as what they thought it was trained to do, as animals do. So, that leads us to where the media has led us, the video and its outcome. Now that leads to two situations: 1. Zoo's hand is forced, they have to put the animal down to save the kid, as usual the social media justice warriors light their torches and OUTRAGE like its 2016. OR 2. Zoo tries to keep saving the kid, animal decides to be an animal and tears the kid apart on video. OUTRAGE for "not doing anything", lawsuits, maybe charges. Jack Hanna did a great interview with NBC4 about what could have happened, I suggest looking that video up.
  20. Bingo. These fuckers are grabbing throttle like a drunk kid tries to grab boobs on his first trip to the strip club.
  21. Thank you, I appreciate it. The first month has been insane, worked three different races in three weeks, spent an interesting week in the republic of California, and now am starting to do more on the SpeedVideo side of things. The press release about the World Cup coverage has a few of my finger prints on it I'm also handling all the stories for SpeedVideo events and all kinds of other projects as assigned. It has been very stressful, but I feel free now and that makes up for the stress. The bad thing is they have actually had to limit me for my own good, because I want to write about, take pictures of, and travel to all kinds of stuff. It sucks having a leash now, but it could be worse I guess. I'm also about to start learning how to professionally produce and shoot videos. For the World Cup you might even see me as "on-air" talent :fuckyeah: Thank you all again so much for the support, and I will keep pushing the local people to the front when I can for sure
  22. Watch the 30 for 30 about Matt Hoffman, you can tell he his punch drunk and not all there.
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