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Everything posted by wagner

  1. I've been doing a lot of research on this smoker and lots of people find the unit lasts longer and has some performance advantages to adding more lava rocks. The lava rocks also help to protect the heating element. The chips and chip box are also something I've seen a lot of people use. The box gets placed directly on top of the the lava rocks. I've seen it done all different ways, and I might even try the chunk method. I saw one video that a guy was smoking wings and he put the chips in soup cans and pad the soup cans touching the element.
  2. Don't know yet, I have never smoked meat so this could end in a trip to taco bell for dinner :lolguy:
  3. What kind of smoker do you have? Just got the Brinkmann, lava rocks, and some chips. I'm going to get a chip box tonight and start to break this bitch in.
  4. She's usually the person we are screaming at to "get the fuck out of the way" so we can try and help. We had a scary situation at Milan a few weeks ago.... I was behind the car helping get Ray lined up, Andrew was in front putting him in the beams. All of the sudden I see the starter telling the guy we are running to cut the car and he has a fire extinguisher in his hands. I thought that car had another nitrous pop and small fire (happens to them all the time). All the sudden I see Ray trying like hell to get out of the car and telling us to push the car back. Turns out the car in the other lane had a fuel line failure and was dumping every drop of fuel on the track. The starter was not really getting the point across it was fuel, and that could have ended really bad for all of us. TLDR; when at the track pay attention and make sure you are being very clear with others what a problem is.
  5. This is what happens when a torque converter just wants to be set free.
  6. Need to work on that front half tune up so it will be quicker on the back half
  7. I really does give it better taste (hence why I will get one some day). but is just to laobor-ific for me right now. If I can score a used webber I will take it and use it for those special times when I can make sure and tend it right.
  8. If I go non-electric that will be what I get. I want electric right now for the time factor, I don't want to sit around all day and screw with adding coals/wood. AIN'T NOBODY GOT TIME FOR DAT
  9. I'm torn between the Brinkman at Home Depot and the Old Smokey at Lowes. The Old Smokey gives more temp control, but is sealed so some complain it robs away the juices on some smokes. The Brinkman allows for more of a traditional smoke and crust, but does not have the temp control.
  10. I've been 11.20's at 120 and not a word was said. Trails tech is a joke, they have no idea what they are doing. If you argue with them they will make your life hell, you have to know how to deal with them. After my car started to run below 11.50 without out issue it was time to put the roll bar in. Trying to skirt safety rules is not very smart and I should not have done it as much as I did. I've seen plenty of people walk away from bad wrecks because they followed the rules, I've also seen the outcome of when you think "that rule is dumb and I'll be fine", its not fun.
  11. Got that thermometer, now I just need a smoker to go with it
  12. Thanks! I've put some on Facebook, but not sure if I will share all of them.
  13. Keeper shots from the Norwalk Weekend http://waggz.smugmug.com/Cars/NMCA-Norwalk-2014/i-SKrQVb3/0/L/_MG_3188-L.jpg http://waggz.smugmug.com/Cars/NMCA-Norwalk-2014/i-bfCLPsG/0/L/_MG_3251-L.jpg http://waggz.smugmug.com/Cars/NMCA-Norwalk-2014/i-x2sRPf5/0/L/IMG_2717-L.jpg http://waggz.smugmug.com/Cars/NMCA-Norwalk-2014/i-WgbdGHJ/0/L/IMG_3108-L.jpg Full Gallery
  14. I don't think about it to be honest. It would have to be a pretty nasty crash for you to hit your head on the main hoop. Now, a car with a 9.99 or quicker cage would not be something I would drive on the street a lot. That halo bar is the killer there.
  15. We just put in a wolfe bolt-in a while back in my car. Driven it a few times and its not that bad. If you don't plan on going quicker than 10.00 its not a bad deal with the swing outs and you don't have to worry about getting booted.
  16. Was that an internal for the meat or external for the smoker? I would like to get one of each. I've been researching these and now have become torn on what to get.
  17. What kind of thermometer are you using to check the meat temps?
  18. More understanding in these 2 posts than by any president elected in the past 30 years....
  19. They weigh more as they sit right now, and at these speeds that is a big problem. They are also a lot bigger handful to drive. IF something were to happen the result would be terrible. We're taking overcoming the belts, HANS, and about every other safety measure bad. The amount of mass these cars have and going this quick mixed with that MPH is just unreal.
  20. Well, first off whatever the NHRA does it will be stupid and wrong, like make the add weight to the cars. That will slow them down for a minute, until they figure out a way around that, then they will be heavy as fuck and fast as hell. I really don't know how you can slow down a class like this, the only rules are the safety rules, that's it. You meet safety and besides that its run what you brung and hope its enough. So right now they are legal to the letter of the law so the NHRA is going to look like a fool no matter what. If they don't find a way to slow these cars down by the Shakedown at Norwalk in October you could see these guys hit the 5.30s because Norwalk is a better track than STL...
  21. 5.47 @272 in a Pro Mod :fuckyeah: That is pushing into top alcohol dragster territory kids. These guys have monster truck titty sized balls to run these things out the back this fast. The record was actually set and reset several times, but word on the street NHRA is going to put a stop to this insanity.... Record pass First 270 mph pass in a door car AAANNDDD the fastest side by side door car race EVER. The in-car is just nuts to see the fucking turbo car drive around the screw blower car.
  22. :dumb: :dumb: :dumb: :dumb: http://news.yahoo.com/foley-describes-captivity-letter-family-020150708.html
  23. Really thinking about picking one of these up. Since I'm a total new guy to this, what wood are you using? I'm at work right now and can't youtube search this smoker you use and how it works.
  24. It was a crazy weekend between crewing for Ray and doing some media stuff. I took a ton more pictures but this is all I had time to edit and upload. After I recover I might edit the rest and post them. http://www.dragzine.com/race-coverage/nmca-coverage/norwalk-nmca-muscle-car-nationals-photo-special/
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