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Everything posted by wagner

  1. That's the kind of stupid I though you only could see in a movie. I guess he fails to realize all those lovely messages and posts can be recovered. Do what is right, throw that fool under the bus and smile as you back over him again, and again, and again :fuckyeah:
  2. You can rub a dogs nose in shit but that don't mean its going to learn not to take a dump in the kitchen...
  3. Miller is about to get both barrels of the CTD Ban Coach Gun to the chest :fuckyeah:
  4. Why bother? The guy is clueless, has not class, and generally seems like a world class asshole along with the people who he employs. I have run into a few of them and how they deal with the public is disturbing at best. Now, it really is fun to punt this guy around online and even more so since he ran from here like a scared kid after he got called out on his lies and Underground Racing showed up. I feel bad for people who buy a shit sammich from this dope. I'm waiting for when the place goes under to see if I can score any tools, parts, or maybe a lift on the cheap.
  5. That rule is a joke on a good day. Most tracks don't enforce it correctly and they should be more worried about parts flying off of some the junk cars they let slide through tech. We have multiple go pros on the car that go over 190 and not a single one has even moved. :lolguy:
  6. I think its in here some where (maybe), but from what I remember they tore up a Ford GT and blamed the customer somehow. There was a shop over at the NMCA finals that had a car there that also referenced this. From what those guys were saying CTD and anything that comes out of there is considered pretty much a joke.
  7. Good stuff. Using a flash helps to overcome that pesky hash sunlight. I'm in the process of getting the stuff together to build a rig that uses strobes off camera to help with day time shoots.
  8. NMCA World Finals http://waggz.smugmug.com/Cars/2014-NMCA-World-Finals/i-5M9dGSv/0/L/_MG_4870-L.jpg http://waggz.smugmug.com/Cars/2014-NMCA-World-Finals/i-V2VWGpk/0/L/_MG_4924-L.jpg http://waggz.smugmug.com/Cars/2014-NMCA-World-Finals/i-Sg4kJGf/0/L/_MG_4994-L.jpg http://waggz.smugmug.com/Cars/2014-NMCA-World-Finals/i-k3b6Fxf/0/L/_MG_5048-L.jpg http://waggz.smugmug.com/Cars/2014-NMCA-World-Finals/i-NnkspfB/0/L/_MG_5154-L.jpg http://waggz.smugmug.com/Cars/2014-NMCA-World-Finals/i-3chsCCx/0/L/_MG_5266-L.jpg
  9. Last week was the first full week I've spent more time at home than at the track. Here are some pictures from my very cold times at the track. Shakedown At The Summit http://waggz.smugmug.com/Cars/Shakedown-At-The-Summit-2014/i-zGzbJhP/0/L/_MG_4111-L.jpg http://waggz.smugmug.com/Cars/Shakedown-At-The-Summit-2014/i-nC29LGv/0/L/_MG_4165-L.jpg http://waggz.smugmug.com/Cars/Shakedown-At-The-Summit-2014/i-ffWM4nN/0/L/_MG_4358-L.jpg http://waggz.smugmug.com/Cars/Shakedown-At-The-Summit-2014/i-ZCxZ4fK/0/L/_MG_4393-L.jpg http://waggz.smugmug.com/Cars/Shakedown-At-The-Summit-2014/i-DG7rswm/0/L/_MG_4582-L.jpg
  10. From a media standpoint I find the buzz around all of this entertaining. America has ADD and forgets important stuff. Right now the big scary EBOLAAAAAA monster will get you, forget about all the other issues, OH LOOK A PONY
  11. http://news.yahoo.com/ebola-diagnosed-in-second-dallas-nurse-105542930.html Looks like those cats in Texas slept though the CDC's best practices video on how to deal with this mess :lolguy: I'm sure its nothing but unfounded fear still right? I mean we went from 0 cases in the US to how many now with one death?
  12. Added the final shots to this but will have some extra that will show up at some point.
  13. Congratulations. Ill throw more pictures up at some point. Just got home and I'm beat
  14. First person to person case confirmed
  15. http://www.dragzine.com/race-coverage/photo-extra-the-nmca-world-street-finals-from-indy/
  16. I really want a 5d mark iii, but my 70d is working well. You will like that 50mm, works great for static shots. Spend the money on a really nice tripod and head, trust me that's not an item to cheap out on.
  17. Glass makes a world of difference. That's a great lens and you took some great shots. Everything is completely composed properly, exposure is good, focal points are correct. The only idea I can offer is on the 3/4 shots is to turn the wheel slightly to show off the pretty shoes. I'm playing around this weekend with doing more low level and high level shots. Mix those in and really have fun.
  18. Well, its no secret there are a lot of people pissed off about GM High Tech getting cut. I got screwed in the deal due to articles not getting published and lost income. The old editor is trying to create an online only magazine that is as good if not better than what GM High Tech was. They picked up my story that I did on the Pro Charger install done at Pickups Plus Cars. http://www.gm-efi.com/2014/10/c7-gets-procharged/ I also shot a feature for the site on Ray's car that was supposed to be in GM High Tech that will be run later this year.
  19. Another feature I shot at Good Guys. This car is amazing, super nice family, wish my pictures could do the car justice. http://www.streetlegaltv.com/features/car-features/dominick-farbos-blizzard-mustang-one-cool-car/
  20. Welcome, you should now be able to see the rest of the insanity we have here...
  21. So what is the fix for this problem? My solution is to lock stuff down and stop allowing the spread. I've been seeing a lot of news reports from all over that officials in this country are not prepared or educated on what to do. I usually don't worry about stuff like this, but I've got a bad feeling the stupid of America is about to get exposed in a big way. I hope I'm wrong, but I'm going to be prepared just in case things get crazy for a week or 2. Here is the thing about life, it ain't fair, that's just how it is. If the .gov needs to lock shit down for the greater good and it screws a few people, oh well. I've been on the shit end of the stick and that's how things go. Put down your sense of entitlement and deal with it.
  22. I will be having meetings with them soon to see if things will move forward. After I have details there will be a new post.
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