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Everything posted by wagner

  1. Not a ton of shots, but I was working on some different stuff this time out. Trying to master the art of the pan blur and the 70-200 lens. http://waggz.smugmug.com/Cars/LS-Fest-2014/i-78sst4j/0/L/_MG_3428-L.jpg http://waggz.smugmug.com/Cars/LS-Fest-2014/i-pDmBwkX/0/L/_MG_3448-L.jpg http://waggz.smugmug.com/Cars/LS-Fest-2014/i-4dPdT8b/0/L/_MG_3458-L.jpg http://waggz.smugmug.com/Cars/LS-Fest-2014/i-KSvSPwn/0/L/_MG_3561-L.jpg http://waggz.smugmug.com/Cars/LS-Fest-2014/i-4qDQBkQ/0/L/_MG_3587-L.jpg http://waggz.smugmug.com/Cars/LS-Fest-2014/i-MC7K458/0/L/_MG_3515-L.jpg full gallery
  2. Well our chump of a president has no real plan and it liks like his "JV Team" line has bit him in more than one way.... http://news.yahoo.com/in-high-tech-battle--us--islamic-state-compete-over-hearts-and-minds-143054814.html
  3. wagner

    Gentle giant

    What a freaking mess I really don't think the "truth" will ever come out in this. A dash cam would have put this to bed a while ago. The thing that sticks out to me is: "I don't know if he was going after him or if he was falling down to die" Just that little bit of doubt can toss everything sideways.
  4. Still have the generator? My dad is interested in it.
  5. I was thinking it, just did not want to say it :gabe:
  6. That car is a freaking monster, plain and simple. When Ray ran the spray car in the semi finals at Norwalk he had him covered until the 1/8th, and then that thing just rolled out past him. They have really nothing in the bottom of their tune, the bring everything in at the top end and it is working damn well. I have a feeling we will be seeing them in the semi finals again this weekend...
  7. http://www.cnn.com/2014/09/02/showbiz/tv/saved-by-the-bell-lifetime-movie/index.html
  8. Here are some videos from August
  9. Well this looks fun: http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2014/09/02/report-nearly-a-dozen-commercial-airliners-missing-ahead-of-911-anniversary-after-islamists-overrun-libyan-airport/# Have not heard a word about this on the "national news" but have seen it posted up by a few different people and its starting to make me wonder. Between this, ISIS, the Putin show, the return of Lebron, and the Saved By The Bell lifetime movie I think its safe to say the world is coming to an end, stay safe out there people.
  10. Not sure if trolling or just dumb... People need to wake the fuck up, the world is on fire and people are just watching it burn...
  11. Another beheading, Saudi King pretty much says these guys are the real deal, and our Idiot-In-Chief still does not have a plan…. http://news.yahoo.com/islamic-state-issues-video-beheading-u-hostage-171957528.html
  12. Yes, that was the first time my wife has been to an auto cross and did a ride along. If we could have got the camera to stick to the dash I would have put it there for extra lulz
  13. You're welcome! I just hacked it together real quick, sorry it did not get more "special" stuff
  14. From the Buckeye Miata Club when the wife and I shot it.
  15. wagner

    Gentle giant

    Again, that is me trying to play Columbus CSI: Dumbass Edition based on the limited information we have. Here is another big question, what if after all the smoke clears, there are a good amount of facts, and it turns out this kid was in the wrong. Then what? Also, did this cop car have a fucking dash cam? I mean every Igor in Russia has one on their hoopty, why does every cop in the USofA not have one?
  16. wagner

    Gentle giant

    There are three sides to everything, yours, mine, and the truth. One of the 3 sides here ain't sucking air these days, so we are left with one side, and the truth. The big question is, will that one side, and the truth line up? I've got friends and family in law enforcment, some of the stories they tell me that DON'T hit the news are enough to make your guts hurt. The shit they see and have to deal with at times is more than most people ever want to face. So, I could see in that moment why he might have pulled that gun, even more so that this officer had a pretty clean record. I've kind of got a theory on this whole deal now, I'm not an expert, not saying this is the truth, but based on what we know here is what I think: Officer detains suspect for walking down middle of the road Suspect thinks officer is about to find out about stolen smokes deal that just went down. Suspect gets bright idea to fight with cop. Gun some how goes off (yet to be figured out) Suspect gets bright idea to "come at me bro" on the cop. Officer pulls gun as he is bro comming at me and pulls trigger In that split second suspect figures out he has made poor life choice and tries to throw up hands as rounds travel down range Speed of light is faster than speed of sound, so it looks like he is "trying to surrender" as he gets lit up Now, am I an expert, fuck no, am I able to think on my own, most of the time. This is about the best I can do to try and make any sense of this mess...
  17. wagner

    Gentle giant

    I agree 110% if a cop tells you to do something, you do it, no question. I do not feel sorry for anybody who gets the bright idea to not comply and gets their ass kicked. Even if the cop is in the wrong, comply and let things get sorted out later. My question on the Beavercreek thing is there were some "reports" he was putting the "gun" down and still got shot. Again, no follow up in the mainstream media, and I wonder if that is becaue the facts point in the direction of the cops did their job and there is no story to create. I understand being a cop is a crazy and rough job, I could not do it. Your life is in danger all the time and if you don't think like that, you will get hurt.
  18. wagner

    Gentle giant

    I will never forget the first time I goofed up on a fact in a story, it was brutal. It was not anything major, but I was pretty much told, that's not how we do things, don't do that again. I've even had stories pulled after they were done and turned in because there were questions as to the information that was given to me. So, I really can't follow the way CNN, MSNBC, Fox, and the rest operate in this grey area they do, its not responsible reporting. The thing I've notices is you get all this outrage built and reported to get the clicks, views and ratings. Then after the facts come out and the "story" they tried to tell is proven false it just happens to go away... Anybody else notice this?
  19. wagner

    Gentle giant

    I'm being serious, I've not seen a single thing that: 1. Justifies the cop killing this kid 2. Justifies the need to rip a town apart via riots Media has created this mess and now since there are no more cops in riot gear, no more fires, no more ratings they have walked away. I'm in no way sold on why this kid (refuse to call him "unarmed teenager") needed to be shot. Why this use of force? I just can't wrap my mind around why this has blown up but there is no where near the fire storm over the guy that got lit up in beavercreek in the WalMart....
  20. wagner

    Gentle giant

    Still waiting on some facts on this whole deal, but why let facts get in the way of some good riots?
  21. I have a friend that loves to throw her "gamecock pride" out there and talk trash to anybody and everybody about how their team sucks and the SEC rulez. She posted pics from the game for a while, then her feed went silent for some reason, now I know why
  22. Thermometer will be here today (using the one Derrick posted). Smoker is put together and ready to be seasoned tonight. Going to get the stuff tonight for the brine and smoke. I might pull a bit of the salt out of the brine. I think for the outside of the bacon I will do a brown suger and papricka rub.
  23. Think I'm going to try this first http://www.smoking-meat.com/march-17-2011-bacon-wrapped-chicken-breasts
  24. I have seen all kinds of ways to prep and do it, pretty much like cars, everybody has their way and its the best. Meijer has the wood chip boxes on sale for $3 reach now. I got the smoker all put together and will season it Friday night.
  25. I'm thinking about smoking some bacon wrapped chicken breasts first. A nice easy first smoke
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