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Everything posted by wagner

  1. Every time I see this thread bumped I think of the Prestige Worldwide scene in Step Brothers and imagine that is how any D.Wiggs presentation looks...
  2. Go in a straight line they said, its easy and anybody can do it they said.... http://bangshift.com/general-news/car-video-speed-demon-streamliner-crash-370-mph-incredible-george-poteet-ok/
  3. How do you know its been a bad day racing your car? When your legs end up outside the car where the windshield used to be.... Skip to 1:00 for why you should know when to lift...
  4. Phones are like guns, cars, god, and sexual preference: You are going to like what you like, you are going to do what you do, just don't try to cram it down my throat or there is a good chance I will make fun of you.
  5. I just need a phone that plays candy crush like a bauce and takes world class dick pictures, anything else is just a bonus.
  6. No 2000hp dyno graph no car. Like I said, this guy, his car, and his business is nothing more than a punchline in the industry. He's the only one that's not in on the joke...
  7. https://screen.yahoo.com/videos-for-you/wall-street-felon-stayed-mansion-222204238.html?vp=1
  8. I keep everything as clean and positive as possible. I'm far from a job hopper, I've been with my current company 8 years and my shortest term of employment was an internship at Disney
  9. Well, its not like people who know the area are not offering advice, that is being cast aside. http://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/marc-thiessen-obama-overrules-his-generals-in-fight-against-islamic-state/2014/09/15/0cff59a0-3ce1-11e4-9587-5dafd96295f0_story.html
  10. I do Linkedin and Facebook Stalk anybody that I interview with, that helped me learn a ton about the VPs and Directors before I talked with them. I asked very similar questions that some of you have mentioned and even asked about workflow, training, resources, ect. When I was asked why I was looking I explained that I had hit a "growth wall" and was looking to expand into something new and take on different challenges. Maybe its a total lack of self confidence but I struggle in selling myself, I'm literally a very simple person, what you see is what you get, I want to show up, become great at my job, and be treated with respect. Keep the ideas coming please, I want to be ready when the next opportunity rolls around. Yes, this was at Cardinal Health. I have e-mailed both the HR people that contacted me, one said the other will reach out to me, waited a week, contacted that person, still heard nothing. I went ahead and had my resume floated no a similar job there because I had heard nothing. That might come back to bite me, but I'm not the type to sit back in wait on stuff to happen, I want to make it happen.
  11. I am looking for a new job because there is no future for me where I'm at. I am one of the best at what I do and have hit the limit of where I can go. There is limited growth or movement, and its even worse because of the way favorites are played. It really has turned into this bizzaro adult high school thing and is made worse by the fact top level management put the clamps down on bonus potential, raises, perks, ect so they can "grow" how much money we make (i.e. fake growth to get more budget). I have no desire to move to any of the other offices in the company due to the limits that would follow at some point. Yes Bob, maybe meeting offline and having some beers would help me figure this out a bit more. I just know that I have no future here and it really is time to get the hell off this train before it gets any worse.
  12. I went though an interview process at Cardinal last month that was kind of crazy, at least for me. Total of 6 interviews, 3 with VPs, 2 with Directors, and one screening interview with the HR droid. I have no idea if I got this job, nobody has got back to me either way so I'm going to start getting ready to apply for more jobs and want to address some questions they tossed at me. I'm looking for ways to better reply to: 1. "Why are you looking for a new job" also asked as "Why are you looking to leave your current company/position?" 2. "Do you have any questions for me about the position?" I would like to here some useful ideas on how to attack these going forward. If there are any other tricky questions people can think of, have been asked, or ask during interviews I would love to hear them and a good answer. I have to get out of my current job or it will end up killing me
  13. Well since we pretty much laid out what we were going to do... http://news.yahoo.com/islamic-state-goes-underground-syrian-stronghold-160141929.html What a circus of fail and AIDS, who is running this show and calling the shots? I hope we keep boots off the ground because lord knows these turds in DC will set them up for failure.
  14. Your damn rape truck had to many people around it
  15. Yes, because arming and training people in that region has worked so well for us in the past. How freaking dumb are these elected officals? Have they not read a single freaking history book or seen what has happend in the past. We will just end up fighting the same people we arm and train later. Unreal...
  16. Bathroom shot from work will also get the job done :gabe:
  17. Send dicktures and say "oops my bad, thought this was my wife, who is this again?"
  18. Dude, that's pretty bad ass. That 401 Nailhead is a pretty bad ass motor to have in there and I would leave it. I'm a Wagon slut and I can tell you I did not see a single one of these at Goodguys.
  19. It blows my mind they are taking 60's technology with the tough rules they are under and make that power in a heavy car.
  20. I'm very lucky to get to travel all over to different kinds of races. I've seen records set, help set records, and been to some of the biggest dog and pony shows you will see at a track, but the Hemi Challenge is still on my list. These cars are the baddest bitches around. The level the racers operate at that wear the SS/AH badge is unreal. They squeeze every single pound of performance out of the cars, row gears, and pretty much set the bar in class racing.
  21. The guy is a punchline at this point and he has no idea. UGR did what he claimed he was going to do years ago in 6 months AND did it through an AWD system. I really feel sorry for anybody who buys this guys junk work or lines of BS. It makes me sick someone like him has the money to blow living the dream most of us would kill for. However, this fucktard also motivates me to be a better person and bust my ass to earn my way though life. I would love to take my "poverty" F-Body and make enough steam to punch the guts in on anything he owns.
  22. That Caddy was getting its picture taken more than a drunk chick flashing at a frat party. There are a few features of that car coming out soon. This was one of my favorite cars: very clean, well built, and different. http://waggz.smugmug.com/Cars/LS-Fest-2014/i-pwh9DNs/0/L/_MG_3674-L.jpg
  23. Why am I not shocked? I don't know who is more clueless, him, or his nuthuggers
  24. wagner


    So as I roll though my social media feeds I noticed something that made me sick to my stomach, a lack of respect. There are certain people ( if you can call them that) who feel the need to mock the “never forget” slogan, and come off very aloof about what 9/11 means. I want to ask these people if they are serious and if they understand what they are saying. I’ve never served, but I have a massive amount of friends and family who have. Some went over to fight after 9/11 and came back in one piece, others came back missing limbs, others came back with mental scars, and some never came back at all My company lost people in 9/11, people in our NY offce lost friends and family on the terrible day. The fact that there are people who mock their sacrifice and what happened to this country makes me want to rage out, but I have to remind myself you can’t fix stupid. To all of those who served, thank you for keeping us safe, we appreciate it. /rant
  25. Save up for the CTS-V, they are one of the best looking and sounding cars out there. A guy had one in the all access class and was beating on it during Auto X and just letting the car rip down the drag strip. That blower at full tilt screaming down the track with the exhaust he had on it just sounded killer. If I ever get a real job I think one of these cars will be something I spoil myself with.
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